RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Not really sure you understand what you’re even saying. Or you’re just being dense unfortunately.

No one is talking about saying “LFM blah blah” being the social experience. It’s the effort involved that makes those in the group more invested in the experience. You learn who is fun and who isn’t. You can avoid those people in the future, or group with those you’ve become friends with. People build a reputation within this social environment that follows them from group to group. If they’re friendly, it’s easier to get groups, if they aren’t then they will likely need to take the initiative and form groups rather than find them, to build that rep back up.

Stop pretending like all the pro-social crowd is saying they enjoy saying “LFM…”, it’s everything inside that onion that encompasses the social aspect that you’re being blind to.

To allow RDF is to allow any player good or bad to be mashed into a group where they usually don’t talk because they haven’t even bothered to put an effort into finding each other in the first place. That person who sits around crafting or questing while others make their way to the stone to summon, then tells them “I need 5 mins I’m almost done this quest”, or the person who constantly randomly goes afk without saying anything are people that most will want to avoid.

Take that away cause you want to play world of instancecraft and faceroll your way to loot? Nah.


Or maybe they do care, and that’s how the decision was made?

Cater to those wanting to interact socially by putting an effort into grouping with fellow players? Or cater to those that say there is no social interaction in grouping so why bother filtering who gets into groups?

You guys basically bury your narrative each time you say the current LFG system isn’t a social experience. It already shows you’re missing the point entirely.

Sure they are because that’s what chat pugging a dungeon is. There’s no meaningful interaction.

“LFM what ever”
“I’ll go”
“Bye” *optional at end of dungeon, many people skip this step

Whoo!!! that’s the socialization you’re defending.


Lmao you get to go to new places for 100 times when grinding and tell me that stone is new every damn day lol.
RDF was there and still ppl recruited group outside RDF in terms of raid and pvp.
What of a damn difference does it make?
Omfg these idiots


Well written :clap: !

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RDF doesn’t change that, you can still queue up with your friends as a partial pug and queue RDF. RDF doesn’t limit your ability to socialize in the game.

not every experience is the same, you will meet people you like and people you dislike with or without RDF.

Players already experience this with cross-realm battlegrounds, RDF doesn’t change the player’s behavior, the player decides how they behave.

i have still yet to hear one downside.

not everybody wants to make friends everytime they pug, stop trying to force people to socialize, social interactions can’t be forced, it’s the player’s choice; RDF doesn’t limit that choice either.

agreed, especially in pugs.

it’s blizzard’s way to make everybody believe they are fixing the game, by gaslighting them into believing such idiocy.

not everybody wants to be friends, you can’t force people to play with you again, pestering them to do so doesn’t help either. RDF doesn’t change any of that though.

teleports will be in the game with or without RDF; try harder.

effort into 5man content, you lost me there buddy; the issue is the reason they removed the RDF tool is to protect social experience, not the effort it takes to form a party of 5 randoms, a monkey could do that.

you can be fun with people in RDF, your friends can queue with you. you can also be not fun in RDF and tell others to go play retail for playing “world of instancecraft”

RDF doesn’t take away your ability to do that, you can still build your rep up with your preform 5 man buddies and queue up for RDF. it works cross-server or preform groups. there’s plenty of people who will prefer queueing as a preform for RDF, works great.

5 man dungeon content isn’t designed exclusively for talking, and RDF doesn’t limit your ability to do so; it’s up to the player to decide who they want to talk to.

RDF doesn’t change how players behave, they will do that with or without RDF.

5man content is faceroll to loot with or without RDF, keep reaching.

they only care about money, and it’s easy for them to make if they can make you believe they are fixing the game in the name of social experience.

RDF doesn’t take away your ability to do so.

when did anybody say that? RDF doesn’t limit anybody’s ability to socially interact or talk with eachother in-game, you can even preform group with your friends and queue together, promoting social experience.

i hope 3 word lines of communication to form a group isn’t peak social experience for you. praying.

the reason blizzard removed the tool was to protect social experience, RDF doesn’t limit your ability to be social in the game.

thanks for the bump friend.

This may have been true in 2008. This is not true today. People socialize within their own guild and on Discord. People today (and I know this because I did a handful of dungeons over the weekend on various alts) simply check off the box next to the dungeon they want to do and then they close the Group Browser tool and wait to be invited. Go and check how many listings there are on on your group browser that list only a single player. Nobody is out here “making connections” or “building reputations” because that doesn’t matter. You play with who you want to play with and those are your friends from your guild. There may be one or two situations where you click with someone you’ve met through a dungeon, but that doesn’t mean those situations are exclusive to the LFG tool and not RDF.

I also want to add that, over the weekend groups I was a part of, there was a mix of people who talked and people who did not talk. There was less talking in the groups than there was talking, and so to say that people are "less social’ because they didn’t put in the effort to form the group is not important because it is not true. People who want to talk and be social will, regardless if they find the group themselves, get invited to it randomly, or join the RDF queue between questing.


Agree wholeheartedly anyone else that doesn’t is delusional.


This is blizzard fixing their game what do you mean?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

hey didn’t anybody tell you yet that this is a truth-free zone?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

but the socials experiences guys! blizzard said! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yet any friends you may have made in rdf you cant play with regularly. Meaning those social interactions hold 0 value in the long term social atmosphere of the game.

It does though. It changes the benifits and downsides of certain behaviors. Meaning it chanhes how people behave due to the pros and cons of said behavior.

Having a temporary friend for 20-25 minutes isn’t a bad thing. Not every player you like has to be someone you play with every day. If the connection truly is special, you can become friends on battle.net and discord, and pursue your friendship in other games and other platforms. Eventually, if you are both really up for it, you can move to each others servers.

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This is an mmorpg. Social interactions with other players is half the design of the game.

Thats not a friend…

Wheb you view your interaction with the other person as “i will never see them again” you arent making friends st that point.

Well that explains why you keep posting illogical nonsense.

you most certainly can if you were that determined to, RDF doesn’t stop you from doing that.

they don’t hold 0 value, a friend is a friend regardless of how often you can play dungeons with them, being social in the game doesn’t require one to play regularly with those they are being social with, and RDF doesn’t limit anybody from doing that either way.

it doesn’t though.

it doesn’t change player’s behavior, people will play and behave how they want to. RDF doesn’t limit or protect player’s behavior with or without it.

read above.

RDF doesn’t make it not an mmorpg.

RDF doesn’t discourage or limit players from doing that.

blizzard designs how people socially interact?

if you dont want to make friends with people from other servers only because you wont ever see them again or deem them worthy to see again, even though you had a really good connection, sounds kinda narcissistic and not a game design issue. i make friends with players from other servers and i have no problem playing with them on their server because i made characters there to play with them, even on the opposite faction. this isn’t an RDF issue, it sounds like a personal issue if you value what your friends can do for you or with you more than their connection to you.

keep telling yourself that, i’ll be here :slight_smile:

The pros and cons are the same, you either finish the dungeon or if you’re acting like a dbag you get kicked and don’t finish the dungeon. RDF doesn’t change that.


Very nice. So nice to get to the dungeon then realize one player doesn’t meet the prerequisites, so you have to go back to a city, find another person. So fun wasting time. If you want social interaction… maybe go outside and talk to people. This is so frustrating.


Right… So, why don’t you point out exactly where Dungeon Finder disables you from being social?


Yes, so cool to join a guild and if you don’t log on every day it’s a g kick. Great social interaction. I soooo want to play this game.

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