RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Your argument fell apart so now you’re just moving onto pedantry to try and save whats left of your broken logic. Truly troll behavior.


And how exactly is this a bad thing? Please, kindly, explain to everyone why this is such a bad thing?

yea im sure they will add it. just giving some insight to you guys who are incredulous why aynone would be against rdf. cuz it ruined the overworld and ruined the levelling experience period

Did this 20 posts ago

OH MY GOD! They didn’t have to fly to the dungeon? Call the Social Interaction Police! RUINED GAME!

Didn’t ruin anything. The overworld is dead because there are literally 10 continents in retail and it takes 15 minutes to quest through each of them. That has nothing to do with RDF no matter how much you try to trick your tiny brain into believing it.

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Lol why would anyone be in the overworld when there is better exp gold and loot by just spamming rdf

it’s like saying “you dont HAVE to do quests” yea but you’d be moronic not to

You talking about this post that is entirely false?

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how is that false? subs never recovered since wrath
even with china playing

Because the subs started declining in Cata, and Dungeon Finder was added in Wrath.

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You mean since Cata… Wrath on the other hand was the peak of subs. Especially after RDF was added.


lol got nothin to say about any of my other sentences in that post huh

Just because you mashed random words together doesn’t mean they are a sentence.

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But they did go up 2 million after RDF was introduced, so claiming subs tanked because of RDF is absolutely nuts. Not to mention mathematically stupid. There’s not even causation there, let alone correlation.

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u guys are here crying and have yet to argue anything at all lol. except claiming subs are somehow higher now than in wrath

anyway i am sure NuBlizz will add your rdf. they are just waiting for the right time. They dont wana do a total 180 on their stance it makes them look bad. or maybe they did some kind of cost benefit analysis with server transfers/boosts or something, waiting to milk those to the max before putting RDF back in. Hoppin off now

I have no time for liars. ::poof:: ignored.

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This argument is faulty and always will be.

Players will always take the route of least resistance in-game - even if it is bad for the game in the long run - like all of these convenience systems turn out to be.

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No, you are right. Subs have been declining, and we’ll never see the numbers like we did in the final quarter of 2010, since WoW sub numbers peaked to 12m players worldwide. But go back to the final quarter of 2009, that is when Dungeon Finder was added.


lol ok mr 235 posts in 2 weeks

He’s just a troll and a liar. I think we all know whose sock puppet he is.