RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Weren’t you guys all quitting because you weren’t getting RDF? Can you–I don’t know… do that? Thanks.

-Someone on an overpopulated wrath server.

Something you say vs something Blizz stated… mmk I’m gonna lean on the company making the game.

If the effort is so menial then why are so many complaining about how hard it is?


We all make different kinds of friends. Personally, I like to have pleasant interactions with people that are temporary. It doesn’t have to lead to anything more than that. Knowing that you had a positive experience for a short period of time is just as valid.

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-Someone who’s gonna play but still wants RDF…

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Anti-RDF or for RDF I don’t care can people just get over it?

They’ve made their choice now move on. Find a guild if you want a social experience, make some friends idk.

You can still manually form groups and never speak a word to anyone.

Social interaction is a 2 way street. It isn’t really something that can be “made” to happen.

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I talk to who I want, being in a dungeon group most of my chat goes like this
Thanks for having me
Good Run, thanks

RDF means my social interactions would increase because I would be saying those things more often.


Literally no guild does this lmao

Blizzard removing RDF is the equivalent of a teacher sitting 2 kids who don’t get along beside each other and expecting them to “play nice” :joy:


A man of the people!!! Yes! Blizz, please take his post seriously!

I’m in a guild, I’ll Tank dungeons in a guild group, my “social immersion” is already saturated. But I’m also the player who has 45min to do a quick dungeon or two early mornings and at weird times. As a tank I don’t want to mess around with forming a group, traveling, summoning ext. I want to click a button, organize mail, professions, raid prep, and when the queue pops take it. I’m definitely not the only player who feels this way.

I understand the gearing point of view in the ScottyJ vid. I hate to break it to you blizz, the sweaty tryhards are going to be optimally geared no matter what. This hurts the casuals that only have an hour or two to play. They’re too many options for entertainment nowadays and to force people to spend their time with arbitrary inefficiency will absolutely put people off.

Blizz, ride this hype wave of WotLK, pump it up with positive energy. It’s arguably the best expansion in wow and you have nostalgia on your side. Fill the sandbox with cool toys and let the kids play as they see fit.


he posted flailed his keyboard so frantically that he didnt even take time to comprehend my point LOL.
that, or he lacks the ability to do so.

probably the latter. but we should be nicer to this poor guy. he is getting straight up bullied on these forums at this point.

You have still yet to listen to and acknowledge one downside. This is different.

On my end, I know RDF has positives and negatives.

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people will behave how they want with or without punishment; just because you blacklisted one character, doesn’t stop them from behaving the same way on another.

are you are trying to punish players beyond kicking them from your 5man dungeon content for their behavior?

RDF doesn’t remove your ability to use blacklists for players on your server.

RDF also doesn’t take it away from you. you can still blacklist as many people as you desire to meet your social experience standards with or without it.

you can do the same thing with or without RDF.

still a possibility if you are determined enough to play together with RDF enabled.

doesn’t require either of those things, you can make a character on your new friend’s server without losing your characters on your main’s server and vice versa.

RDF doesn’t improve your chances of doing that just like without it your chances aren’t greater for that to happen with someone from a different server or faction than you.

that choice would be up to the player, not the tool; with or without it.

you can definitely trade with players from other realms, i’ve traded plenty of gold across servers, people do this more frequently than you may think.

RDF allows party members to leave and reenter the dungeon to grab what they need, no trading necessary for RDF even for the unprepared. but if you really felt the need to give them food/water you should have been prepared yourself with mage water/food, again RDF doesn’t stop you from doing that.

many people ask for water/food just for this reason, guess they are more prepared for the unprepared than you are. RDF isn’t going to limit your ability to do this either.

