RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Ninja looting became much more common with rdf. I am sure blizzard has the stats to back that up as well. Its likely also why they added personal loot as the default system for those using rdf as retail progressed.

I’d much rather have some loot nabbed by a ninja occasionally than spend all day trying to get into a group everyone reject me because I’m xx class and end up with nothing anyway…


making a new character on a different realm than your main isn’t starting over; you still have all the characters you had before you made the new character.

not only is it unrelated to RDF or the reasoning behind its removal, people already do this with or without RDF.

you dont know what is natural from one person to the next. each player is different, and makes different choices than you would expect.

where is the data? and compared to without RDF.

blizzard doesn’t recognize ninja looting. try reporting someone for it.

it’s not.

retail is a different game compared to any iteration of classic, it’s incomparable.

these excuses and examples don’t add to your position on why you think blizzard’s reasoning is justified.
RDF doesn’t change player behavior. The player chooses how they play and interact with others.

people already ninja loot without RDF. because there are people who’s nature it is to behave in such a way. RDF isn’t going to spawn more of these people, these people already exist, even in classic.

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Speak for yourself.

Creating an alt on another server to play with someone is not starting over. You have no clue what starting over really is, until you have been in my shoes.

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Lets see

Start at lvl 1. No gold, no bags, no gear, no achievements, exc. Ya sounds like starting over.

Never said you lost your other characters, but while playing this new character on a new realm you cannot benefit from the achievements/gold/exc of the old characters.

The conditions around the player change. This changes how they behave.

Its like if you are trying to eat healthy. Do you think it is easier to eat healthy when there is junk food in the house, or no junk food in the house?
Its when there is no junk food in the house, because now it causes extra effort to go get junk food because you have to leave your home to do so now.

Changing conditions changes behavior to a degree.

What about losing a home in the 2020 Australian Black Summer Bushfires then losing another home to the 2022 New South Wales floods. You want to call what you said starting over, try what “starting over” really means.

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you can trade gold between servers, i’m sure players have their main character they go for achievements on, and alts are not as focused on; nobody said you needed to make a new main to play with new friends across servers. just a character that you could use would suffice;

starting a level 1 on a different server that a friend plays on actually has its benefits, depending on how bad you and your friend want to play together, the journey to catch up can be really short, and not as bad as you are trying to make it out to be; not only that, you get to socialize with your friend along the way and has potential to be very enjoyable for both.

that’s a mindset, in reality you still have all your other characters’ progress available to you, but now you also have a new character to play with your friend or friends who aren’t playing on the same server as you.

see above, you can trade gold between servers.

the conditions are the same

you are able to remove players from RDF the same way you would in an LFG pug if they ninja loot; in either scenario with a ninja looter, you can’t do anything to prevent them from ninja looting. anybody who behaves in this way will do so.

sorry dude your real life analogies need some work, ninja looting is the in-game equivalent to kleptomania, in-fact that is what kleptomania is, the urge to steal things.
RDF isn’t going to cause people to develop a mental condition such as kleptomania.

kleptomaniacs will ninja loot with or without RDF, as they already do.

work on your analogies :rofl:

Its in the context of a video game starting over, because we are discussing a video game last i checked.

Real life sucks, i will agree with you on that.

For a cost of real money to transfer a character sure. So if that is your mindset i am guessing you are a whale that just throws money at the game? Whats the price of gold right now then?

Tell me you buy gold and boosts without telling me you buy gold and boosts.

unrelated to topic but okay

Starting a new character on a different server than your main isn’t starting over, it’s starting a new character.

starting over is getting your account permanently banned.

especially your real life analogies

people trade in-game gold cross-server, it’s not a new concept, and is quite common especially between friends.

looks like you are getting worked up with your assumptions, you should lay off the adderall.


nah no LFD. I find a lot of friends on the servers i belong too because i can only group with them. Keep the Community As a Community.

RDF doesn’t remove your ability to do so.

say that to free transfers off 15k queue servers. :rofl:

RDF isn’t going to hurt your server’s community at all, what’s left of your community after server queues / free transfers will still remain with RDF.

it’s funny you think that RDF alone could ever put a dent into what the queue times / free transfers will do and has already done to the server communities.


Oh? Ok, wanna know how I got my original account terminated in Feb, 2010? Want to know what “starting over” really means?

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i feel your pain, i know exactly how that goes

modern blizzard doesn’t have the same integrity they used to.

dont worry so much about the troll though he is reupping on adderall for his next attempt to debate me.

just get some popcorn if you ran out already :smiley:

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In a way, I blamed blizzard for my own actions that happened back then, and I stopped playing WoW for 2 years. Guess could say I was acting childish.

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similar situation i experienced, but dang did i miss that account later. but by the time i missed it the game had already changed dramatically; all the TCG loot and blizzcon loot i lost with it hasn’t mattered to me for a long time now.

we were all less mature and/or wise 12 years ago

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Let’s be real. You had been the biggest toxic troll in the Classic forum since TBC Classic where you were ranting on about how you don’t want changes and QOL in your Classic bubble.

You’ve constantly shared about how you didn’t want Dual Spec in TBC Classic because it’s QOL reasons and also you kept telling people to learn how to earn gold to change talent, and yet in WOTLK, you are literally doing the same type of toxic and nasty awful attitude saying that you don’t want QOL for people to have the right to use RDF.

This is how I see you as a player: You are entitled, you dont’ want others to succeed since if they are also surpassing the content like you, you won’t earn the right to gain advantage comparing to others. As far as I know, you had been deliberately trolling players who had been seeking for QOL, and it’s getting really tiring.

You kept bragging about you having your own circle of friends where you don’t feel the necessity to seek out for PUGs, so why do you even care if people want RDF? The only way I see it is, you just don’t want people to enjoy the game.


i’m just glad he isn’t toxic enough to not provide me with a form of entertainment, i wasn’t even aware of his history; i never really had an urge to use the forums much outside this topic