RDF (LFG Tool)

Sure, but that shouldn’t me we don’t get LFD when it came in.

It’s not like the retail LFG is “social”

I think most people overstate the value of manually forming a group. It’s not a fun process when people just want to get in and do the dungeon, and then get out. It just seems like rdf is not going to be added for such silly reasons.

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I honestly don’t think it’s most people. I think it’s Brian Birmingham, a couple people on his team, and maybe 6 or 7 weirdos here on the forums. I really think that’s about all of 'em.

Have they ever gave any indication where they got this info that people don’t want rdf? From what I’ve seen it seems the majority do want it.

You forgot the boost and GDKP sellers.

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I don’t really care about social one way or the other. I just don’t want to spam trade chat for groups. I don’t really like que’d systems though either.

LFG isn’t much different than a queued system, press button, get group

I think LFG would work REALLY well on a server.

But some guy said “hi” to the lead dev once in a low level dungeon.

Such socialization…

After a month when players start getting geared wrath dungeons are going to be 15 minute zergs. At that point if you are still being picky about who’s in your group you are severely underestimating how easy wrath dungeons were.

Warm bodies will be 100% adequate vs carefully thought out groups.

Exactly, and probably sooner then a month.

I mean, no one is arguing that it wouldn’t work, if people use it.

It works on live, it just has its own set of problems.

Wrath classic subs are destined to fall off a cliff if they don’t come up with something to aid with progression. The game had about 10 million more subs back when wrath launched. There really weren’t server issues back then. They had some tank issues, but the RDF fixed that.

Keeping 5-man organization as is spells doom for retaining players.

Never going to happen unless you can go back in time. It’s time to give up this pipedream.

More than half… LFD didn’t come until the LAST patch.

Nothing wrong with it, except for the fact that it’s impossible.

Because I don’t have to? I can play Classic Wrath because it doesn’t have LFD. Are you even reading what you’re saying?

Which last over a year, LFD was in for almost half of wrath.

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Content wise, it wasn’t, which is the relevant part, because Classic Wrath will not be out for the same amount of time as original Wrath was.

Citation please.

Did you… did you not play both Classic Vanilla and Classic TBC? Neither of them were out for the same amount of time as their original source material was.

Asking me questions is not a citation. History is not prophecy. Just point to where anyone said the wrath classic timeline.

You’re right – you must not have played Classic Vanilla and Classic TBC, if you had, you wouldn’t need the citation, because that is the citation. No question needed.