RDF isn't coming to WotLK

I don’t realy care what you think glad you want RDF, but if you support wokism doesn’t mean we are on the same team, this whole decision is part of wokism and its culture of everyone must be forced to think like me

You have no idea what I am talking about so let’s just stop here. Go educate yourself if you didn’t have a computer in the 2000s.

Lad, I started playing vidya games on a PC in the early 80’s.

Oh lord, you’re actually serious about this too.

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There was money to be made by introducing classic. There’s no money to be made by adding RDF since y’al still will play this game with or without it.

In order to get flying back, people had to quit WOD in the millions. Classic doesn’t have that number of players, but if you want them to change their mind you’re going to need to speak with your subscription. As long as you’re still paying them, they have no incentive to add it.


Don’t take pride in your ignorance.

From the guy with the literal stance of “I want less people to play the MMO I play” that means… well, honestly, it doesn’t mean diddly squat.


You are now implicitly arguing that WoW at it’s absolute peak needed RDF to stay afloat.

That is indeed what the sub numbers for WoW over it’s lifetime seem to imply, yes.

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I doubt any dev at blizzard is woke, nor have they ever been.


Looking at the face value of sub numbers, one could argue that subs only started dropping after RDF, so I wouldn’t go there if I were you.

They started dropping after Cata. You can continue to argue that this was due to RDF, but that would be stupid.


After Cataclysm.

If you’re gonna try this gotcha at least get it right.

And that’s where this story arch of yours end cause I can’t really be bothered with “but it takes time for something like this to show in subs” cause that’s utter bullcrap considering subs stayed stable or rising during the longest content draught the game has ever seen.


no they are, look at how the put pandering to the minority voice in recent years, changing women into bowls of fruit, removing gender from the game, Blizzard has gone woke, and part of wokeism is forced singular thought.

Yeah, now your “anti woke” crusade is worth nothing but a report.

Grow up.





no why don’t you grow up and stop being a woke idiot

It’s not gotcha, it’s just shutting you down because this is going nowhere. I don’t care about when subs started dropping, I was originally arguing that matchmaking made the industry worse as a whole. RDF isn’t a brilliant invention by the Wrath dev team, it was them following a trend.

And it made their game worse as it did other games.

I know, cause that wouldn’t fit the narrative.

WoWs healthiest state was immediately after RDF was launched.

This isn’t a coincidence even if you want to paint it as such.

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If anything RDF had no immediate impact on the sub count. It was the heavy marketing they did during Wrath.

They aren’t pandering to anyone except their PR department and lawyers. I refer you to the plethora of law suits and the cube crawls and assaults. Changing paintings into fruit has nothing to do with the pig culture they facilitated for years. It’s just making irrelevant changes so they can say, “See? We’re doing something. Stop looking at us! Stop suing us!” Blizzard never does anything unless money’s involved. They couldn’t care less about anything else.