RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

you absolutely did write that.

Lol… sure but when? You gonna look through some more of my week old posts? Lmao get a life

Ok, so how is that not as good as offering raid loot to a heroic dungeon loot as a replacement?

I’d rather have RDF vs heroic+ tyvm.


your original post i quoted from isn’t in this thread anymore. but you said they weren’t there for raids.

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not only that, incentives for tanks/healers including mounts, pets, raid consumables, gold, not a great replacement to RDF

this feels punitive to those pure dps classes like hunter, mage, warlock, and rogue. but such is life right?

oh and eventually when the healers/tanks do complete all their heroic dungeons because there are lock outs. people will eventually be left out from getting their shizz done for the week and yes this is entirely true. and there is no argument against it. this is a negative against not implementing RDF.


dps needs to suffer more for the sake of the minority that is healers/tanks, yeah it don’t make sense to go to such extremes to get tanks/healers into dungeon groups.

yeah it’ll be fun on my dps classes once all the tanks/healers on my server are done pugging. best to run as a dps class the first time through wotlk content and heroic farming if you want an abundance of tanks/healers to group with, the first time through wont be bad at all. later on in the expansion’s lifecycle i can see it being a problem.

Ogrekill needs RDF because currently the only person that willingly plays with him is a literal crack addict.

Idk if even they are willing to play with him.

it’s true, im not social enough for hunter or the big guy to play dungeons with me

did i say it solely caused the decline?

The reason i gave was that wow just turned into a trash lobby game where you hit the “easy button”, teleport to your safespace dungeon and spam your aoe key for 15 minutes with 0 challenge, collect your loot bag.

rdf killed the overworld, period. i played wod and legion, maybe it’s different now. try reading before u reply to me

“you’re not forced to use it” yea but it incentivizes dungeon levelling massively. more gold exp and loot. why would any levelling char not just spam rdf?

i mean if you think randos from another server who you will never see again, are not more likely to ninja-loot blues in a dungeon than people on your own server who you see every time you log in, you are an extreme optimist

it’s not like im speculating, we have 10 years of retail that prove all this lol. server identity went out the window the more crossrealm features they added

And if you say “well im on Megaserver X, it’s already anonymous” then why do you need RDF to form groups if your server is so huge?

Oh brother. :roll_eyes: This is a game … a HOBBY. No one needs to suffer at all. That’s insane.

RDF didn’t cause a decline at all. Your claim is utter BS.


Read some of these anti-RDF posts. They don’t think its a hobby. Some of them don’t seem happy unless doing anything in this game is akin to a full time job. They want you to spend 3 hours in LFG then another 30 minutes traveling to the dungeon for no reason other than it takes longer than not having to do that.


my bad, subs have increased since RDF wrath in 2008 right? lmao

like are we looking at the same graphs

really THIRTY minutes travelling to a dungeon? you can fly across outland on a slow mount in 5 minutes. hyperbole much

I didn’t know dungeon only exist in Outlands and you always have a flying mount. TIL that if I want to do deadmines I can fly across Outlands in 5 minutes. Thanks bro.

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Then they need to go play any of a dozen Asian grinds that might as well be called “Suffer, B*tch!”

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