RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

I won’t be playing the expansion without LFD, I don’t have time to join a guild to do dungeons with nor using a broken LFG tool or chat channel. Not that just my sub matters, but I’m glad I’m not alone here!

Not all of us have the time to do this ship anymore, just put dungeon finder in the game like it was in 2008. Blizzard is going to confuse a lot of people who don’t follow gaming news and expect the expansion to function as it was.

Removing a feature is not a feature, as weird as that is to say. It’s strange that the developers don’t understand that. Hope they come to their senses on this one.


You mean the new talent trees? Those are based around the current spells and abilites that exist.

Too much has been lost, changed, gutted, etc. It will never be the same again unless they massively overhauled retail, but that doesn’t seem realistic.

I’m settling and making Lich the only version of WoW I’ll ever play again, with or without RDF.


Yes I meant the talent system from retail, which I very much dislike.

This 100%. I finally logged into retail the other day just to take a peak. First time I’d done it since I came back a few weeks ago and was blown away by how much it had changed. Immediately logged back out and went back to the more familiar. Decided right then that I’m going to enjoy this Wrath launch and then decide what to do from there.

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There is one way they can improve it but it would take a huge risk.

Allow intermixing of speccs.

For example, let an enhance shaman be able to use earth shield, let unholy DKs use blood spec abilites. I’m talking about real hybridization.

That is the only way I can see retail talents becoming interesting again.

Meh, maybe. Retail classes are so boring… in my opinion. All feel the same.

If you/someone can come up with a better Idea than that, I wouldn’t mind hearing it.

especially over their core values of social experience in the game, which the tool does not hinder whatsoever

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I don’t, you idea is good.

I’m not arguing a decline, I agree that multiple factors did contribute. The poster I replied to put it all on one factor in their post.

I’d say it is when new ideas were rapidly added but I think it was the expansion where there were the most options and avenues for participating in the game as a whole with minimal attached strings as we have grown to see more and more in retail.

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It’s another way of saying they hit the balance almost perfectly. Casuals and hardcore had things to do. The convenience and accessibility was there, but other parts of the game required great commitment. Class design was fun with lots of choices, and homogenization hadn’t completely taken hold.

It really did hit the sweet spot. And now Blizz is throwing everything out of balance.


There’s a Pserver that has this feature, it would require so much balancing to keep afloat and prevent player abuse. Its fun though, just not super great in practice.

This is enough.

Exactly, 100%

Just because you are unable to make friends with people on your server while doing dungeons, does not mean other can’t.

Why do I feel like boomers made this decision and not the actual age of the average player they’re marketing the game towards? Am I just being bigoted?

assumptions are not a valid argument nor do they justify the reasoning provided by blizzard wow classic dev team for removing RDF.

keep reaching, and thank you for your time.

Imagine being this upset. Lolol touch grass for your own sake man. Rdf isn’t happening for at least 6+ months if at all ever.

Good luck debatelording devs who aren’t even gonna talk to you tho. I’m suuuure that’ll change their mind :roll_eyes:

I didn’t make any assumption, I’m just replying to what you said about social interaction.

Keep reaching, and thank you for your time.

I make friends just fine I just lack the time to do the content. What you’re doing is ad hom and it’s the cheapest way to argue. Who you believe he is in IRL is not relevant to the debate.