RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

i bet blizzard adding RDF back in isn’t even going to change their belief that “blizzard is protecting their social experience,” they keep trying to defend their reason against logic but no success yet.

blizzard could add/remove anything at this point and say it’s to improve or protect social experience and i bet the same people will support it 100%, regardless if it does or not.

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Or where chat pugging forces everyone in the group to share intimate life stories and become BFF’s.


And I don’t want to either.

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[quote=“Ziryus-pagle, post:715, topic:1345714, full:true”]

Or where it is “Looking for Goldshire Inn Group”

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I haven’t done any of the dungeons in classic mainly because how toxic people are in chat.

Can’t say anything without someone jumping on you for being logged in and daring to type anything.

RDF was the best cause I didn’t have to talk to anyone. Just Q up, run the dungeon, party up if it was a good group, and go on about my day.

Probably won’t play until they bring it back.


I don’t want a friendship with anyone on the internet.

it sucks but i know alot of people who are just done before wotlk even ends, blizzard doubling down over hypocritical reasons didn’t help anybody, just created more toxicity and division for the sake of “social experience.”


It was never about social interactions. Brian Birmingham knew that before the words were out of his mouth. He also knew there are people who believe anything you tell them without stopping to think for two seconds. No one with any sense bought that for a second.


I think they just don’t want to have to code it back in honestly. Prob a pain for one reason or another to get it to work right so they just used that excuse and rolled with it.


I’m not the idiot here my sweet sugarplum.

Sadly you didn’t see that what I said was a joke, satirical, a laugh.

Yet you go to insults right away, so very sad :cry:.

Maybe one day you’ll find happiness again :heart:.

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No they are not.

The chance of long term punishment in rdf is far less because of the cross realm.

Blacklists do exist for classic right now, yes not everyone on the server looks at them, but even if just 1/3 does you can lose 1/3 of your reapms populqtion from even considering you for a pug. This is a lasting consequence of same realm grouping that rdf doesnt have.

The benifits change as well. With same realm grouping the benifits of being polite and good can leave a good impression to where the other player may add you to the friends list (or you add them) and you do more content together. With rdf this isnt really a thing due to the barrier of regrouping with cross realm players not being possible being much higher, requiring spending money or starting over to so so. Which severely reduces the chances of this occuring.

Another thing that makes rdf different or more difficult to be nice to others is not being able to trade with people from other realms. And no im not refering to gold and gear. With rdf i cant trade water to rhe healer if they are unprepared. I usually carry 2 stacks of good water on my hunter just for this (aspect of the viper means i dont really need water on hunter) as it makes the run smoother and faster when you are not waiting on passive mana regen when the healer goes low on mana. There are dozens of other little things that rdf changes that hurt the social aspect of grouping when compared to same realm groups.

It doesnt disable it, it just hurts the ability or incentives to do so in a few dosen little ways. Which leads to a big difference.

Nothing is stopping you from being socialable with others in Dungeons using the Dungeon Finder tool. Don’t blame others because you want to ignore the chat using Dungeon Finder

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Try reading what i wrote for once.

It doesnt stop it, it just hurts the ability to do so a multiple ways. A quick example is the ability to share your stacks of water with a healer when you dont have a mage to make it. Cant do that with cross realm grouping. There are dozens of little things like that that compound to considerably harming the social aspects when using rdf.

When your choice is a hyper efficenty system that gives bonus loot compared to not using it. Yes even people who don’t like it will use it.

Thats like saying people have the choice to not use a car/bus/exc when they have a daily commute of 30+ miles a day. They can chose to walk if they dont like how cars increase the death rate through car accidents right? Its not really a choice because its to efficent compared to not using it.

All the streamers treat the devs with kid gloves. They never do anything to make them uncomfortable. I think they’re afraid to do a real interview because if they do they might not get another sit down with a dev

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It’s not at all like that. I had a friend that used lfg channel to find groups for achievement runs all the time. The simple fact is those who don’t want to use the rdf could still find groups the same way they did before it was added. It seems to me that the anti rdfers are the ones who are socially inept if they can’t.

If you’re always carrying water for unprepared priests you’re spending a lot of time playing with lousy players. I always have enough water on any alt that drinks for mana. So we can’t have rdf because you keep playing with stupid people. Honestly I think you’re lying. There aren’t that many stupid players in the game and you can’t be that unlucky

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These things aren’t in the game necessarily to IMPROVE your experience. They’re there to CREATE an experience.

Hard agree, I’m running this game with two friends which means we need to open two slots for dungeons.
A healer and DPS
But of course we can’t have another rogue because of gear competition and finding healers is scarce
LFD takes longer than the actual dungeon and we never have anything meaningful to say other than hey join up.
I’ve had more meaningful social experience with the max lvl dude camping NPCs on a low level area

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As usual you are vastly over blowing how often any of that happens, as in almost never. You will seldom encounter anyone on either end of the spectrum that they stand out as either so horribly annoying you never want to see them again or so exceptional it’s note worthy.

The reality, and this is why RDF groups are no different than chat pugs, is that most people just want to get in and get the dungeon done. They aren’t looking for drama, whether that be trolling or droning on about their day. The result is that people you pug with are just single serving friends. Chat pugging vs RDF doesn’t change that.