RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Okay ben shapiro, whatever you say lmfao

Man. If only the RDF were capable of such a feat. We’d be runnin for the hills.

The tree that doesn’t bend in the wind snaps in half, and Blizz hasn’t bent at all on RDF. They just keep adding these branches no one asked for.


Screaming what amounts to, “muh commiunity and social experiences need to be saved” is lame.

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Leaving it out improves the game because it removes anti social players from the LFG player pool. You will all continue to hard reserve items and demand perfect comps and sit there in LFG chat for hours while you tailor the game to your specific personal needs.

There is no need to destroy the social fabric of the game so you can log into a RDF run and immediately shout GOGOGO while nit picking your other players and needing on every item in the zone just because you can vendor it.

Making strawmen to get mad at is way way worse ben. Facts and logic didnt last long did it?

It was included after ICC launched. It wasn’t there for WotLk launch. Since the beginning of an expansion is dungeon running heavy, asking for RDF now would significantly change how original WotLK was like.

If you introduce a hyper-efficient tool, players will just use that even if they think it is bad for the game. It will largely kill off grouping by other means.

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Maybe if you guys actually thought about your anti-RDF arguments more it wouldn’t take a second to knock them down?


Yes. I mean sure I can walk to work for 10km. But why would I ever do that when I can ride the bus or drive like everyone else?

Fixed for honesty.

We are starting at a patch that occurred after RDF launched, if other features are in early, that one should be as well.
Aside from that, they’ve said it’ll never be in.
Try again

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With this post and some of your other posts, you seem to be trying to turn this discussion political? Why?


I agree. I would spend a handful of hours every other night doing dungeons through RDF because of how easy it is (holy paladin main and I have a resto shaman and disc priest alt), but with LFG I will only do the dungeons I need once. I will stick to guild groups and wait for them to log on. That goes for my alts as well.


Yikes. Are you feeling ok?

After? It was included in the same patch?

Neither was the 30 minute hearthstone, that was introduced in 3.1. Since that’s a QoL, maybe that should be implemented with Ulduar. Folks should still have the one hour CD.

Not like you needed it.

I feel exactly the same way you do.


As someone who used to be anti-lfd, it does take some actual thought process. It’s an issue where on the surface things might seem one way, but in actuality you have to delve deeper to understand how things work, and why. And take into account human nature, and the 2022 playerbase. It requires some effort to re-evaluate your beliefs.

And it’s rather ironic anti-lfd trolls have attacked me for changing my stance. Which is so strange to me…criticizing someone for having an open mind.

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You…you dont know what the word political means do you lmfaoooooooooo this is about warcraft not politics.

Keep on topic. RDF is necessary for people like yourself and I get it. I would want RDF too if I were socially crippled.

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I’m still hopeful that you’ll change your mind on LFR too for that matter. Even if not, I can still respect the fact.

you would think with 50+ posts in this topic alone you would be able to make a coherent statement with provided examples on why blizzard’s decision to remove RDF makes sense, but i guess it takes you way longer to put your thoughts into a reasonable discussion without shouting down players who disagree with you, i hope your friends enjoy your entertainment as much as i do.

i hope you learn something here about discussing topics soon enough so you can actually form an argument one day, i wish you the best.

im glad you are able to produce such a vast amount of social interaction and experience in dungeon pugs, care to explain how removing RDF which improves the amount of players you get to engage with hinders your social interaction and experience?

you cannot hard res loot in RDF, you cannot GDKP in RDF, you cannot deny players exclusively on their current class in RDF, the argument that having no RDF will fix these aspects is very out of touch; look at current group finder browser, half filled with GDKP or hard res on loot or declining certain classes.

i hope i didnt destroy the social fabric of the game for you by having a different opinoin. am i the type of person you would want to avoid in-game because i’m anti-social and request an original feature to wotlk be apart of the classic version of the game?

that isn’t blizzards reason for removing RDF, as explained in the recent interview. So how does the tool hinder the social interactions and experience in dungeons while providing players with a greater pool of people to play with?

people will still group for open world quests that are group orientated, people will group for event quests such as direbrew, world bosses, gdkp, maybe not so much hard reserve loot; is it so much to ask for having an option to avoid hard reserve loot groups altogether? or do hard reservers need to be able to abuse other players’ time in order for the game to be socially interactive for all?

you have to be the most socially crippled person still posting here after 50+ posts with no examples to add to the discussion that provide reason for removing RDF over social interactions or experience.