RDF doesn’t force you to suffer through dungeons like that, you can exit to go pickup food/water at your leisure, stop reaching so hard.

you still have yet to prove that with any examples this far.

see above.

still no examples to prove that have been presented.

what are the examples to support your position on that?

see above

see above as well

you dont need to do that since players are able to leave and reenter the same instance with RDF, not only that they can queue for dungeons anywhere so they would literally be able to queue outside the inn for better preparedness.

there aren’t, and you havn’t provided any examples that prove that, only examples that can be disproven with logic.

RDF isn’t a “hyper efficenty” system; it is the same as pugging with LFG tool. you still have to wait for other players who are ready to participate.

Dungeons will already give bonus loot with or without RDF, hence healer/tank incentives. RDF won’t change that.

that analogy doesn’t make sense when comparing a tool used for dungeons that does the same thing as the LFG tool does, but gives you more people to play with instead.

it’s because blizzard has money in their influencers’ pockets.

the experience is there with or without this one tool, RDF doesn’t take away from the experience.

how socially accepting you are

removing RDF will only reinforce the idea that mega servers are required to play this game, hence why everybody is pushing towards the same servers since they can’t rely on blizzard to make decisions that will help the community play together in the long run, cross server.

daddy blizzard has your best interests in mind, just take their word for it :clown_face:

don’t forget they also made retail

nobody here is complaining about the content.

see above.

get over blizzard gaslighting people to believe that they are protection the “social experience” by removing an original wotlk feature, RDF?
guess we should trust everything daddy blizzard says, especially when they triple down on it after being shown their hypocrisy.

people already do this and RDF wouldn’t take that ability away from them

people are going to be lazy without RDF or with it; RDF doesn’t change that, neither does it introduce the only method of teleportation to a dungeon. meeting stones are still going to be available, warlocks can still summon you into the instance.
pointing this out doesn’t sound anything like what you describe, i’m sorry you didn’t get it.

you should be nice to everybody if you want to protect the social experience.

people who simply disagree are not bullies, but if you mean the toxicity about the topic, ofcourse people are being toxic over the RDF conversation, they believe blizzard is protecting their social experience, and in order to protect it the players themselves must be toxic towards players who don’t just take blizzard’s word for it.

i’ve listened to and acknowledged all of your opinions and many others here, none of which logically support the idea that RDF will hinder the social experience of the game, as daddy blizzard has claimed.

there is none.

name one.


So you think the risk of punishment doesnt effect peoples behavior? You live in a fantasy world.

not in virtual games such as wow, people will act how they want to, hence why you need blacklists to prevent them from joining your pugs. you will have those same people like you already do now with or without RDF.

RDF isn’t going to make it any easier than it already is to act a certain way; people already do this in battlegrounds, pugs, in the open world, etc.

The real fantasy world is the one where you think removing RDF is going to protect your social experience.

I won’t be doing dungeons if the LFD tool remains how it is. I physically feel ill when trying to interact with people behind a screen (in person, I’m social, it’s not a problem). Writing this is already pushing my flight-or-fight response. I need RDF so I can actually play with people, not try to parse through the LFG chat.

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Ok, you enjoy your delusional views then.

Because if you were right everyone would be botting, buying gold, exc. And yet not everyone does that. Because if the fear of consequences.

Or maybe because unlike what seems to be your impression of people the majority of people are decent people who are playing WoW to have fun and don’t require the fear of consequences to behave normally.

You might, but that’s a you issue.


people do all those things, even after getting banned; without RDF.

not everybody will do it even with RDF.

3 day suspension for buying gold isn’t hard enough consequences

none of these examples relate to dungeon finder or its social experience, and even without RDF people will still behave similarly to continue to give you more of these examples.

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I wish I had access to a tool like RDF where while questing I might want to do a quick dungeon but it takes hours to get there and people don t care about the class I might be playing and guildies are all higher levels than my alt.

RDF enables me to chose how to use my time the best way possible without having to spam /4 about what dungeon I would like to do because questing gets boring. By the way this to me is something I want for levelling. Once max level I have the guild and other options but when we are all diff levels and lets say in 30 to 55 trying to find groups is a pain in the sph*ncter