RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

subs tanked after rdf was added and never have recovered since. people just sit in org/sw and hit the “easy button” and wordlessly grind to max level in endless dungeons. People make the slightest mistake and a vote kick is initialized. overworld is completely empty even with the entire US cross realmed together. i think i saw 4 people in the overworld when i leveled up a fresh char in WOD.

Crazy how you guys want to warp-speed to retail

Blizz could just limit the use of RDF then, that’s it. But doing 2-3 randoms a day would be much better than wasting time spamming the chat.

YOU won’t have to use RDF. Others will.

We’re the crazy ones wanting to keep the LFG system + have RDF so you can use your socializing feature and we can use RDF, while you want to prevent the majority of players from having RDF. Nice.

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But blizzard boosts, mage boosts, GDKPs are fine right? Or better yet that joke of a LFG tool.


I’m so sick of hearing this. There is nothing about RDF that is bad for the game.

Actually it would be more social. You don’t have to babysit LFG or spend your time spamming chat for that last dps or w/e. It frees up your time so you can get out in the world and interact with others.

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i don’t really care one way or the other, i just think rdf is trash game design for the reason i mentioned above

it was a wrath feature so if they add it that is fine by me. 5 mans are barely on my radar, they are the least-fun content in wrath for me.

But after deleting 22 servers, there really is no case to be made for RDF besides being lazy and refusing to type “LF2m” in chat a few times. unless you play on like Benediction-H or something and truly cannot form a group. If you play on a server that is maxed out with login queues then you can form groups.

Cross realm also promotes ninjaing and general toxic behavior. because who cares you will never see them again

The reason that’s not factually correct? Subs reached 12 million wrath and maintained 12 million even after RDF. They in fact even increased. Cata started with the most subs the game ever had and about 2 months into cata is when subs tanked.


You sound a lot like another poster who kept trotting out this lie.


I don’t agree with the idea of cross realm zoning, but this is entirely false. Anything in the game does not promote such things as toxicity, it is just the players who chose to do it.



Yeah, 1 year and 1 expansion later subs started to drop. I wonder if the expansion had anything to do with it ? Hmmmmmmmmm.

I can make the same ignorant argument.

Subs dropped after Hogger was added. <— Fact.

Hogger had as much to do with the games decline in Cataclysm as RDF did.


Just flag him for trolling.

“How’s the weather”
“How bout them Bears”

Not socializing. That’s actually avoiding socializing.

“What to tank” is not socializing. It’s the chore you are required to do before you can move on to the next thing. The thing you are more interested.

Obligation to engage. Not socialization.

Once something in common is established. Shared interest. Then the socialization can begin.

RDF skips the obligation. Gets players into the shared interest. The experiences during that shared interest creates the opportunity to socialize.

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I just compare the easy entry into bgs to the challenge of organizing dungeons right now. Comparing the two experiences really highlights the issue. I imagine that blizzard had data to back this up as well which is the frustrating part. RDF would increase player participation by a ton - there’s no escaping that fact.

See this is where the disconnect is. Dungeons are a group activity. That means it is a chance to make social connections. Just because you dont want to talk to anyone outside of your inner circle doesnt mean thats how an mmorpg should be played.

No point in investing in a social connection with them if i cant keep playing with them.

That cant be used for X amount of minutes of the group starting, cant be done in combat, exc. There are ways to prevent people from being able to use it. So if someone knows what they are doing, they can prevent the vote kick.

Except when its easier to just kick the person that doesnt know the mechanics and get a new one in.

Let’s put it this way. I play a rogue.

I have improved sap, improved stealth, and stealth speed and I am a player from vanilla who has always played a rogue. I’m extremely good at moving quickly not getting caught by mobs and resetting with vanish on the rare occasion that I lag out and touch something. I have been doing dungeons forever and am excellent at my job.

I however do not have AOE because fan of knives is locked to level 80.

I have not been able to get a single dungeon run since wailing caverns where I largely tanked. No one wants a rogue to come and help. They either don’t care about our utility or they just want to AOE everything. I could be an lfd all f****** day and not see one ping. And worse since every stone is level locked I can’t even summon my guildies there and because they’re all level 70 they have to go back to the old world and take a flight path which is just a gigantic waste of time.

These are not social tools. They are exceptional crap. Dungeon finder was launched with wrath and should never have been removed. It was the only way as a rogue that I was ever able to do this content. And I would end up making friends through dungeon finder because they would realize that I had an extreme amount of utility and professionalness and would be able to do my job far better than most of the DPS they were grouping with.

I gave up trying to do this during TBC on my rogue, leveled a holy pally and got it done that way. TBC was impossible for me to get any dungeons as a rogue and i leveled without them, sitting in queue the entire time.

Taking away my best ability to get into groups and show people that I am not a bad player, and can even pick their lockboxes (if they are on my server) is cruel.

I’m well aware that because I’m not level 80 and I won’t be during my leveling experience, I will not be able to get groups because I have no AOE Beyond blade flurry.

I actually liked meeting people from my battle group and we socialized a fair bit.

Please bring the tool back that made my experience in wrath doing dungeons requests so much more straightforward.



I love it when you anti-RDF people expose yourselves. You want to be able to gatekeep and kick people you deem lesser out of content. Pathetic


Was just in an SFK run with an alt. We did two runs. There was plenty of socialization. We made jokes and other stuff.

I did not add anyone to my friend’s list.

When I’m on an airplane or bus, I’ll chat with folks sometimes. Heck, I’ll spend 3+ hours with them on an airplane and we’ll chat. I’ll learn about them and their story. I’ve spent more time talking with randoms on airplanes than I have with folks in dungeons on my realm.

I’m not there in dungeons to make friends. Sometimes it happens, but not really.

In Classic SoM, I grouped with a rogue in WC, guess where I saw him next? In my Molten Core run because he joined our guild! I spent more time with him after that because he was in my guild.

If I want social interaction, I do it in a guild where there are likeminded individuals. When I’m in a dungeon, I just want to kill bosses and get loot.

If you cannot find socialization or chats in RDF, then that is your issue. I have had plenty of friendly chats with folks in RDF in Shadowlands. I will always make fun on Gnomes and that tends to start a conversation.

This suggestion that RDF kills socialization is because you aren’t communicating while in RDF. Not RDF.


It doesnt kill it, but it does make toxicity a lot less harmful which, in my belief, might lead to a lot more toxicity. That was at least my experience back when it first launched back in OG Wrath. Players were very disrespectful, would like half way in the dungeon without saying anything, ninja loot stuff, etc. People didnt care, because they would never see these other people again in the future.

168 likes and counting for this post. I have not seen that many likes on a post in some time. Where’s that “silent majority”?

If hardcore guilds are worried about losing players because of RDF, then they need to realize that it just might be the way the guild is run, not the RDF tool.