RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

This is such an obnoxious and purposefully ignorant take.

It is currently 6:25 P.M. on the east coast, pretty much prime time on Benediction. And the Horde has…

82 players online in the LFG channel, at prime time.

There is still only one person online for the 13-18 level bracket for RFC.

There are currently seventeen total players from the level range of 13-40.

They cannot run SM cath with level appropriate characters.

So much social interaction when people don’t even have enough players to make a group. But of course, since that doesn’t affect you on your realm, the problem doesn’t exist.


Too bad for the report. It was a great read too. Didn’t feel like TLDR at all.

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Tell me is a person more likely to talk to people if he needs their help with something,

or if he can click a button and people show up and help him do what he wants.

Which system encourages social interaction?

Which system encourages making friends so they can help you again later?

Which system requires some form of communication to occur between individuals?

idk if you noticed this but in the wolrd of warcraft theres a racial war going on. On the server you play your faction has lost and is decimated. nothign to do with ‘‘number of players’’


Yeah, I think RDF would diminish sociability somewhat. The reaching out process and potential haggling and feigned begging and joking around and repartee and rapport you can build in those initial moments are interesting and fun and, yes, sometimes mechanical and boring too but also sometimes important in the continuum of social interaction.

Y’know what they say about first impressions n’ such.

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Thats only people currently in the channel. Not people who were in the channel got group ready and left the channel. Not people who form groups with general, trade, or a different chat channel. Not people who form groups in the server discord. Exc.

Also your facction on that realm isnt exactly hugely populated to begin with.

The old world is not very active right now because most people have leveled past that range, especially with how quickly leveling happens at that level with the joyous journies buff. Of course old content is hard to grt groups for. Even with rdf there were hours of waiting for a group for low level stuff at the end of an expansion.

Rdf isnt the miracle cure you want to paint it as.

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So, Blizzard should do nothing to accommodate players who are on lower populated factions for mega servers?

Once again…“Doesn’t affect me, so it’s clearly not a problem”.

I never said this.

But rdf isnt the cure to that issue.

It doesnt fix the dead AH, dead raiding scene, being dominated by the other faction, exc.

Its like putting a band aid on a 3rd degree burn. It might hide the 3rd degree burn from being visable a little, but doesnt stop the other issues.

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Not reading that, but go back to retail and be antisocial there.

The whole social interaction thing is an excuse for gate keeping from the vocal minority elitists but primarily allows WoW devs to implement what they “think” is better. You people, the anti-RDF’rs, opened this pandora’s box and you’ll get to lay in it. Their hubris will know no bounds.

Shows how little you know.

Let’s say Arena let you chance at a random teammate, do you think people would use that? Some would, I’m sure. But nobody serious would use it, if they really wanted to get a high rank they’d get someone they could count on.

Think of raiding, do you think people would want a random group of 24 others? Or someone they can inspect and see for themselves, or a guild?

Having RDF won’t completely destroy making your own groups, you’ll still have people that want “omega fast super spellcleave run!” or “LF3M DPS blank HR”

If it gave free rating/arena points just for using it of course serious arena players would use it. Rdf gives free bonus emblems that you have to use rdf to get.

The only one gatekeeping you is yourself.

Make your own group, and noone can gatekeep you. Its that simple.

Don’t you have to win to get rating and points?

RDF gives bonus emblems once a day, right? Do you only do 1 dungeon a day currently, the daily and that’s it?

lol, backwards logic.

Having RDF gives people options and choices. By denying it and removing it, you’re forcing only one option, yours. Yours which allows people to just ignore and deny people the chance at dungeons because “Nah, you don’t have aoe.” or “You’re not full brutal? lol no thanks”

Hmm… you know… that’s what I end up having to do… and to think… I thought there was this wonderful thing that helped make that happen so I didn’t have to go through the hassle of sitting in a channel yelling for people. What was it now… it’s at the tip of my tongue. You know, it was a tool like this LFG UI but it wasn’t absolute garbage… I think it might have been called random dungeon finder. Yeah, that’s it. It was the thing that allowed me to focus on playing the game while I sat in a queue. Hmm… wouldn’t it be nice if Wrath still had that in the game?

The LFG tool is absolute garbage in comparison.

It has not helped facilitate any meaningful social interactions and friendships. (I made those outside of the tool and it hasn’t helped me fill groups… so :person_shrugging: )

people group for more activities than exclusively dungeons, to say having a RDF tool available will limit people from doing different activities when there is a need for other activities other than dungeons is to be disingenuous, in the sake of sounding correct.

social interactions happen in all different activities in wow, not just in dungeons; allowing people to play with others not limited to their own server would increase social interaction if that is what you value most; Asking for other players to help you with a group quest, or forming a premade pvp group, or doing an event dungeon is not going to impacted by RDF since people who want to do those other activities are going to do them with or without RDF.

this is already available with cross server battlegrounds and soon to be cross server wintergrasp.

if you are looking at face value, RDF encourages more social interaction since you are playing with a larger pool of players, if you are looking for friends that is beyond social interaction, that is social networking and that is what guilds are for.

neither systems require forms of communication, but forms of communication are available throughout the entire game via party chat.

what is stopping people from socially interacting with RDF enabled? what is encouraging players to be more socially interactive without RDF? are you making it a priority to socialize with every player on your server to prove blizzard’s reasonings behind the removal of RDF?

people join guilds if they are looking for social experiences, most players are in guilds nowadays so to say RDF would diminish social experiences for those with friends and guilds already is a stretch of imagination, RDF isn’t going to limit you from talking in guild chat, whispers, world channels. you can still use the /who to recruit people to your guild while you are in a RDF group so what is the issue?

good take agreed 100%

when cata classic comes out and there’s still no RDF, i’ll encourage them on their path to retail, it’s all good.

RDF doesn’t take away your ability to be social in-game, maybe you have bad multi-tasking skills if you can’t chat with your friends/guild and run a dungeon at the same time.

so the solution should be abandon the server where your friends/guild are stuck on and start on a new one or pay the bill to transfer? what a great solution to a problem that wouldn’t exist with RDF for people that are only concerned with the leveling process on such servers, that’ll encourage them to socialize, even cross-server!

removing options for players to play the game with more people, and force them into a path which opens them up to being abused by the current options they have via hard reserving loot, gdkp, being rejected because of their class or gear. sure doesn’t sound like gatekeeping to me. not.

It absolutely is. If you fail to see that, you really fail to have a point.

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All I’m seeing in this thread is dps being mad about how others form their groups rather than taking the time to form their own if they don’t like it.

this didn’t age well, looks like the topic isn’t considered spam after all.

do you make friends with every player you interact with? if so then i would agree with your take

“LFM Tank Heals for Direbrew” what a great social experience that sounds like. wish my social interactions were as good as yours from forming groups.

guess we shouldn’t be worried about them handing tanks/healers pets, mounts, and consumables for incentives to make up for the lack of tanks/healers now that RDF isn’t going to be around.

if you have an example to showcase the peak social experience blizzard values to its core enough to remove RDF over, post them and let them speak for themselves.