RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Spent the whole night last night in the LFG tool queued up for the 3 dungeons available to low levels in Northrend while questing. Not a single invite received. Tool is useless if you’re not spamming. With RDF I probably could have gotten a few dungeon runs in during that time.


Shush your mouth - LFG is a miracle. Last week I was feeling REALLY anti social and mean, so I listed myself and those feeling immediately went away. With every “LF2M H MT” I felt more joyous inside.

H MT was a dream. There was much laughing and merriment … a memory I shall treasure always. I felt so renewed I even called my mother in law afterwards and we had the BEST chat. Two of the LFG group members are now happily engaged. I’m going to be the maid of honor because LFG made us that close.

Meanwhile, I hear sociologists and psychologists are conducting studies using LDF as a way to rehabilitate serial killers. So far the results have been ASTOUNDING. They’ve found that immediately upon listing yourself, anti social behaviors disappear and are replaced with kindness and understanding.

LFG is a treasure that will eventually change humanity forever. And just think . . . we were here to see it all unfold.


Im a huge fan of the LFG tool thus far. Meeting stones are bumpin to the point I can typically find a party in /say

The extra time over RDF insta port is negligible, now people actually will know where the instance is, which is good.

Theres a human picking you, so reputation can matter, as will forming regulars. This has worked out really well for myself and a lot of others.

The only real advantage of RDF vs LFG tool is the insta port, and you can be an absolute piece of trash in dungeon and still find parties. Id trade the first to keep the second point here.

What blows me away, is how close LFG is to RDF, yet such heated passions for RDF by some. Still assuming the most vocal RDF supporters are just people who no one would group with given the choice. I mean the OP here, and others, is acting like LFG is spamming chat…you literally click a box of the instance and go quest…just like RDF…

My LFG experience has been wonderful.

Just the other day I was invited seven times to heroics I wasn’t even queued for, no matter that I had already run them and was locked for the day, just so excited I was still invited.
Twice in that same day we had amazing conversations about one (or more) of the group not having the key or even rep to buy a key. This was a wonderfully exciting development after spending 20+ minutes waiting for somebody to meet me at the stone for Mech and summoning our crew.
A couple days before that I had a great conversation with a fella who insisted I could heal after inviting me to his group while I was queued as DPS on my enhance sham.
I could just go on and on about how great these new and exciting social interactions are.


This is a moot point right? I suggest finding a different coping method for this issue.

SoloQ is the number one arena related thing being requested on retail right now.

Go on retail and try and form a group for a heroic dungeon that you won’t be using the dungeon finder to get into. Not a guild group or a friend group a pug, try pulling together a pug this way. Protip: you can’t. Because anyone who would be interested in running heroics at this point is already doing so through the tool.


After last night I no longer care about classic servers because players are playing like retail. WotLK combat is basically retail. Might as well add LFD/LFR to WotLK classic because there is nothing classic about WotLK classic.

I understand this was in wrath back in the day, but these types of arguments led retail to be what it is today. Classic is better without RDF.

Dont have to.

Wotlkc doesnt have rdf so I am happy.


I got a tank and healer pretty quick using the tool and did some nexus runs.

Then again i actually used the tool properly.

If only we could get world leaders to partake in LFG, there would be no more wars. Peace and freedom around the globe!


I agree with almost everything you said. Well-thought-out post with great points.


RDF does not cost you opportunity. players choice does.

what does that have to do with RDF? if a player chooses to play on a different server regardless of the reason, that is where the opportunity cost comes into play; RDF doesn’t force people off of their server.

some people play multiple accounts on different servers at the same time. not everybody plays the same way as you do.

no, it doesn’t. it shows how easily offended or attacked one feels when being mocked over failing to prove your position against logic when you give a such a reaction to something as small as that. just because you got mocked doesn’t mean his point or challenge is invalid.

see above

you keep failing to hold a logical example for the argument

blizzard’s reasons for defending social experience does not justify the removal of RDF, and is in fact contradictory and hypocritical.

this is an example to support your position on the argument, albeit false
RDF will not reduce your chances of socializing and making friends from other servers, it only increases your chance because you wouldn’t have been able to interact with them in a dungeon without RDF in the first place.

that is not what RDF is designed to do, but with RDF you will meet people cross server that you can befriend and do those things with on either server each player plays on. you wouldn’t be meeting this part of the community without RDF.

