RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

That’s a bit of an ironic question lol.

Read that again, slowly.

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Yeah, probably should have left that part out…wanted to focus more on the enormous amount of support for RFD

:stuck_out_tongue: you are right tho, there is a lot of support for RDF. Also a lot against it… it’s a real sh*t show for the devs, whatever they do, some people will feel let down.

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People will use rdf, its to efficent to the point even people who dont like it feel forced to use it.

Lol, this excuse is so boring. “We have to use it” yeah, because its better. Literally saying you have to use it is admitting its better. Stop hiding behind excuse and admit its better and you still don’t want it. Just be honest with us.


I dont kick people unless they literally cant perform their role.

If i bring a tank druid and he is at 4.5k hp at lvl 70 for a heroic he isnt going to cut it as a tank for a heroic, there is no chabging how we play to make it work, he just doesnt have the stats. Mind you this is a bear tank. 4.5k hp is worse than the communal gear a lvl 58 got. I can handle a tank that needs some CC, but if the tank cant tank one mob at a time without dieing in 2 hits, he isnt geared enough to tank it. I have kicked one dps throughout classic and tbcc. It was a mage that would blizzard and only blizzard in tbcc heroics, he broke CC didnt cc or interupt. Eveb when only 1 target was there he would only blizzard. Talking didnt do anything. He also would pull before the tank and with an oom healer. My best guess is it was a bot that the bit owner joined the group then left the bot program on.

But the point i was making was not what i would do, its what human nature would have most people doing. If its easy to replace someone they are less likely to try to work with them to make it work.

very true. I used it so much that I filtered through hundreds of players, loads of bad ones, but found really good ones I played with for years. Without RDF I’d have cycled through fewer people overall and wouldn’t have found the people I did.

I’m pro-RDF, anti-LFR.

Its not about being better, its about it being more efficient.

A nuke is more efficient at killing enemy soldiers, doesnt mean its better because of the negative effects of using a nuke. Civilian casualties, nuclear radiation that spreads for miles, exc.

Rdf is more efficent for getting gear. But it harms the social aspects of the game. But human nature means we will use the more efficient method.

Also, if rdf is in game it gives bonus bebifits for using it. Bonus loot/emblems/exp. The twleport saves time increasing the instances done per hour, and it can bypass daily lockouts.

RDF is hookup culture. Sounds like you are looking for a marriage.

I wanna go in, have fun, get what I want and move on. Lots of other good players out there I want to experience dungeons with


RDF means I experience dungeons.

The social parts outside of people I already know are not going to happen. Ill throw a buff or heal in the world but thats the extent I want to get with other unknown people.

Stranger danger

While ignoring the social aspect of the game.

Sounds like an mmorpg might be the wrong game for you then.

old mantra
Forced grouping =/= social aspects

How about we go back to REAL social interactions like in original EQ?

I sat around in groups waiting for spawns because they were so long and just talked to each other in racial languages so a dwarf could learn Ogre…
Wait, we dont want to slow the game down and force that again now do we?


Been playing them this way since 99 when EQ launched edit and I was 30 years old then.

MMORPG doesn mean pretending like minded people in a video game are real friends


You clearly dont want an mmorpg.

Talking to people to get stuff done is part of the game design of the genre of an mmorpg. Making social connections to make grouped content easier to do is part of the game. You like to live in your inner circle in your guild then wonder why you have a hard time grouping when you can’t rely on your guild.

I spent all of classic and tbcc building social connections to not have a hard time forming a group. I still intentionally try to take at least 1 pug to my groups just to try for new social connections. With the effort i have put in, i have connections to over 5 guilds to have raid spots if i want them, and dungeons are a breeze. Because i out the effort in abd treated this game as an mmo, not a queue based grouping game.

It USED to be. WoW changed that. EQ was that and its why WoW became much more successful.

I know. I played both. I did the content that is so hard and punishing in EQ Vanilla WoW was called Hello Kitty Island Adventure in comparison.

Players like me came to WoW because it was advertised you could solo. Even had it on the box:

You can solo, just not everything.

The more you can solo the more time played.
If all I can to is solo to cap, I stop subbing

You can solo dailies, some normal dungeons, exc class/spec/gear dependent.

So basically you want to take the failed attitude EQ had and completely ignore the attitude that made WoW what it was.

You do know EQ & EQ2 still exists and can be played?
Even can do P99 if you want a more difficult version…