RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

how so? you are still only doing dungeons, people get summoned to dungeons already, dps still are required to wait their turn, the only difference is people below max level will be able to dungeon because they will have more players to group with.

blizzard’s reason for removing it is because their core value is social experience, removing RDF doesn’t hinder the social experience of the game, allowing people to group with more players is enough to debunk that.

people already do this with battlegrounds and group browser w/ summons, except they are limited to less players to do so with for dungeons.

again people are already doing this now on wotlkc, RDF only allows you to play with more people.

yet wotlk still saw growth in subscribers post RDF. the same rate of growth in wotlk’s lifecycle as before RDF.

by the way, nobody actually talked at the battlemaster waiting for battlegrounds either like it was some social hangout. get real with yourself.

RDF doesn’t remove anybody’s ability to find and interact with other pvpers, neither does current PvP system.

RDF doesn’t add convenience anymore than group browser does, it just allows you to play with more people. people already take ports to dungeons, people already afk while waiting for a group to form.

RDF adds to the social aspect of the game, by introducing you to more players than what is available on your server. socialize away there is no limits with RDF. without RDF you’ll be lucky to find people to play with at all in group content on the majority of your alts playthroughs nowadays or even far into wotlk.

travelling isn’t a big part of the game, it’s the content, the pvp, the social experience that makes up the majority of it. nobody or system is stopping you or any player from walking from elwynn forest to silithus. travelling is already such a small part of the game with flying mounts, summoning stones, warlocks, mages. you’d think if travel was such a big value in the game they would remove all forms of quick travel, but here we are, teleport into battlegrounds, port from city to city, list goes on etc etc.

TBC ended with 11 million, wotlk ended with 12million, weird how they only grew 0.5 million subs considering those figures.

they retained the subs vanilla and tbc built up and added onto that throughout the whole lifecycle of WOTLK, that is a success. go look at cata’s plummet, that is a failure. they didn’t stop publicizing their subscriber numbers until mop.

weird how their subscribers were still rapidly rising at the same rate for a whole year after RDF came out compared to wotlk before RDF, on top of retaining the entirety of vanilla and tbc combined.

so why are you here? this is a wotlk forum are you mad about something you aren’t playing? or are you a true casual wotlker?

in your opinion.

i wouldn’t mind that, except they are giving incentives to tanks/healers for participating in group finder dungeons by giving them pets/mounts/gold/consumables, something that was never needed with RDF in wotlk.

so does talking to people on your server, you could find and meet more people to talk with by doing something more than just running dungeons in group browser if that was your aim in the game.

agree to disagree, i still see hard reserve loot groups, floods of gdkp advertisement, people being replaced after entering the group for a guildie or friend to take their spot after they were searching for a group for 20 minutes as a dps; RDF has options for removing bad actors from the group and dungeon, and replaces them with the next person in queue, fair system.

RDF doesn’t limit your ability to do that, some people get bored of doing dungeons, so dont do dungeons at all on the path to 70/80.

RDF doesn’t stop you from doing this within your own server either, you still have the option to seek those friendships and players to help you through content.

you would know what’s best for me based on your opinion? humorous.

The thing i can agree would be LFR there, but we aren’t talking LFR, stay on topic; you keep repeating this one tool destroyed your game but it does the same thing as group finder does, except with more players, more players = smaller world? if you say so.

me too, friends?

which RFD improves upon with the social aspect of the game, allowing you to play with more players and socialize with them.

dont leave yet, we still have cata classic to play after.


after the changes so far i have 0% faith.

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What is wrong you? You keep harassing him even though he is trying to disengage? Must have the last word, don’t you?

You felt the need to respond with that to a comment from over 24 hours ago? Do you want to reignite it?

Removing RDF and adding Mythic dungeons and people have faith in this company? :man_facepalming:

I mean, it’s not a surprise coming from that guy since he’s said for a long time he doesn’t want an authentic Wrath.

But many of us did and had the rug pulled out from under us.


Yeah, I enjoy reading the forums where I left off. As I was reading the posts, yours stood out-- in a bad way. I guess that doesn’t matter, just wanted to let you know so that you can see it yourself.

I get that forum pvp is serious business, but hopefully you saw how you came off, how you were belittling him just because his opinion differs

Meh. I don’t like the heroic+ change and don’t support it, but whatever. It’s a catch up mechanic.

You’re right, it doesn’t matter, but I appreciate you voicing your opinion.

