RDF (LFG Tool)

You dodged the question again. Just admit you don’t have an answer and say that you are guessing using past examples. No shame in that.

Unless you need to be right every time. Then you know, dig deeper.

Maybe he should just stick with posting charts, that always works out well… :rofl:

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No one is asking for the same FEELING we had in 2008, we’re asking for the same game.

If we need to wait til Ulduar for dual spec fine, but give us LFD in ICC


Mostly true, because no matter what they are going to make some changes. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t going to fight for it to be as close to the original as we can.

Yes, it came in one of the last patches - that lasted a little under half the total time the expansion was out. You know this, you’re just trying to argue semantics.

Not 100% impossible.

Then stop telling us to go play something else. What happens if they decide to give us RDF in the ICC phase? Are you going to quit playing right at that point?
I’m still going to play Wrath because in the OG we didn’t have RDF until ICC, but I can still advocate for it to be enabled in the meantime.


So they do not listen to you then?

Ya. Posting charts. Detailed timelines. Arena issues. Stuff he’s good at.

Even more so when it ends up helping Pro-RDF side.

Actually it was the next to last patch. LFD was 3.3, they added a dragon raid and balance stuff in 3.3.5. Yet he all-capped last when it was undisputedly not the LAST patch. The guy has been slipping more than usual the last few days.

I worry.

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it was all me, i did it all
i just wanted to see everyone mald

nobody cares about RS
most people dont even remember it

I gave you the citation. You just don’t like what the citation says. That’s on you.

Yes people are. You do not speak for everyone.

Which is impossible. It’s an MMORPG. No matter what the code is it will NEVER be the same game because MMORPGs are defined by their interactions with other people. And people, have changed since 2008.

No, it’s true because the community itself has changed.

Not having LFD is closer to the orignal than having LFD is. Please actually think about that for a second before you respond emotionally.

No – it’s relevant because Classic Wrath will not be out for the same amount of time as original Wrath was. What’s not relevant is the point you and LFD supporters keep bringing up – that is the amount of time we had the last patch for.

Yes, it is impossible. We already saw No changes before, and it was nothing like how the game was back then. It’s a pipedream.

I’m not telling you to do anything, I was asking a question.

I don’t care. I’m neutral on this. I’m just being objective.

Glad to hear that. See you in Wrath!

Of course you can, no one said you couldn’t. I just think if you’re going to advocate for it, you should perhaps give more convincing arguments, since we’ve all already heard these ones before. They’ve been disproven hundreds of times over now.

No, we’re asking for the same features/balance/classes/quests/raids/etc.

That’s the game, the rest is the “feeling”

You keep saying “we” – you only represent yourself.

I think you fundamentally misunderstand what traditional MMORPGs are about, which isn’t surprising if you’re advocating for LFD.

Lol, just… lol

You know what can easily be disproven? That LFD “ruins the social aspect of the game”

You know what can’t be disproven?

The fact that LFD was in the game in ICC


Nope, I think you misunderstand what those of us who are pro-lfd are asking for, we know the experience won’t be the same, we just want the code to be as close as possible.

The answer is that it doesn’t.

But trolls don’t care what’s actually accurate or not, they are just here to stirr the pot.

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I’m literally asking for RDF to be released the same time it was originally. Which was in the ICC patch/phase.

Yeah okay lmao. Sure you are.

no I agree with him too (you can’t get anything right, but keep trying)

Seeing how you don’t know how charts work, I figure I might try to clarify the meaning of we

we : /wē/
pronoun: we

used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.

Bgs in Vanilla were added in 1.5 in June 2005. Cross-realm bgs were added in 1.12 in August of 2006. We had 14 months of non cross-realm bgs before the system was added in the literal last patch of Vanilla.

But which version did they use in Classic? Yup, the 1.12 one. Same with every other single system and tool…except LFD.

His argument is completely invalid, has been disproven time and time again with how Blizzard has designed Classic and TBC Classic. He’s just trolling.

just put this guy on ignore and dont waste your time with him

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