RDF - To the Devs, Lead Design, and the "but muh social experience crowd"

This doesnt happen, hasnt happened, and wont happen lmfao. That’s up to you if it limits you or not.

Why? because you said so? I actively participate in wpvp all the time. Its one of my favorite things to do lmfao. I need you babies out in the world so I can kill you.

i guess you are 100% correct, oh wait.

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I’m just trying to looking at things objectively. You know what really was the nail in the coffin for sociability? The 2 messages per 2 minutes rule that was implemented at the end of Wrath. That was 100% when chat died…

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I have that problem running keys. I just loathe ppl when I’m the only one at the stone and the other 4 are in Oribos, too lazy to take portals.

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I’d link more old blue posts with folks from 2009 praising RDF, but I imagine they’d just be called retail players. Which they are now I bet. :rofl:

Some folks didn’t like it, but…

The new LFG system is so full of win that the excitement of the game has totally returned for me. Aside from some bugs with getting kicked out of the instance or being unable to start, it’s been smooth sailing. All of the groups I’ve been with have been truly excellent. I can now log on and, after having topped off regeants and flasks, immediately begin playing rather than having to wait around.

The three new five-mans are engaging, interesting and really well-designed. I haven’t had to heal my butt off like that in a very long time and it was so much fun, I almost didn’t want to go to bed. The gauntlet through the ice tunnel is just choatic and hectic enough to make you proud you got through it and the music in the new five-mans is spectacular.

You guys have really and truly outdone yourselves this time and I just wanted to say thank you. :slight_smile:

I can’t wait to give Old Arthas what’s been coming to him!

The website is this one.

It’s really interesting to go back see the old blue replies on the forums since the forums aren’t around anymore.


Every solution I said. Applies there too lol. So yeah. 100% right.

To be fair, the decline was never a monolithic, single thing.

I would say the fact that this arm of Blizzard (Classic) even exists should be evidence enough that A) there was a decline, and B) changes to the game over the course of many expansions were seen as distasteful to a particular crowd.

WOTLK is somewhat of a crossroads between the ultra streamlined and the everything-done-manually play styles.

Close to 20 years ago. Remember that. Its so stupid and disingenuous to act like people dont know better after 20 years lmfao.

Maybe you didn’t grow up or even have the chance to yet but myself and everyone else did.

Almost as disingenuous to act as if they don’t like the change years later.

Throughout this forum topic you have repeatedly insulted others. It’s not beneficial to the discussion and I wish you’d stop.


Pretty much sums up this thread if anyone wants to get a synopsis and a catchup. Just replace “white people” and “democrats” with RDF and No-RDF wherever you want.

OP, fantastic post.


Its only an insult if you feel it was. Did you grow up or not? And to be frank my dear. I don’t care.

lmfao yeah its so disingenuous that RDF isn’t in the game. About that growing up thing.

except RDF would have been there to solve the issues that people are experiencing now, and does nothing to hinder your social interaction or experience, or what you would call world pvp;

paying blizzard more money to transfer off a dead faction server isn’t a solution for players, world pvp on dead faction servers doesn’t exist and no, ganking flippers in hellfire peninsula isn’t world pvp

finding friends/guild on a dead faction server isn’t a solution either since you would have to wait for those players to login to even complet e the content the player needs.

giving up their characters and starting over isn’t a solution to dead faction servers, look at all the people who got stuck on a locked server while their friends moved over to a new server, nobody wants to do that, you can’t even transfer to the servers your friends play on most likely nowadays.

regardless of those examples which you claim are solutions to one persons problems on a dead faction server which obviously isn’t going to work for most dead faction players, those examples still dont explain how removing rdf will improve social interactions and experience.


Hopefully you feel good about yourself.

The players already are there. How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?

Its just called world pvp.

Right. Because those players are still gonna be themselves no matter where they go. THEY Have to change.

lmao said the one that immediately dismissed world pvp. Im gonna venture a guess that you have absolutely no idea what youre talking about. A very educated guess.

It absolutely is. This is you moving the goalposts again because youre sad the answer isnt what you wanted.

No? You already have the solution lmfao. Again its just not what you wanna hear.

Muffin. Try harder then.

Ok, buddy. I think you’ve had too much coffee.


That I know the difference? I more feel bad for the lack of education you received.


i accept you’re in denial, i also accept your lack of examples to prove that no rdf will improve social interactions or experience. thank you for your time