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that tank/healer incentives change is sounding pretty good though right? :wink:

What I don’t understand is outside of your friends and guild mates, why does the community of this game matter at all???
If you pug literally everything I can see why you would care, but if you have a lot of friends and guildies on that IS the community, is it not??

about half an hour or so ago, I managed to form a group for normal mech (need sha’tar rep and key quest) . When I logged on there was already a group with everything but a tank. Said a few words while in there and just ran the dungeon. No recollection who those people were.

Right now, in normal Bot there is me (tank/dps) a mage queued as heals tank AND dps and 2 dks. Blizzard please improve this.

the players outside your circles are part of the wow classic community just as much as the ones inside your social circle.
RDF will give you opportunity to reach more players and in turn by doing so will expose you to more people to socialize with.

the blizzard wow classic team’s core value is the social experience, if all you had on your server were your friends and your guild alone, that would be one dead server; the other players matter too, and at the same time you aren’t going to have the time or be available to include the whole server into your inner circle either way, RDF isn’t going to change these facts with or without it.

but RDF will let you socialize with more people than what you have available with just your own server’s population, so there is a plus to the social experience with it.

their solution is mounts,pets,consumables,gold as an incentive. isn’t that enough? :wink:

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ok then why are you arguing for the teleport, bonus rewards, cross realm grouping tool if it isnt more convenient than lfg?


the argument isn’t towards what is already in the game such as teleports(mages, warlocks, meeting stones), bonus rewards soon™(incentives for heals/tank such as pets,mounts,gold,consumables), cross realm grouping(battlegrounds, arena). that would be braindead to claim RDF adds all those things when they are already present in the game.

the argument is over how blizzard’s reasoning doesn’t justify their actions for the removal of the tool(social experience); and i’ve provided many examples of how no-RDF hinders the social experience they claim they are protecting.

still have yet to to see an understandable position of how having no RDF improves the social experience in the current game.

i know, it’s pretty funny when you step back and think about how long i’ve been waiting for someone to come along and “educate” me on how blizzard’s reasoning justifies the removal of RDF.


How do you know the mage isnt just farming on the mage and ready to switch to a paladin with dual spec tabk and heal gear/spec?

because he socialized with him, duh.

Mage actually can be all this. Open u’re mind

Ahem, it’s called a booster.

Because you ignore the fact that this game called classic doesnt have cross realm zones, grouping, exc like retail does. Rdf would hurt the social experience blizzard is trying to encourage. The server community. They dont want classic community to feel like retail. Retail is designed around your server not mattering, your faction not mattering, you’re so focused on “its still social to meet people” that you ignore that the people you are meeting you will not be able to intentionally play with again unless someone does a realm transfer or makes a new character. Blizzard is leaving rdf out to let server communities engage in social activites. They dont want to turn wow classic into your server just being a sir name.

Social interactions dont matter if you have 0 chance of ever playing with that person again. Community isnt made up of people you see once and never see again.


You literally wrote it in this thread, 1 day ago.

Yes it is.

RDF doesn’t add cross-realm zones.

we’ve had cross-realm grouping with battlegrounds since phase 2 wow classic.

see above

RDF doesn’t delete the server community, people will still be running around in the world with RDF present.

is that why they are adding heroic+, incentives for tanks/healers such as mounts/pets/gold/consumables to queue for dungeons? how about arena rating system? hmm. i wonder.

agreed. and i’m sure the majority here all can agree on that.

social experience includes people you will meet and not see again, but other than that, not everybody will want to stay friend with you with or without RDF, you can’t force people to socialize, and neither can a tool. RDF does improve social experience by allowing players to group with more than what is available on their own server, plenty more social interactions will come from that, especially while leveling alts or starting new to classic for the first time.

yet RDF doesn’t remove access players have to socialize with eachother, only allow players to meet new people they would never have met if they were stuck with only who was available on their own server.

RDF wont change your sir name, servers will still be a thing for serious content, RDF isn’t serious content.

yes they do, people outside of your inner circle are just as part of the wow classic world as the ones inside your circle, you cannot just deny players existence because they dont want to be your friend, people from all backgrounds play this game, some may not want to be social with you, it doesn’t make them any less part of the classic wow world or community as much as you or i are part of it.

you are confusing your social network with the server community, dont be a narcissist, people like to socialize, not everyone you meet wants to be your lifelong friend though.

and RDF isn’t going to reduce the amount of people you can socialize with that are available on your server.