RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

I’ll put it this way, even if some stuff such as Cross-Realm Zoning were never added, it isn’t going to prevent any sort of toxic behaviour. It all comes down to the individual and how they want to behave. If people want to be toxic, hey, cool by me. Just add them to the ignore list and won’t see them again.

No, I’m on Remolus. And my server is basically dead most of the time.

Yeah but that would require critical thinking on their part. WoW became popular in the first place because its the casual MMO. When WoW came out you could hit max level in a few months while every other MMO took YEARS. You could do raids with 40 people in an instance in a few hours when other MMOs required way more people for literal days and taking shifts to kill the bosses in an open world scenario. You could die and not lose any XP or gear while other games you’d lose XP and in some cases you’d even drop your gear/gold.


wow the way you talked in your last post i thought things did take years in wow?

getting to deadmines from stormwind is super i thought?

  • JAN 2008 - Over 10 million http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft
  • OCT 2010 - Over 12 million http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft

Subs increased over 2 million AFTER the release of RDF.

Pathetic trolling attempt.


What about Maraudon? You going to tell me that is one dungeon so easy to get too.

the game turned into a “hit button” lobby game and never recovered. wonder why everyone left? Or we just ignore the next 12 years of the graph right

Oh right, because I’m just chilling in Stormwind waiting for a deadmines group to form. You people are insufferable and live in some weird imaginary world.


What is the point of the overworld then? you guys just wanna hit your lazy button lol this is why people don’t like rdf. it makes the overworld redundant and dead and ruins the feel of the game world. Youre not supposed to spam mara Lv30-50 whenever you want, it’s supposed to be a big experience. look at brd and all the effort they put into it. But players wanted on-rails ezmode so we got tbc then wrath where dungeons are a literal joke

That sounds like a game some of these people deserve :rofl:

Dude youre the one complaining how it takes “thirty minutes” to get to a dungeon. I can literally roll a Lv1 night elf or draenei right now and be at deadmines door in 15 mins. Dont post bs if you dont wanna get called out

Oh yeah, I’m sure the world died because I don’t have to spend 20 minutes on a flight path to go to my dungeon. It definitely doesn’t have to do with the playerbase being spread across 10 different continents.


You can still do that. List yourself in LFG, wait to get an invite and then take a summons. Same damn thing as RDF.

Wow how did the summoners get there? Lmao

X to doubt.

But nowadays with the boat right to stormwind sure, try that back in TBC or Vanilla.

Sure chum.

I was just saying some dungeons aren’t all that easy to get too. No need to act like a grumpy elderly everytime some kid goes play in there garden.

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They flew on a flight path for 20 minutes and never once did you see them for longer than .5 seconds.

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wtf are u talking about vanilla this is the wrath classic forum lol

Not my concern.

Guess what came before wrath, chuckles.

Also, guess what original wrath had. RDF.

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yea someone did the legwork
unlike rdf where it just auto teles 5 corss server randos directly into the dungeon