RDF isn’t designed for this either, you will have that ability to do so with or without RDF for your cross-server friends as stated above.

RDF allows players to leave and reenter dungeon if they need to vendor/grab consumables.
You wont need to trade with players from RDF groups, ever; though it is still possible to trade conjured items with RDF, which is what most people trade with eachother in dungeons or battlegrounds anyways.

we are at the forefront of peak social experience with LFG tool. thank god for daddy blizzard doing what’s best for us.

it sounds like RDF wouldn’t be an issue for you then.

peak social experience.

People who don’t know where the instance still get summoned to the instance, nothing changes with RDF in that regard.

there’s also humans in your RDF group, which can vote to kick you if you don’t behave respectfully; The same outcome will happen to a disrecpectful player in RDF as it would with LFG tool.

anecdotal experience is great. same thing with RDF.

RDF allows you to find more players to do group activity with

this is how LFG tool currently works.

you still havn’t addressed the benefit of finding more players to group with, which many players are currently struggling with at certain times, or certain servers/factions.

pointing out the contradicting and hypocritical reasons blizzard removed the tool to begin with should warrant that, especially when it hurts the playerbase.

peak social acceptance. :clown_face:

give me an example where people aren’t just spamming to fill their group in LFG chat.

yes, except more players are available to group with you in RDF, which is what alot of players currently need it for, and many more will need it later on in the expansion.

SoloQ isn’t a wotlk feature.

some people cannot currently do this even without RDF, they dont have the numbers of available players to even form their groups, which RDF would fix by grouping from a larger pool of players than LFG can.

read above

yet here we are, where many players are experiencing not being able to group because not enough players are there to support the current LFG tool.

LFR isn’t a wotlk feature, and it wouldn’t be adding RDF, it would be re-enabling it since they removed it from their new “version” of wotlk.

it’s going to lead to retail either way as long as they keep going down the rabbit hole with future expansions. with or without RDF.
hence cata classic, where actual retention of subscribers was lost from start to finish.

it’s not, current WOTLK needs RDF, many people are already experiencing the issues you get when you dont have RDF, it only gets worse the longer the expansion goes.

great for you, now what about the rest of the people experiencing the issues created by removing RDF?

anecdotal experiences are moot at this point to support your position for the removal of an essential wotlk tool which is mainly beneficial to dead or lowly populated servers/factions. try better

how cool of you to be snarky after failing to prove blizzard’s reason for removing the actual wotlk tool justified the removal.

I’m happy you are enjoying a retail feature in classic wow that is LFG tool. :clown_face:


“Community” to me is leveling with others I encounter in the world, grouping up with people for quests etc. If I want to do a dungeon, I don’t want to sit and stare at a chat for an hour. That’s not a fun social experience, in my opinion of course…

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exactly why RDF is a great tool, because when a player chooses they dont want to dungeon and level at a slower rate, they will still have the option to go and play with their own server’s community outside that RDF group.

literally this, people who can’t find groups or players to fill their group which meet the required role, still get bombarded with spam in LFG channel that is unfilterable by game features and is mostly unrelated to the dungeon or activity the player is looking for.

sitting waiting for someone to join your group while watching LFG chat spam is not a great social experience, let alone one at all.


In your opinion.

Blizzard and many others disagree with you, but you are entitled to your opinions. Doesnt make you right though.

in my opinion RDF is needed. yesterday i tried to do BRD for 3 hours, id walk all the way there but nobody wanted to do a 20 minute walk to join me so id be sitting at the summoning stone just waiting and people just start leaving… and this is during peak hours. try to fill a group during the later hours of the night its not possible.


i’ve used logical explanations to disprove their theory/reasoning.

many may feel that they dont agree with others over logically based positions on an argument and claim they are right, yet they will still try time and time again to disprove said logic with fallacies and anecdotal experiences which doesn’t hold weight in a logical argument. RDF doesn’t hinder social experiences, the players choose how they socialize in this game, not the tools they use.

logic proves my point why their reasoning is contradictory, let alone hypocritical.
it’s illogical to say a tool in the game which doesn’t limit or take away your ability to communicate with others in the game will hinder your social experience within the game.


This is because anti cross-realm grouping makes up for a very, very small percentage of the playerbase. These are what you call ‘gatekeepers’


Anything you dont like is gatekeeping right?