RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

yet being in a dungeon with or without RDF does not remove or hinder any of those occurrences.

some people other than you are more open minded to making friends from other servers, is that a hard concept to understand?

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I think the RDF tool promotes doing more dungeons. I remember running way more dungeons with a full 5 stack with my guild in Wrath when we had RDF because it saved so much time and was a fun tool to use. I do think, after some thought, having this tool in at launch really changes the way the game would be played. However, After a month or two of Naxx I think implementing it would be perfect. I really want RDF but I admit having it at the start would be wonky.

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So I do a dungeon with someone from another server that I like. After the dungeon is done what do I do?

Can’t do more dungeons unless we get randomly paired together again
Can’t do raids
Can’t do BGs
Can’t join each other’s guild.
Can’t do arenas
Can’t do quest

Do you understand now?

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i do battlegrounds with people i know from other servers on a daily basis, people make alts on servers i play on or make alts with me on other servers. is that a not understandable?

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Yeah, I regularly asked if others in a group had quests they needed to finish in the area after a dungeon run, and sometimes it led to a new guild mate or just someone I would level in close proximity to.

If you really think that is comparable to people that are already on your server, I really don’t know what to tell you.

That is also ignoring the fact that my server is currently locked so there is no “making a new character to play with me.”


that’s a personal anecdotal experience, it cannot be applied to dungeons without RDF across the board because not everyone you group with in dungeons is looking for a guild or a friend, i’d argue most are looking for content completion and loot.

so to be socially interactive and have a social experience with other players you must have them on the same server as you? do you ignore all players in battlegrounds? lmao you never receive hate whispers in-game from rivals?

i didnt say making friends from other servers is the way it should be, i’m giving examples of my experience from making friends from other servers, i didn’t say anything should be exclusively cross-server.

but to dismiss social interactions between players on different servers is to ignore blizzard’s core value of the game. social interaction.

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No, but it makes it easier. We have been over this already.

I don’t even know what you are talking about…

I didn’t dismiss it, I just said playing with people from your server you are more likely to develop friendships.

Remember earlier when you said

Maybe take some of your own advice.

It’s for sure anecdotal, and it happened WAY less once people hit max level. But no, on Classic release, many, many people had no guild or were not dedicated to any particular guild yet regardless of their tag. I met all kinds of people in that context.

It takes a certain type to make pals once everyone is max level.

except you still didn’t explain how RDF takes away from the social interactions you have with players on your server. socially interacting with other players in this game is up to the gamer, it’s not decided by any tools within the game itself; people interact with people cross server without RDF already, RDF or dungeon pugs aren’t the exclusive place to find your social interactions, so until you can pinpoint where RDF hurt you on the doll of your social experience i’ll continue being entertained by your attempts to justify blizzard’s reasons for removing it.

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It’s not entirely up to the gamer. If it’s an argument you could use for literally any game, it’s probably not a real argument.

You might not be old enough for this one, but I remember the crowds transitioning from Everquest thinking it was lame you couldn’t speak to the other side (faction) in WoW. That was a design that inherently limited social interaction. I’m not saying it was a bad idea. The lengths people would go to for vengeance on here would be astronomical if chat was open that way.

The point is you can’t act like game design doesn’t play SOME role in determining social cohesion or compatibility. That’s nonsense.

Except I never said this. All I have been saying is that you are more likely to make friends with people on your server then with people from other servers…

I guess now I know you just haven’t been reading anything I have typed, or you reading comprehension is so bad that you don’t understand and with that I’m out. Have a good day.

Hey look, more spam about how you dont have friends so you want rdf to force people to play with you.


the original topic is directed towards blizzard’s reasoning behind removing RDF, stay on topic and you’ll probably have something constructive to say about blizzards reasons next time.

explain which side is doing the acting to justify blizzard’s reasons behind the removal of RDF, if people don’t want to interact with players they dont know that is on a player-by-player basis; blizzard isn’t forcing more social interaction or experiences by removing rdf, they are instead limiting it to players within your own server, wether it’s a dead faction, imbalanced faction, or split faction server.

The reason they claim they removed RDF for doesn’t justify the removal if you are trying to increase social interactions and experience within the game.

another troll with nothing constructive to add to support blizzard’s reasons for removing RDF.

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thats alot of words for someone who is wrong

I don’t know, I’ve made plenty of friends scouring /all 60 lists and sending out tells.

I poached a Brazilian guy from his guild on the slow flight from Ironforge to Light Hope’s Chapel before we even entered UD Strat, by offering him gold for his sworn sword.

I can list probably a dozen different experiences where I met and garnered favor with people to guild or group regularly just in the interim period before we started clearing a dungeon.

That’s kind of the point, though. DURING a dungeon clear I’m far less social, because I’m locked in.

Spam is spam.

I wont be surprised when this thread disappears.

As for the topic of this thread.

No rdf does encourage social interactions to occur. With rdf doesn’t.

just because you dont agree with my opinion doesn’t make it wrong, but we can agree to disagree, i’ll even accept the fact that your troll spam accounts flagged my post as spam even though it gained more likes than the community council member’s post on the topic.

you can do better than this though if you want to convince anyone from the other side that blizzard’s reasoning is justified to remove RDF.

but having RDF available doesn’t remove anybody’s option to be socially interactive or recruit members to their guilds, so what was the reason for removing it if not that? are you saying you will be able to talk to more people and recruit more people if RDF left out of the game for the remainder of wotlkc? if that is the case then you must be slightly delusional to think that RDF is going to limit you from chatting with other players on your server, if players want to talk or engage with you they will.

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i didnt flag your post lmao i dont care about it that much

continue repeating until it becomes fact, i’ll be waiting until then. but if you have some examples to share i would love to hear them.

it doesn’t matter to this topic if your did or not, i was just pointing something out; but if you’d like to continue the discussion i’d encourage you to include examples that support blizzard’s reasons for removing the tool.

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