RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

LFR? My opinion has always been it wasn’t in Wrath and shouldn’t be in Wrath Classic. That’s…about it.

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Already done. You ignoring them and unable to understand them doesn’t change that. You keep parroting this but all it does is reinforce how far your fingers are in your ears unless someone says something you agree with.

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lol imagine being so dense that having things explained to you by multiple people in multiple ways doesnt sink in ever. Its gotta be on purpose. Not sure why anyone would want to be slow on purpose.

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But I’m not the one that keep mentioning Ben Shapiro. Also you posted something earlier about replacing the words RDF and anti-RDF with the words democrats and white people.

It just seems werid you’d bring that stuff up in a discussoon about RDF…


For now sure, I can respect that. Maybe towards the end of wrath’s cycle we can bring it up again.

Guild banks weren’t available when TBC Classic was launched. Just because WotLK Classic launches as 3.4 doesn’t mean every single thing in WotLK should be available at launch.

Blizzard comments why having RDF at WotLK launch would fundamentally change the experience (start it at 17:45)

At any rate, as we both know, it won’t be available at launch. Who knows what happens down the road,

I nicknamed you that because you use his quote of “Facts and logic” unironically. I never mentioned politics. You did.
Now stick to the topic you hypocrite. Jesus no wonder you want RDF lmao

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it’s funny you think insulting people and shouting down other’s opinions are explaining your reasons why the removal makes sense, you must be fun at parties.

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Guild banks weren’t in because of a technical issue, not a design decision. Just like keyrings in Classic.

Its funny that you still cant grasp whats been explained to you but instead will just cry about your tissue issue.

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With or without RDF, wrath will be a blast. I’m personally happy it’s left out, at least at launch, that’s just my preference. If it gets added later on, we’ll I won’t support it but whatever, will still be a good expansion to play.

Alright. I see what you are now. It’s all very cute. You got me. I fell for your trolling. Shame on me.

The video I linked has Blizzard explaining why it would be bad to have RDF at expansion launch.

At this point, I’m just here to laugh and remind people now and then tha RDF is indeed for the socially inept.

Anyone has the ability to scroll up and find the posts you refused/are incapable of understanding.


if trying to continue a discussion is considered crying to you then you will never know what it is like to have a real discussion on a topic. keep reaching please :slight_smile:

50+ posts, 0 examples to provide in support of blizzards removal of RDF for prioritizing social interactions and experience

maybe by 100 posts you will have one example of how their reasons justify their actions.

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Another one bites the dust.

I can tranlsate what you said to actual human speak instead of RDF lizard: “U right. Sorry”

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already done by post 3. You’re just massively incapable or wilfully ignorant lol.

You don’t need to keep trolling. I’ve figured you out.

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Okay batman

I’m not against that. Ulduar would be a better time, since then they wouldn’t have to adjust the reward system. Since you can’t give players the ability to get previous tier gear when there is no previous tier gear.

But they’ve also said RDF is never coming to Wrath. They’ve changed that to ‘maybe not never’, but as of right now the answer is never. So any argument about how it’ll come with ICC is moot. Because according to Blizzard that’s not happening.

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