RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

I’m Batman.

Its true. They’re also anti-social and bad in groups. Its a shame you didnt inherent their intellect.

Its always the people who have to tell everyone in a video game forum how much of an adult they are… If you actually are an adult this is embarrassing.


WHo said anything about age in the post you quoted? Did you even read it? Its superiority.
And you’d do well to recognize said superiority there beef patty.

You sure weave a twisted web pal. So, it’s ok for some stuff to be included early but not other stuff because some dev blathered something about being social. Whatever fits your agenda…
Get out.

Not only that, but it also breeds resentment towards those that will be doing heroic +.

I’m certainly already detesting anyone in favor of it.

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Did they use the word never? I’m legitimately asking because maybe I blanked on that part. I thought it was something along the lines of

“introducing rdf at this point in wraths cycle would allow players to blow through content too quickly”

Whatever the case, with the addition of Heroic+ having RDF without heroics whenever they introduce it and then adding heroics later doesn’t seem like it would upset the balance too much.

What RDF people don’t seem to understand is that the devs don’t mean us to use the dungeons as a vessel for social interactions. They want to prevent dungeons from becoming vessels for rampant toxicity which is what happens with RDF.

When it takes no effort to make the group, get to the zone, or complete the run then there is nothing preventing an unsocial player from turning into a troll and doing whatever they want to ruin the experience.

If you have to put in some effort to make the group, get to the dungeon, and co-exist with your party there is less of a chance of that devolution to occur and creates a fun experience for everyone.


skip to 16:50, they say they can’t go by what the community wants, they are going by what their values are in the game, the social experience.

this is what this post is meant to point out, removing RDF does not improve social interaction or experience in classic wow. wether or not it’s at launch i dont care, i care if it is in the game at all because it was part of the original wotlk; to remove it and say it’s because blizzard classic wow team values social experience is not a valid argument to remove it.

the response by the trolls in the topic is a prime example of what you just laid out, they have a predisposed opinion on players who disagree with their reasoning for no RDF. this alone will hinder social interaction and experience in the game. and anti-social players such as snowbite are going to be happy in their echo chamber while the other side of the isle has to just bite the bullet over the anti-rdf’s inadequate position of “but muh social experience”

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If players are really struggling to form groups (and I would imagine Blizzard would review their data on this rather than forum complaining), I wouldn’t necessarily discount RDF at some point down the road. If it gets added, it will probably just have the auto-join functionality and not x-server/transporation.

Frim the title to each wors of this post, i 100% 2nd it all.

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You sound like you’re not mentally well.

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Do I really have to go back to the posts where you’re telling everyone who disagrees with you to “grow up?”. I take it back, even if you’re not an adult(and I’m assuming you’re not based on how you comport yourself here) this is sad.


My post was forcefully edited by mods because of me quoting the rude things players said to me when I /who’d them looking for a dungeon. If that doesn’t sum up this whole experience I really don’t know what does.


Actually, the dev mentioned that gear acquisition would be much quicker, players would be able to chain-run a bunch of heroics and would quickly exhaust content.

First patch is always dungeon heavy so what the dev said makes sense.

people are just as easily as toxic in dungeon pugs through group finder, in fact you can abuse players more easily without RDF by forcing people into hard reserve loot groups if those are the only ones available, by rejecting a class the leader doesn’t want to roll against, by advertising GDKP to move more dirty gold at the player’s expense. to say RDF will provide more toxic environment than group browser groups is being disingenuous of the issues with not having RDF.


I played the RDF the entire time it was out in Wrath and can count on one hand the number of times someone purposefully was a jerk.
Most players in RDF are decent people. Stop being so fragile.


skip to 16:50 and tell me their value of social experience makes sense to remove RDF

And the thing is, I don’t really care if they add heroic +, doesn’t affect me all that much since I would just stick to heroics plain. But if they’re going to destroy a feature I was waiting for, I’m certainly going to oppose anything new my adversaries may be getting.

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Typical RDF player responses to my comment. Not surprised at all.

muting this spam thread

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