RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

What better way to convince someone to do something than to tell that person that he/she is incompetent?

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imagine being this out of touch and being led to be gaslit into believing RDF removes or hinders your social experience and interactions in dungeons

you go to dungeons to meet friends and be socially interactive? i never thought about it that way, maybe i should try looking for more friends in dungeons rather than loot.

keep reaching for a reasonable example or counterpoint for the discussion, you’re really nowhere close. Guess you believe social experience is a good enough reason to limit the amount of players you can run dungeons with.

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With whom? The community I’ve played in this game with for years?

Who are you?

Why don’t you post on ur main? Or are you just another entitled returner who thinks they are a “player” in a game they don’t actively play?

I mean, yea, you nailed it. Good job.

Exactly it.

out of touch for thinking people should accept the reasoning behind RDF removal, guess we aren’t all as bright as you. congratulations.

bosses shouldn’t drop loot, they should drop social interactions imo.

With whom?

Post your main.

Betcha wont

How about both?

I guess social interaction scares you that much… Now that is me making assumptions.

They sort of do if you make a little effort for it.

You can get both loot and positive social interactions. That’s the beauty of an mmorpg.


Entitled tourists don’t make effort they demand games are ruined for their sake so they can play for 5 weeks and leave.

with players who dont believe the reasoning behind RDF removal justifies the removal of a tool that improves group activity in dungeons.

this is my main buddy you would know if you were actually active on whitemane.

how about leave wotlk how it was without removing tools that benefits the players for blizzard’s fake reason of social experience?

do you believe the social experience is ruined with RDF because your friends will choose to play with others over you? that’s rich if true.

people who want to be socially interactive to an extreme go to an RP server, i dont see much of those around but blizzard’s core value is social interactions and experience doesn’t make sense with such a lack of RP servers for you and your buddies.

like i said this char is worth more than your 70, if you were actually active on whitemane you’d know that by now. but i digress, none of your personal attacks on my character or whatever your attempts at conversation are have anything to do with the original topic, it’s funny how you expect others to concede after you attack them but provide no examples to support your & blizzard wow classic dev team’s reason for the removal of RDF

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Post your main. Posing does nothing for you.

RP stands for Role Playing. Very different from being social.

I’ll still play with my friend, but I’m more liking to make new friends if I do dungeons with people from my server.

It’s really not that hard to understand. Well, maybe it is for you. You know, the whole being scared of social interaction thing.

I would say it does. For me, no RDF probably means no dungeons so no interactions.

I leveled a dk and this pally through duo’ing dungeons with a friend. If I need more than us to do it, it will not get done


you can’t rp without being extremely socially interactive, sounds like a perfect place for many players who think dungeons with RDF will remove their social experience.

who is scared? the people who want a larger pool of players to make friends from, or the people who dont want to engage with players from other servers because they dont like “toxicity”

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People who want an authentic Wrath are the tourists now? LOL. That troll has gone off the deepend. Don’t know why you guys keep feeding her.


Not using the greatest analogies.

A lot of what we call valuable social interaction is hinged on the type of player you are.

RDF making faster groups and thus giving you more people to group with doesn’t translate to higher social interaction / function in and of itself.

In a similar vein, raiding with a new guild every single week in Classic didn’t naturally increase social cohesion, either. When everything is organized and rigid, like, say, in GDKP runs, you very often just get in and get out. There’s not a lot of time for levity.

The crux of it is understanding where and when social interaction happens in the game. If you’re a no nonsense, never slow down, always doing something type of player – your bias will come from there. If you don’t use the game for levity or chilling, RDF makes a lot of sense, and all the quality-of-life “fixes” that don’t yet currently exist in the game probably enrage you and your sensibilities.

But for lots of people in no particular hurry, the vast majority of social interaction for them comes during when they’re on flight paths, or when they’re on a CR, or when they’re running somewhere, or when they’re waiting on a tank to respond to a group, or when a group is out in the world questing on their own until, say, a healer pops into the group and completes it, or when people are crafting 200 bandages, or when they’re buying things in the city, etc.

That’s sort of where the Classic crowd is coming from. Most of the valuable social interaction in this game for them comes from idle time where nothing super important is happening. Correcting for idle time in small piecemeal ways over the course of a dozen expansions made an environment where people can’t interact with others as easily. RDF was one element of that. Garrisons were another, and on and on down the line. Making things easier for the sake of your time – much like how we use Amazon or Audible or Grubhub instead of malls and bookstores and libraries and restaurants – can be socially isolating.

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Well it’s an option…. Just not our only one.

I’m more likely to make friends with people that are from my server. How are you not understanding this?

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