RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

I saw a few today put requirements on their group invites.

For the holiday boss.

Are you going to hard reserve the pumpkin trinkets too in a few weeks?


It’s not spam because Blizzard actively reads these forums as well as Reddit.

This is a hot topic because once they put RDF into the game, there is no going back.

Some folks are arguing we’re at the point of critical mass where dungeon groups, particularly lower level ones, are extremely hard and tedious to find.

Others are suggesting we aren’t at that point yet and to keep RDF out of the game for a while longer.

Yeah, it’d be great to keep RDF out of the game and to be able to live in this world where folks have a reasonable time finding groups, but what about people on lower populated realms/factions?

There was a reason RDF was implemented in the first place back in 2009.

Heck… there is a reason same faction BGs were put into the game.

Dungeons are one of the primary reasons people group.

The game encourages you to make regular friends to make grouped content easier to grouo for.

By removing one of the reasons people try to make social connections you make people less likely to try to make social connections, and thus hurt the social aspect of the game.

it’s not classic wow without hard reserved loot.

ofcourse not, but the fact that people who simply disagree with the opinions on the opposing side resort to labeling those who they disagree with as spam. what a way to debate one’s position.

i dont mind if they need to hold off on reenabling this tool for the benefit of the playerbase; but holding it hostage isn’t benefitting anyone, on either side especially in the long run; if they were to implement it early i wouldn’t be opposed to them limiting it to certain level ranges that need the RDF to have an abundance of groups to work with for those level ranges, 71-80 is going to be active enough without RDF and that is a fact and will remain so for a while into the expansion, but the rest of the game’s content that isn’t as active will suffer and discourage others from continuing their alts, socially interacting with people while they level, hindering dead faction server players further than their current situation already does.

it isn’t a good feeling when your main option to level from 10-70 is pvp and questing for the majority of the time, not everyone on your server is going to be leveling alts in the same level range as you, and if you expect everyone to boost their way to 70 like they did in classic and tbcc then that also hinders the social interaction of the game, which brings us back to blizzards core value that is responsible removing RDF in the first place.

dungeons are exclusively group content; limiting players to only group up with players on one server hinders players’ access to group content; not only that you are only interacting with a smaller pool of players without RDF.

if you want to make friends to run dungeon with that is on the player, not the the dungeon experience, no dungeon explicitly encourages players to become friends to run it over and over again. people do that on their own.

by removing a tool that increases the amount of players you interact with, contradicts blizzard’s reasoning in removing the tool in the first place.


Yep, it gives bonus emblems which forces it to be used due to efficency. The teleport is also a bonus reward, the luck of the draw damage and healing buff is also a bonus reward.

So really its not just bonus rating/arena points. A fair comparison would be using the random arena partner also gives you bonus stats and you get to chose which arena map you get.

Again, i never said that, what i said is rdf isnt the miracle cure you are trying to paint it as.


I will agree that RDF increase the number of players that you cross, but I would argue that it severely lower the quality of the interactions between players. Players know that they most likely will never see these others players again. Back when it launched in retail, it was a real mess…

I vote for quality over quantity.


Pvp is considered a sub game in wow up until they started doing pvp only balance changes of making spells act considerably different vs players. For wotlk, it was still a sub game.

Considering all the rdf threads out there?

And i didnt say it would be removed. I said i wouldnt be surprised if it was removed.

Making server communities not matter also harms the identity and social aspects of those communities. If people dont have a reason to interact with their realms community they are less likely to do so.

There is a difference between interacting and socializing.

If i run up to a node you want to farm and take it while you are killing the mob next to it i have interacted with you because i effected your game experience. Doesnt mean i socalized with you.

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If you call that socializing then /LFG chat rolling by at the speed of light must be the best experience Blizzard can offer.

Your definition of socializing is way too broad. “You wanna tank?” Is not it.

Isn’t the existence of this project evidence that the devs were already doing what they thought was “right” and failing to interest a large amount of people?

That’s not a great way to look at it when you zoom out. I agree that keeping everything hardline Classic is kind of silly at this point, but there are some fairly self-evident features that inhibit social interaction.

Bad design can lead to social isolation. The burden does not need to be on the individual to get out there and be social in totality.

That’s kind of a bastardization of how social interaction works. People join guilds for lots of different reasons. I don’t chat that much when I’m in groups, unless it’s Discord. I’m locked in and fast pace.

If someone’s in my guild then they’re already friends, or at least formal, regular acquaintances. I don’t know if you recruit people to guilds (?), but quite a few of them for myself have come from the compounding effects of reaching out, chatting them up, keeping it a cool, loose, cordial environment, running the dungeon several times (especially if the new social pal needs something from there), and making the runs smooth or memorable.

It’s not that complicated to see how the breadth of experiences you have in the running of a dungeon can leave a mark on someone. The reaching out to find someone to group with is part of that.

I get that it makes no sense to some of you, but sometimes the smaller nuanced things we do (this applies basically everywhere in life) matter to people, or create a bond.


That is socializing. Its not the height of socialization, but it is social.

The other thing to consider is this. Its the start of a conversation, that is something that has to happen for a conversation to happen.

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This just sounds like… classic isn’t for you. All of these things exist in retail, so go play retail.

Posts like this are exactly why we ended up with retail being the way it is, by the way. So go play that; it’s what you want, after all.

Things in your post just aren’t true. I have communicated more with every single dungeon group during classic/classic BC than I have in a single retail heroic since the Cata heroic dungeon nerfs (which, were nerfed as a result of crying from WotLK casuals who were used to facerolling WotLK heroics with no interaction at all - WotLK heroics were truly like playing 5 man solitaire) and I have made more friends from levelling and dungeons in classic than I ever will again in retail. There’s a reason for that.

What amazes me most of all is that all of this complaining, all of these idiotic posts… these are what created retail. All of the changes to the game over the years that destroyed the social interaction in the game, have lead to the downfall of the game, and have created retail.

If you can’t see that then you are, indeed, part of the problem and not part of the solution.

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Ironic considering how many retail features are being shoved into wrath “classic” instead of actual wrath features.


Yeah I guess we could argue that. I’ll say something very shocking to a lot of people: maybe retail does some things well. I agree that the LFG tool from retail is working well. I would take it over RDF any day.

Retail has some features that are good, and yeah the retail LFG Tool is much better than the version they added in classic, but ideally we would have the LFG Tool and RDF since they do different things and have different use cases.

I wouldn’t be surprised if RDF gets added when everyone will be doing heroic+. RDF will be useless to max level characters by then…

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It’ll be interesting to see how the two emblem system plays out vs what we had originally. Since now you’ll be able to just yolo regular heroics for all previous raid emblem gear.

That’s true, not sure how they will handle that.