RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Again walking down the street saying hi to everyone as you pass them vs having a conversation with people you see somewhat regularly, which is more social?

Because rdf is walking down the street saying hi.

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So is chat pugging.

running dungeon pugs is the same experience, so what does RDF change about that? regardless of the fact that your social experience doesn’t exclusively come from dungeons, RDF doesn’t take away from your out of dungeon social experience.

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You have a chance of meeting those people again though and can actively play with them by choice.

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If they sre not on your realm you cant reasonably actively chose to group with them again.

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I mean I get your side of the argument, I have my belief which are based on my experience of OG wrath. You are right, RDF does increase the number of people to interact with, but from my experience, it also damage the quality of these interactions. People didn’t care much to respect others, because they knew they would never come across them again. It was a huge change in how people interacted together.

RDF does has many benefits, I don’t deny them, but it also has its downsides.

No I don’t even on Pagle which isn’t even a mega server I’ll never see people I random pug with again.

Sounds like a personal decision on your part then to not even try to follow up with those pugs you liked playong with.

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This is a 0 IQ arguement. Heroic dungeons are pointless on retail. You have to use the queue system to run mythic or Mythic plus, so they gutted the system on retail as well. People wanted to come back to WOTLK to use the feature that they enjoyed to run relevant content.

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It’s the realities of how the math works out, a server with thousands of concurrent active players means 10’s of thousands of active players. The odds I’ll happen to be looking for a pug dungeon at exactly the same time someone I pugged with the other day is miniscule.

That’s not a personal choice it’s just math.

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I mean, if that’s your point of view, that’s fair, but blizzard can’t have it both ways. They can’t say it doesn’t hurt the social experience when it’s for pvp, but then turn around and say it does for pve.

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I am going to call BS on this statement. I have every single class at 70 on both horde and alliance and I’ve spam dungeons to level on all of them.

I can’t tell you a single person I’ve grouped with in my thousands of runs. I can’t tell you a single time, short of people arguing about how bad another player is, that anybody talks in the runs.

I’m not for or against RDF. I could not care less if it’s in the game or not. I’m a tank or healer on all my mains. But to say that without RDF people are more apt to talk in a dungeon is just horse dung and you know it.


I’ll not much of a pvp player, so I’ll take your words on that.

I will as well. I can count on one hand the number of times anyone in a LFG Pug has shared more than 10 words outside of what is needed to finish the run, and I can count even fewer times anyone I ran with has even asked to add them to a friends list.

A run usually ends with a “TYVM” a “GG” or a “Good Run” and then everyone drops group and goes their own way.

As I have said before, community is a red herring people are using to try and place their position on some moral high ground.

There is no community in LFG, it is mostly elitest wave riders that want to gatekeep players and they know that RDF will take that power away from them to dictate who is allowed on runs.

If comunity is so important, then you should be doing things outside of dungeon runs and the LFG channel. If the introduction of RDF is so detramental to your community, then purhaps your community is not so great to begin with.


You could also add them to your friends list and wheb you try to pug ask them if they want in on it.

At which point I’m no longer pugging now am I? I’m pre forming a group.

Something RDF does not prevent you from doing.

But then that also goes back to what I said, the chances they’ll be online and wanting to run a dungeon at exactly the same time I am? So small it’s a moot point anyways.


Sounds like your not great company if your guildies would prefer to roll the dice in RDF than carry you again

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Such an insulting thing to say to someone you don’t even know…

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I stopped reading right here ^

crying for rdf so you can teleport to the dungeon while calling people who want to teleport to the dungeon lazy lol

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Always remember, blizzard doesnt care what you think, what you want, how you feel, or what your opinion is. They have a closed door group of people that know better than you!

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