RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

RDF doesn’t prevent that, in fact RDF helps it since it filters out the generic dungeon runs and limits it to groups actually doing something interesting like an achievement run.

Sorry, you’re comparing Arena and Raiding to 15 minute faceroll dungeons to make this point?


Socializing does happen when making a group.

You might not like Socializing in this game, but this is an MMORPG, Socializing is part of the core aspect of this game type.

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Imagine playing Overwatch without auto-queue. You’d need to spam LFG/LFM in the main menu and spend an hour to form a group to play a 20-min match.

I guess the “Anti-RDF crowd”-like people would be so against this and they’d flat out refuse to s0ciAliZe.

When RDF is out, you won’t have to use it. You can still spam /4 and s0ciAliZe, mAkE FriEnDs. So just stop lobbying against something you wouldn’t even use. The RDF crowd will use it. And you can use your LFG tool.

And no, I don’t want to join a random meaningless guild where nothing ever happens because people get bored.

I’m in a group for DM.

I whispered folks “DM?” to fill the group.

Three of them are now coming to my wedding. :roll_eyes:

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Yeah I list myself in the tool and wait for a summons… even less socializing than before the LFG Tool…

dungeons aren’t the activity in this game where the majority socializing happens, neither is spending 15 minutes to form a group. literal 1-3 word lines of communication between players is what the happens throughout a large portion of forming groups for dungeons and running those dungeons; not exactly peak social experience if that’s what you’re looking for in a dungeon or forming a group for one.

just because you like to waste time chatting it up in every dungeon that you’ve ran dozens of times over looking for friends doesn’t mean every player does or wants to do that, especially not every time.

people run dungeons for the loot/attunement/group activity; you will find social interactions within those dungeons, RDF doesn’t take away from that, it improves on it by letting you play with players from other servers. i never said social interactions didn’t happen within dungeons or forming groups, and i’m all for people interacting with eachother from other servers more than you are i’d bet, but removing RDF to improve social interactions and experience is contradictory since including RDF will open your options to playing with more people in the wow classic community, whos to say if that is a good or bad thing? maybe its not me to say.

either way when blizzard is allowing paid boosts for players and disabling an avenue to promote leveling alts, you can guess what their motives are. double speak isn’t hard to read through, they can continue to stick to “prioritizing their core values” and remove RDF while being contradictory in that reasoning, i for one am not going to be led like a sheep into believing that their reasons justify their actions, actions that will reduce player interactions over the long run.

with no RDF : less players to run dungeons with, less people to interact with in dungeons;

with RDF : more players to run dungeons with, more people to interact with in dungeons, not limited to questing/pvp/boost to get to 70 for the majority of their journey there.

also dont let me forget that you can still play the game and make friends if they return RDF, unless that alone is going to cripple your social capabilities of making new friends, guildmates, wives, etc.

RDF isn’t going to stop you from socializing, but if it did i would consider it a personal problem.

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Its the first step of convenience over community, so while it might not stop socializing, it does hurt it.

But please keep being ignorant on the difference between

And socalize because you dont seem to understand the difference.

Sitting in stormwind hitting the RDF button from Lv10-80 is garbage game design though

“dont do that then” Just having this option is the problem

explain how allowing players to group with people from other servers is going to hurt people socializing, when they are able to talk to way more people than what is available within their own server.

dungeons are not the place where a majority of socializing takes place.

Sitting in stormwind hitting Enter Battleground button from level 10-80 is great game design though.

guess your point is moot since people will still be able to sit in stormwind and level from 10-80.

nobody’s telling players to not socialize if they reenable RDF. players would still have the option to do so at their pleasure.

Because it removes reasons why people socalize.

  1. Part of why people socalize is because making friends and finding good players means making other group content easier in the future because you built a netowrk of social connections. You cannot do this with people from othet realms in classic. Even if they are on your Bnet friends list you cant invite them to a group and do a dungeon together.

  2. It removes part of the reason people are more likely to behave and be polite in group with other people, lasting consequences. If you are a jerk, ninja looter, exc. Without rdf there is a chance of ending up on a form of blacklist from server discord, wors of mouth, exc that can go beyond the ignore list. This can harm your ability to do grouped content, sell items in trade chat, exc. But eith rdf the worst lasting consequences you can get is being kicked from the group, not effecting your ability to just use rdf to find a new group of suckers (er party members) that you can use and abuse with no lasting consequences.

  3. It removes the validity of “struggling” groups to talk about issues with pulls, aggro exc and try to improve or fix the thing causing a problem and instead people are far more likely to just bail on the group hoping for the next option to be better or try to kick who they view as the problem because with rdf EVERYONE is replaceable so why even try to make it work if you can just got “next”. This mindset can be seen in pvp bgs today. Many times if a team gets recked on the first fight of the match, they give up for a “fast loss” to move to the “next” game hoping for a fast win next time.

having RDF enabled doesn’t remove your ability to make friends to run dungeons with, maybe not everyone wants to run dungeons with you though so RDF could be an alternative for you; noone said RDF was there to build your social network, dungeons aren’t designed building your social network, thats what guilds, channels, and discord is for.

you wont need to invite people from other servers to socialize with them, you can add them on your bnet if you want to continue socializing with them.

RDF has a vote kick system, bad actors are easily replaced in RDF and i doubt the majority of players who use RDF would sacrifice a tool that promotes group activity simply because of a handful of bad apples.

discussion about mechanics in dungeons will be valid with or without RDF; there’s always problem players in any game, should we remove cross realm battlegrounds because they involve playing with randoms you dont see on your server as well while we are at it?

none of this supports blizzards reason’s for removing RDF over their core value of social experience. People would still be social in RDF dungeons if it were enabled.

social experience, interactions, engagements are not going to be reduced by keeping RDF, they will increase by allowing more players to group together within the classic community.

dungeons are not the place to social network, guilds are, RDF isn’t going to prevent guilds from recruiting, or from players making friends with others from their server, even with RDF they are still encouraged to do just that since like you said, you need guilds/friends to do harder content then dungeons later on in the game. RDF doesn’t take away from that, you will still find people on your server looking for content other than dungeons, because dungeons aren’t endgame. people socialize on their own accord, if people want to raid, or do harder dungeon content without worrying about bad groups, they do just as you have stated. RDF isn’t going to block them from doing so. people will still socialize and with more people at that.

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Now you are starting to see why wrath killed wow’s sub numbers. it turned into a lobby game

I dont know, it looks like you havent earen anything in decades.

Honestly, and within retail, I still see people socializing. Using Dungeon Finder doesn’t stop you from socializing, it does not disable you from tying in chat, “hello”, or anything to start a conversation. If you think a tool stops you from talking or making friends with anyone, then that is a you problem.


wrath had the highest number of active subscriptions out of all expansions; cata on the other hand was the expansion where subscription numbers began to plummet. wrath retained the amount of subscriptions vanilla and tbc built up and then added 500,000 on top of that.

you should check your research before you post misinformation next time


So day one of vanilla.

Why did you even play WoW at all?

What MMO RPG if any were you playing before vanilla WoW?

100% agree


Stop using logic, they hate that.

/pro RDF


I know, do please let the Alliance know to expand their waistlines with beer and roasted pork while it’s still Brewfest.

Nice and plump, that’s what we want.