RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Sure you have. You keep telling yourself thats logic you are using. Wont make it true.

absolutely, level 10 worgen hunter

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prove i havn’t

see above



You think giving a passing hello people you will never see again is more social than having a conversation with someone that regularly goes to places you go to.

that’s not proof of me not using logical explanations to disprove blizzard’s reasons/theory.

that is a false assumption and false premise, you’ve concluded i’ve not used logical explanations to disprove blizzard’s theory and reasons based on what you believe i think.

regardless if what you believe i think is correct or not, your assumption isn’t proof that the explanations i’ve presented to disprove the theory which this topic is focused on aren’t logical.

furthermore to stay on topic, RDF doesn’t limit or take away your ability of having conversations regularly with people from your own server. you can still have those conversations with or without RDF, hence why “protecting social experience” is a fallacy as to the reasoning in the tools removal in the first place, it is contradictory at best, hypocritical at worst considering what other changes blizzard has made to the game to begin with, on top of the toxicity they promoted by dividing the community over it, in sake of “protecting social experience.”

you must try better than that.

You simply saying that you can’t make friends in a dungeon through Dungeon Finder and do stuff with friends?

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I have friends, we don’t always play at the same times. I’d like to do dungeons when they are not on as well. I put in the work to make a group. Sometimes it’s easy to find people, often times it’s not.

To just blatantly call people lazy and bad at making friends is kind of cringe ngl


Cause it’s not about the features, whether they were in the game or not. RDF was in the game for 3.3 and the current client is 3.4 so it should be ok the game. They don’t care about the integrity of “classic” they care about trolling and making all the other people miserable cause they can. That’s it


The sad thing is, most Anti RDFers will not realize this is satire. Blizzard probably will not either now that I think about it.

/Pro RDF
/Pro Wrath


Kinda’ like weed leads to crack. It’s all just a path of destruction!


i like to call them the LOUD minority.


Playing a game just because you want someone to console you and ask about your life story every dungeon lol. Also saying RDF contributed AT ALL to a games decline, a game that HAD to fall off at some point, is laughable. Unless someone wants to show me a single game that has had nothing but pure INCLINE in subscriptions and/or playerbase for 15 years straight. That doesnt exist.
RDF NOT being in the game 10 years later when most people are actually grown now, dont need to be spoon fed with pats on the back while we play. When i get home from work, i want to hop right into a dungeon. Not wait 39 minutes to find a group, 10 minutes to get there, and another who knows how long to complete it. (Don’t forget the 5+ hour Queue before hand LOL) Thats almost as troll as this new
completetly biased report feature, that can get you a week long ban for simply saying the F word, in an online game rated T, not E lol. Anyway had to get off topic for a sec, gonna enjoy waiting hours to play a game that i’m also paying monthly for + the 80$ Wrath privillege on top of that to sit in said Queue​:blush:. Tell me what game you can remeber that was over $100 and you had to wait 6 hours to play it, or get forced onto a dull, dead, and boring server that will be empty in 2 months, then you will be paying another 25$ to leave said dead server. So in less than 2 months, you have paid over 160$ for this experience and privillege​:rofl::rofl: Very Clever. How is RDF NOT in the game with these Queue times? Stretching Subs much? Enjoy


I think if anything to be honest all RDF showed was exactly how the community already was.


Go get a friend that plays on a seporate realm and tell me how easily you can group with their chwracter from the ither realm to do quests, or even trade items.

it’s very easy, you aren’t limited to playing on only one server.


So, you’re saying it is very hard to create an alt on another realm, and play with them?

How many more excuses are you going to add to this argument?


I am 100% for a dungeon finder tool… just not one that looks cross server. The moment cross server play opened up things like ninja looting become commonplace.

cross-realm RDF doesn’t change player behavior, the people who would do that would behave as such without cross-realm RDF as they already do. hence why black lists are needed.

would you ninja loot in your RDF dungeons because it’s cross-realm? the source of the behavior is from the player, not the tool.


Many people dont want to essentially start over to play with a new friend. Sure some people might do so. But i would bet most won’t do so to play with someone they met through rdf.

Knowing human nature isnt an excuse.