RDF isn't coming to WotLK

You’re an idiot.


Spotted another Anti-RDFer wanting to die on a weird hill… same thing I said to Gosakii

If Cataclysm classic came out and RDF is still not in the game, regardless what you think, Cataclysm is still a bad expansion with or without RDF.


you say this caused wows downfall? why the player stay at 11.5M to 12m for over and a quarter? if RDF killed wow you should’ve seen the steep decline back in wrath. that didn’t happen but nice logical fallacy there.

Whoopsie someone skipped their hooked on phonics lessons for the week. reading comprehension is difficult i know.

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bro, they could fix all the problems with cataclysm and it would still be a hated expansion.

Now who is the liar?

Im sorry you’re side gets outed on every talking point. At least you handle it maturely and…oh wait nvmd.

And probably the same people who are against RDF will probably quit after Cata classic comes out when they realize Surprised pikachu face Cataclysm is a bad expansion with or without RDF.


just in, i have not lied. you just don’t have basic Junior high reading comprehension.

“No one made that claim”

“They grew the game to 12 subs with RDF cuz they knew people wanted it”

“You dont know how to read.”

Project much? Youre a liar.

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Again the same false claim.

Never said that, never said 85% were not doing dungeons, exc.

If you are refering to my WG comments you may want to reread them because you apparently interpreted something VERY different than what i said.

good news i didn’t say that but nice misquoting. oh i forgot to mention you are a liar.

Someone said it. I quoted the poster. Didnt say it was you.

But the claim was made. And if I cared to go through any of the other bleeding heart RDF threads I could provide more quotes but why bother? I just need the one that refutes “no one ever made the claim RDF grew the game”.

Its also been implied like 30 times but whatevs. RDF isnt in Wrath, thats all that matters.

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did i ever suggest you said? no i didn’t i am making a statement of fact. but you wouldn’t know this because you don’t argue on basis of facts only feelings. sorry i don’t care about feeling at this point. i care about the raw facts. and the raw facts are that of dungeon participation is down to 85% there isn’t anything you can argue to suggest that the dungeon activity is a perfectly fine state.

I see people are still getting baited into the sub debate. You make it too easy for the trolls.

good because the people quoted with me. neither of them said that. but if your asserting one of us did you’re now lying to us. oh and yes you are still very much a liar. much like your bff red.

Nah I mean those are facts.

Pretty logical conclusion tbh

Yeah seems like something a retard like yourself would say.

Except it’s not, lack of RDF directly creates a single player experience.


By the structure of your sentence it was implied, but sure kets say you didnt say i said that about the 85%.

So wheres your data? Or did you pull it from the place the sun doesnt shine. And what are the factors that caused that data? Just no rdf? Or maybe its from people out leveling and gearing it and then chosing to raid log instead of do more dungeons?

Or maybe its from a population drop from those who cleared all raids that were out the first week and then after farming them for a bit decided to come back later for ulduar? (Popular trend for many). There is a lot of factors as to why dungeon participation can go down. Trying to blame it all on the lack of rdf is just intellectually dishonest.

really, are you so sure? could it be that the numbers went into decline because of cata? pretty sure cata made everyone mad enough to quit they got me to quit. and RDF never offended me. i didn’t like LFR but it didn’t offend me to the point of quitting. i think you’re grasping at straws at this point.


Subs dropped after Death Knights were added. Death Knights killed WoW.