RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

so what you’re saying is you don’t want to put in the miniscule amount of effort it takes to join a group

it is an mmorpg. one of, if not the greatest ever made. if you don’t like mmo features theres many single player games out there that don’t require you to create/join a group of people.

Classic Era also exists for exactly what you want.

But this is Wrath, and Wrath had RDF.


RDF takes the same effort to join a group as LFG tool, but that’s not why blizzard removed it.

tell us how great retail is

most mmo’s have tools to group with players for dungeons across server, like original wotlk did.

RDF doesn’t change the fact that dungeons are group content, regardless of the fact that some classes can solo said content. RDF does the same if not better job than the current retail LFG tool which is implemented in wotlk classic, while at the same time not changing the group or social aspect of dungeon content.


How the heck does wanting a Dungeon Finder tool to make it easier grouping for “GROUP CONTENT” turns into a single player game.


it absolutely doesn’t


The good ole days.


If thats the way you want to view it, sure thats what I mean.

I did it 5 years your way before WoW launched, from Vanilla through mid-Wrath your way. Ended up stopped playing characters because I kept getting constant whispers demanding I tank or heal for groups because I ran a few with people. I dont need the drama

If I get RDF, I will be the healer or tank for everyone else all day long. Like I said in another thread, I am cool with a hookup. I ain’t looking for a long term commitment.


RDF was a welcome addition to the game and those pining for no RDF saying “make friends” “join a guild” don’t seem to understand that wotlk classic doesn’t have 10 million players. Probably struggling to hit 20,000.

There are not enough players to support this gimped system.


Eh, I dunno about the numbers, honestly, I don’t know what the true numbers are. But many people will quit through the expansion, some may quit to life, some may quit to getting bored or some may quit to Dragonflight. All I know is that the Anti-RDF will be the ones soon requesting for Dungeon Finder when they struggle to find a group.


Thats one heck of an assumption you are trying to pass as a fact with 0 backing evidence.

Its a known fact there are far more than 20k players playing wotlkc.

Heck some of the mega servers are around 50k+ for one server.

Just wasted 30 minutes trying to do normal nexus. Had a tank and 2 dps (including me). By the time we found a healer the tank had to go and group disbanded. No new friends were made, just a complete and utter waste of time. Bring LFD back please. Not everyone is:

A: on a high population server.

B: in a super best friends guild that all play at the same time.

There was a reason LFD was introduced and it was because of issues just like we described. It amazes me they will nerf content on these classic servers but not actually release the features that accompany them.


Watching you guys congratulate each other makes the whole pro RDF crowd look like doofuses.

Going to be honest with you all - I’m going to 100% call the reason you can’t get groups is because you’re all whack jobs. People pick up on it and they are like “ehh the guy spouting conspiracy theories in /lfg is probably not a good group mate”.


You are marked as a troll for a good reason.

There was a 13K queue on Faerlina and that wasn’t even the highest…

And you’re thinking there aren’t 20k players…?


watching people religiously defend blizzard’s hypocritical reasoning for removing wotlk features is too fun to not call out, sorry you dont get it yet.

do you honestly believe blizzard removing rdf protects social experience :rofl:

that sounds socially accepting, to be toxic like that just because your opinion is different than theirs. :rofl:

this sounds like a conspiracy theory to me, nobody can read LFG chat since it’s filled with spam, atleast on servers that you can actually find people to group up with on.

keep reaching, arbiter of truth :clown_face:
if this ain’t satire :rofl:


And where have I said it is a fact. You mean to say it is actually true because you’re the one claiming it as a fact?


You presented it as fact by how you worded it.

“All i know is” followed by a statement is an indirect way of stating what you “know” is a fact.

Its how you worded it that implies what followed as a fact to you.

PREACH bro. Anti-RDF crowd are the Amish of wow community: rejecting tech/QoL improvements


“All I know” can be used as a fact or opinion.

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