RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Pro tip this is wrath classic not wrath. Not everything is a carbon copy.

And when the honeymoon period was over it had a huge wait time for dps. Its why they added the bonus boxes in cata. Because the problems it was having in wotlk.

And when that didnt work as well as they wanted they made other changes as well like free respecs of your specalozation, adabtive gear, exc.

Idk about you but i have done plenty of dungeon runs just for fun. To hang out with the people i am doing it with, to make a social experience out of it, exc.

No, the game isnt as social as it was back in 2004. But its not just “everyone elses fault” its yourself as well. I play the game very socially. An the results? I find like minded people and we play the game socially.

You being in your bubble and refusing to come out it a big part of why the game feels so anti social to you.

Its the legion engine…which has rdf…

The excuses you people come up with is just…

Also, blizzard did make some woke changes, in responce to a lawsuit. Doesnt mean they went woke, they just made a few pr moved to try and put that fire out.

You could argue that the sub drop is caused by RDF but you are going to die on a weird hill unlike the others, like the one who thinks 26 gold will ruin the economy or the one who thinks its not a problem.

But in reality it didn’t, If Cataclysm Classic comes out and we still dont have RDF, Cataclysm is still going to be a bad expansion with or without RDF.


now i know you’re a damned liar. guys we got a pair of liars in this forum post. red and corpse.

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I aint lyin when I say Wrath Classic doesnt need, deserve or warrant RDF.

I aint lyin when I say you’re not getting it.

Call me a liar all the way into Wrath maintenance mode when you still dont have RDF. Im not fussed.

that claim has never been made. the claim is that RDF killed wow. we are stating that it did neither. it didn’t keep wow afloat nor did it kill the game. but is a nice question. I honestly believe what killed wow’s momentum was every terrible decision they started making in cataclysm. thats where all the problems began.

funny but true story you want the game to be a single player game even at level 80 outside of raids and pvp. so what else are we to conclude from you and anyone else. you hate the game all together.


Another false statement i see.

so you want as very little players playing again? why?


You dont seem to understand basic timelime. Im not saying AP was loved for months and months. The initial responce to it was good. The feedback that disliked it happened after people started realizing what a grinding mess it was.

The inital responce or first impression was in fact good. Why? The honeymoon period. It was new. It was fresh. People liked that. Once the new flavor started to subside and people started looking at it more closely is when opinions began to sour on it.

Thats a factual timeline of what happened. Unfortunately that initial feedback fueled the next 3-4 years of development resources for the direction they went with bfa and shadow lands. You can dislike the truth, but that doesn’t make it not true.

we’re likely going into P3 with out actual wrath features in the game. never mind wrath. but they find the time to give us features that weren’t in the. they can find the time to nerf gary, but they can’t find time to fix the bugs with pet IA or busted quest logic. there are quests severely busted. those never get fixed wowhead’s page for them even states as much so much so some quests in tbc and wrath require resets. of the game for them to function once and be done. when you know the little things can’t get fixed ya gotta know the big things are never coming i will be betting we don’t get these wrath features until ICC if at all.

you are right at first. but this is where you are wrong the people i know that are playing the game that are friends are talking about already quitting. they don’t find this game remotely fun. they haven’t for 2-3 months. they’ve just stayed playing to attempt to give this game a go. they’re likely to cut their subs. they don’t know what it is. but they are just not happy in classic wow. they just don’t play outside of raids. they enjoy clearing the raids. they don’t enjoy not playing the game. and if the players base is cut even by a third of what it is currently i think they’ll have to readjust their thought patterns.

you all but said that last night. 85% participation in dungeons is down from the beginning of wrath classic. yet you say nothing needs to be fixed. tells me you don’t want people playing dungeons at any level. at this point you just want single player experience.

Raid finder should stay out of classic. It’s crap.

Retail has way too many “helping hands” that destroyed community. Addressing one problem risks creating other problems, especially when the changes come from the top.

Helping players “see the content” is good overall (hence re-Naxx), but players–ever having the instinct to do what’s best for their characters–adapted. They farmed “that trinket” in LFR, normal, and heroic, and later in flex mode. That’s one reason I love that naxx and ulduar 10 vs 25 had DIFFERENT items.

You think it’s bad having to PvE for the best PvP weapons, how about having to do 8 M+ every week in order to raid? Yikes. Your guild might not require it, but when the players who do outperform you and get invited more often…it’s like when your raid has “extra credit day” and everyone shows up to earn DKP.

Plus retail is just a blob of stats.

‘Oh look, an ilvl upgrade: 4 primary, 2 crit, 2 “mastery,” 2 “versatility.”’

So boring.

Even though WotLK is my favorite, it is guilty of beginning some of this, with ToC normal/heroic.

btw, I thought y’all were talking about RaiDFinder, not random dungeon finder.

That one…I don’t know how I feel about that one.

Only because Wrath holds a kind of leverage over us.

When Cata comes out, or wrath is terminated, that leverage ends.

That’s called addiction

Whoooopsies. Somebody said it.

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And it’s called gradual withdrawal.

You keep stepping on your product over and over again just to squeeze out profits, my tolerance is going to kick in and I’m going to look for the good stuff elsewhere.

That’s exactly why I quit retail in first place. The formula kept changing in that it no longer gave me the fix I was looking for.

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95% of WoW’s growth happened before the dungeon finder.

ALL of it’s decline came after it.

Dungeon finder killed WoW.


it absolutely should be in classic if we get cata. wrath not so much but we are talking about wrath and RDF not sure how this pertains to wrath.

still not sure where you’re going with your line of thought of nonsense after 2 paragraphs.

all of cata that legendary staff was god tier in pvp. pretty sure the rogue legendary was god for pvp as well. mourne is definitely god tier. no reason it shouldn’t be. its the fast way to get weapon with that much weapon damage attached to it and 3 sockets. oh and a nice little proc on it as well.

okay so this whole post was a waste of time gotcha.