RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

You can whisper them across realms and literally socialize to your hearts content. Begone troll.


he wouldn’t be satisfied with that social experience though, he needs them to run dungeons with him too! all of his friends must meet that standard. :rofl:

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And yet you cant chose to group with them.

You are ignoring that fact.

So now you have something agaist the Amish?

you indeed can if their connection with you means enough for you to play with them again.

it’s a false statement because you aren’t ever limited to only playing on your server.


Ok, you have fun leaving your guild and friends behind to go play with someone you met through rdf. Oh wait, you wont.

Why does playing an alt on another server equate to nuking your presence on another server clown?


some people play multiple servers, and hold friendships not only across servers or factions, but multiple games. you wouldn’t be leaving your guild to play an alt; i dont have all my alts in the same guild or do all my raiding in the same guild, not every body plays the same way you do.

i feel like you know me so well, we have this real connection. :rofl:


Been there, done that, am willing to do it again. Just because you want to be miserable with your life.

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I mean, what was one argument from the Anti-RDF Crowd? “Dungeon Finder stops people from socializing and making friends.”

What did Redheadchild just confirm.

Dungeon Finder doesn’t stop you from socializing and making friends.


he makes it seem like making an alt with a new friend from rdf is cheating on his guilds/current friends :rofl:

maybe they are the jealous type :rofl:

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Cheating with guilds… What kind of person does that :rofl:

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dungeon finder fine. cross realm dungeon finder NOT FINE. simple as that

it would be pointless without cross-realm, LFG already does the same thing without cross-realm.

even more pointless on servers that need it the most. simple-minded to think otherwise


Cross Realm RDF is what we had originally, and this is what the majority wants.

The anti-RDF people are the same people that are anti-crossrealm stuff. And it’s THE SAME people that tell other people to transfer to a soon-to-be dead server if they don’t want 8 hours queues. And THE SAME people that tell the people that transferred that “it’s their problem they transferred and can’t find people to play with now.”

Most of those people don’t even care about “realm uniqueness”. They just want to be anti-something. “Oh WOW I’m on a megaserver that is almost exactly as this other megaserver. Oh, I can’t farm materials. Oh, I don’t want those people camping the NPC I want.” Those people actually despise most of their interactions, but hey, they just want too say how much they are anti-RDF.


Straight up! Especially for those with children who don’t play religiously like unemployed losers…

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Have you heard of the concept of opportunity cost?

If you do X you cant do Y. The opportunity cost of doing X is Y. If you are playing on server one you cannot play on server 2 at the same time (without buying and layong for a second account).

So if you go play on a new server you are now absent from your previous server while you play on the new one. Effectively “nuking” your presence from your first server while you play on the other.

The fact you feel the need to try and insult and belittle shows how little you are actually thinking on your replies and more so going on feeling.

Review my post on opportunity costs.

Except this wasnt the argument?

The argument is it reduces the chances people will do so because of the nature of cross realm grouping not being something you can actively do in classic. It means you cant invite that “cross realm friend” to do a dungeon by choice, or a raid, or a grouo quest, or farm a spot in the world together, or even trade him vendor water so he can get mana back quicker.

lol nothing against, but if you would rather churn your own butter then go do it on a backwoods private server

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