RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

Of course buddy. High five.

Don’t feel bad for me, I’m doing just fine.

The real downfall was when they realized they could micro-transaction players to death in hearthstone. Soon after Hearthstone’s success they added the token and bit by bit players started needing less and less dependence on other players because they could buy their way to better gear.

Their quest to bleed the playerbase for money in a nutshell.


Oh you accept that you got destroyed and dont want me chiming in to slap you down more? Lmfaoooooo fine.

I dont care though how much you cry about it. Youre the problem. Not RDF or the lack of it. Get better son.

But it’s a wonder how much better you’d be doing and how much more of a productive member of society you would be, had you received a proper education.

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I love you too.

You know for someone with room temp IQ you sure try to talk like you’re smarter than other people lol. You don’t say something like “be a productive member of society” while typing on a WoW forum you hypocrite lmfaoooooo


Are you sure you know what that word means? History has shown us you have some trouble understanding words and their definitions.

Again don’t worry about me, I’m doing just fine :slight_smile:

Blizz and the anti-RDF really should come up with stronger reasons for RDF not being in the game. As is stands now, their reasoning blows down from the slightest of breezes.


OP has potential friends and people to actually run with in this thread alone that are like minded.
But still refuses to put in any work to get themselves a friend group.

The sad sad state of the RDF crowd lolol

Hey, optimism is great. Hopefully you’re not blinded by your own lack of understanding, though. That would be gosh-darn awful.

You still trying? Cow man. You’re not smart. Stop.

I’m not! You can let go and stop worrying lol everything is fine.

Didn’t you realize that I haven’t responded to any of your comments, at all?


Great post! While I plan to continue playing Wrath Classic, my enthusiasm and overall experience would improve drastically with RDF.

The social experience just isn’t there with the current dungeon system. I wish it was, but it’s not.


It actually is. They aren’t though. They’re in copium overdrive. Its like watching people go through the stages of grief lmfao

I wouldn’t attempt at fighting a vastly superior opponent either. Maybe you DO have a little bit of sense.

yes i’m the problem for pointing out blizzard’s reason for the removal of RDF doesn’t justify their action.

the game has all the social interactions you will need to feel good about yourself with or without RDF. Removing RDF is just a way to keep people in the game longer so people like you can go through great efforts to pester and troll others for their own pleasure, how pleasant.

you sure destroyed me, now i know why you provided no examples, because your intelligence is too potent for a feeble minded person like me who doesn’t believe almighty blizzard’s arbitrary removal of a beneficial tool, a tool which all players can benefit from on the content and social aspects of the game, can be justified with their priority of social interactions and experience; it’s because you have no reasonable examples to support their or your position on the matter. bravo champ. :clap:

Troll has potential friends and people to actually run with in this thread alone that are like minded.
But still refuses to put in any work to get themselves a friend group.

The sad sad state of anti-RDF crowd lolol

if you are looking to the forums to find friends to group with i feel sad for you.

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Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. You’ll get my mannerisms correct someday if you keep attempting to emulate them.

Maybe if you keep faking it til you make you might actually get a friend group together.

Yeah, the sad people who actually have facts and logic behind their reasonings.

As opposed to Blizz and the anti-RDF who’s reasoning is easily refuted with just a few seconds of thought.


RDF was a feature in OG Wrath, for nearly a year. There was no good reason to remove it. You’re expecting people who want the feature back where it belongs to play that retail trash. The feature needs to be included with the expansion it launched in.
You can still form groups in your desired way. This takes nothing from you.