RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Even if this is true. Even if if does come in the end; We’ve reached a point where it will be embarrassing and sad. The amount of toxicity that it generated on the forum is out of the world. This is literally like having a toddler go crazy in a toys shop over a toy that he/she want, and the parents ending up in buying said toy. Even if in the end the kid has won and got the toy, the whole situation is sad and embarrassing for both the parent and the kid.

That’s not meant for you directly Saralocks.

If the day come and they add RDF, I won’t support it and probably will be a bit sad, but you won’t see me having a tantrum on the forums.

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First world problems

You are a confirmed troll, filled with false rebuttals that said nothing. Waste of a reply


lots of text i couldnt be bothered to read, cool story breh.

If you log on the game to socialize you should consider MySpace/Facebook/Omegle. I bet you when someone whispers you and asks you to heal ZA, and you say that you can dps, and then they don’t take you, you just sit in your chair and jump for joy over the social interaction…. No one plays the game purely for social interaction. We play to see the development of our character at level one. That’s why the game actually has talents that improve character strength…

For me it’s a bit of both to be honest. I play an mmorpg because I love character progression, but also the social aspect to it. If I only liked character progression ide play some single player rpg.

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forcing the community or expecting them to play how you want them to isn’t healthy for the community.

likewise. keep protecting the social experience by alienating players who play differently than you, that will show people how important the social experience really is to you.


no, that’s what guilds, and chat channels are for, dungeons are designed for group content, not a socially promoted atmosphere to hang out and chat, they dont limit players from doing so either and neither would RDF.

again you can’t force the community to be what you want the community to become in the sake of protecting social experience, players will choose to be as social as they want, no in-game tool is going to limit their ability to do so as long as features such as guild, channel chat, open world communication, whispers, etc. are all unaffected; which RDF does a great job at not interfering with to begin with.

if you’re here just to grind the social experience, facebook or tinder might be a better place for you to find that.

what a great example of tolerance to your fellow playerbase, alienating them because they play differently than you do. very social.

i’m glad, nobody should be having a tantrum with or without RDF, pointing out the hypocrisy and contradiction to the reasoning though is perfect way to draw attention the the issues surrounding the removal or addition of such a tool, i’m glad we can find some common ground there.

agreed, everybody shouting down people who don’t agree with blizzard or those against the RDF tool i have seen are pretty toxic, it’s pretty sad they need to be toxic to protect their social experience.

luckily we aren’t talking about a parenting issue here, and a company abusing their subscriber base instead. gaslighting a whole community into believing 1 singular tool ruined the social experience in the 18 year old game is a very divisive action, it should be pointed out and made an example of, creating division in such a manner does far more damage to the social experience in the game a miniscule feature in the game ever could have.

the hypocrisy is comical

playing in group content is pretty good for the social aspect, even if you dont make friends with the people you play with.

character progression is also in mmorpg, except you can progress with other people, great for social aspect.


if it isn’t already embarrassing and sad that blizzard tried to gaslight the community into believing their decision in removing the small tool that allows more players to group together was to improve social experience, then i dont know what to tell you.


Remember when you had to queue for a battle ground at the zone entrance and they weren’t cross server? Could take hours for an AV to pop.

That really increased social interaction for sure let me tell ya. /s


I mean apologies for spelling mistakes, English is my second language. No need to make fun of it.

i’m just here to help you improve it buddy, no need to get offended.

It’s ok, thanks for pointing it out. I’m not offended, it just felt offensive, but you say it wasn’t so I’ll believe you :slight_smile:

Blizzard needs to change their stance with this garbage decision. I want RDF.


oh okay, well no offense intended, i’m sorry it felt that way for you.

you do you brother.

Yeah and now all the pvpers are loving that you can que from anywhere…why not let us pvers do the same thing but with dungeons i say


i believe they were doing /sarcasm but i could be wrong, it’s definitely funny to say one tool for dungeons breaks the social experience, but the tool for pvp which does the same thing for instanced battlegrounds doesn’t

The classic team has lost all credibility at this point and is simply using things like “MuH CoMmUnItY” as cover for whatever changes they want to force into the game. The complaints will just get louder as excitement of launch ends and will get some nonsense post from them months later.

It’s also amazing to watch since retail has been going through this for three expansions now and it peaked with the locking of the covenants. No one but a small group of trolls on here liked and we had the #pullthesipcord thread to prove it.


i’m just waiting for the changes they make after wotlk for the sake of social experience, when much more people are done with their hypocrisy. got the popcorns ready, wanna see how far they willing to go to hold onto that ego.

i wouldn’t doubt or put it past them to consider it could even be self sabotage so they can keep their jobs fixing a game that they are breaking over and over again.

well said OP well said, it’s all about some selfish people/abusers hate on RDF for their personal benefits while blizzard dev’s are being stupid about this whole matter.


I don’t believe it entirely break it, it it does damage it, from my pont of view.

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allowing more players to group leads to more group activity, you will get to socialize with plenty more people that you wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to, with RDF

RDF doesn’t limit anybody’s ability to socialize with others in the game.

there is no damage if it doesn’t affect your ability to socialize with other players, you have all that opportunity to do so without it as you would with it enabled.