RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

I agree and in fact it’s the same in my experience with both tools. Toxicity isn’t really a valid argument tbh. But our personal experiences are also anecdotal.


This seems to be the hot post of the day for the subject. I have to say I agree that the retail experience is much more enjoyable, this after playing classic and leveling a warlock the past couple months. I was going to do it as a healer or tank class (easier invites right?) except the amount of bad players with poor social skills and high expectations has totally ruined that avenue for me. I probably will have to level every classic toon I play through questing (which I don’t generally enjoy) or queuing as dps (lower pressure, longer queues). It’s putting me off the classic experience. As is the need to “socialize” with people who don’t deserve the time of day.


What the game developers want aligns with the opinions of some Classic proponents (but obviously others disagree).

Should Classic be Authentic or allow #somechanges for the sake of improvement (not all will agree what an improvement is).

Myself, I don’t want a pure Authentic experience if it gives Blizzard the opportunity to correct original decisions with hindsight to improve the game (from their perspective).

We really need to stop trying to convince then « other side » of this conflict. I think the pro RDF and anti RDF clans simply fundamentally disagree and what makes a good mmorpg. Whatever we tell each other, we won’t get the other group to adhere to our point of view. Telling others that they are ignorant, dumb or stupid because they disagree with your personal preferences makes no sense.


Get on your servers discord if possible and look through guild listings. Hopefully you’ll find some likeminded players. GL!

You are absolutely correct here. Mom and dad need to step in and stop being dodgy on the subject. As much fun as it’s been to watch the forums burn, throwing flame wars on here legitimately won’t solve anything.

They said they have no plans to add it.

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I think it’s ok to discuss and debate on why we have these preferences. But when it ends up in insults and disrespectful comments only because we don’t share opinions… it feels kind of lame.


Oh, okay. Well I clearly blanked lol

Thanks for the info.

Agreed. Unfortunately people resort to poop slinging fairly quickly.

The only reason I’m not playing retail is because of the gameplay/talent system. That’s it.

All the bells and whistles retail has like LFR and what-not, I wish existed in classic.

They should have continued with the Pre-Cataclysm talent/gameplay format and kept adding on to the 71 talents.

Inb4 logistical issues regarding the transition from Wrath to Cata…

I don’t care about logistical issues. I don’t care about coding difficulties. I don’t care about programming problems. I want to play what I find fun. The Cata talent/gameplay system, was the first step in destroying that fun.

The talent system changes came in MoP (cata pre patch). It was MoP feature.

Perhaps you didn’t play the night of Cata prepatch?

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What do you mean?

that would a great idea except pro-RDF players cannot experience wotlk how they originally did or wanted to if blizzard doesn’t implement RDF later in the expansions lifetime. And if their reasoning stands throughout the expansion, prioritizing social experience, it will not be added especially if people are gaslit into believing it ruined the game socially.

but at the end of the day, a discussion is just a discussion, it isn’t going to matter what is said here wether people agree to disagree or can move closer towards the center of the issue together, blizzard has said their stance on their value of social experience and that trumps all discussion between players over this issue.

in the end blizzard will make more money by forcing people off dead servers to pay for transfers, spending more time to make groups increasing their subscription time, and i dont see this as a possiblity but i guess in blizzards words, limiting players by the amount of time it takes to gear up, which is absolutely moot since beyond phase 1 people are not going to be gearing up for endgame in dungeons alone, people going to be raiding if they want endgame gear. and what happens when those tanks on your server finish up gearing, too bad so sad for dps/healers.

and to imply that people should be happier and more socially interactive by providing incentives to fix an issue they created by removing the solution in the first place is a slap in the face to the players who played the original.

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Cata went from 71 talent points to 40-50.

That is not a continuation of the vanilla format.

I get that you have your perspective on it. All I’m saying is that throwing insults isn’t a solution. Both sides have been throwing insults at each other’s non stop.

Right, sorry. I thought you meant the modern talent system disaster.

should tell that to buddy snowbite from earlier, i dont see anyone insulting others here besides that intolerable player lmao

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I agree, both sides have had their fair share of angry people just throwing insults.