RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

You seem to think seeing more people means its more social.

If you walk down a busy street and say hi to everyone you see do you think that is better socialization than sitting down and having a conversation with a smaller group of people that you have seen somewhat regularly as you ate lunch?

“But there is more people!”

Yet the socail interaction that happens is with those many people is not as social as having a conversation with the small group of people.

Thats the difference between rdf and people on your realm. You regularly can interact with them. The people of rdf are a passing hello at best to never be seen again 99% of the time.


oh let me clear it up for you

where did i say that again?

what does this have to do with the topic?

not everybody can be as social with people they dont know, some people are introverts, some people are extroverts.

just because another player doesn’t want to spend time with you outside the dungeon doesn’t mean it is a less social experience compared to dungeons that are made with RDF, RDF doesn’t include what is outside the dungeons though, you would have to venture that world of socializing on your own without the help of RDF if you want to interact and socialize with the players in the open world or /who list, which RDF doesn’t remove your capabilities to do at all, which makes it such a great feature. it gives you more people to casually socialize with, while still allowing you to socialize with people that you would rather have a deeper connection with and get to know more about their personal life, maybe even meet in-person outside the game and continue your socializing there! you never know where in-game experiences could take you and that is the beauty of RDF, it doesn’t take away from your options to do just that!.

everybody is different with or without RDF, people will choose to socialize with you if they want to, wether it’s in the dungeon or outside of it. RDF doesn’t remove your ability to socialize with people outside dungeons on your server.

RDF doesn’t limit your ability to do so.

it’s perfect for casually socializing with players you’ve never met before, maybe you should give it a try if you are feeling social enough.


Holy Based

So no different than pugging now.


yeah it’s basically the same as pugging, but with more people to pug with. i dont look for more friends when i have to pug but every player interaction is different, new friends are made at the most random times.

Ok boomer.

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i could not find it.

i got you fam

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yes you do. and you’re a true bro.

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It’s the 19th post in the thread.

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When you mock a strawman in the title, it doesn’t give me any reason to read this wall of text.

Have fun with no RDF nerd :hugs:

Oh it is coming, then Karma will be telling you the same thing back.

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thanks for the bump social fam.


Keep up that power fantasy cope, it’s real funny

Wow you’re welcome, I’m sure it’s really gonna help you continue to not have access to RDF in Classic :hugs:

They know they want it, they just don’t want to admit it. That is why they bump or create these sort of topics.


that was never the goal of the topic, but i’m happy to hear your thoughts on blizzard’s reasons if you dare give your time to socialize on the forums about it. we can be friends :hugs:

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you are fantastic. ty

First sentence and you prove you’re everything wrong with the community.

Well played.

This post is filled with false equivalencies, but you do you.

Yes, they are, but the fact that you don’t even know that proves you’re everything wrong with the community. Thanks for the confirmation.

If you’re just here to grind content, just say that so we can ignore everything else you’re saying.

Yawns… 🫢

/10char…. Psychos…