RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Ive been abrasive, not abusive. Like anyone could blame me for the stuff that’s been said to me and about me. But in true holier than though fashion, you fire the first salvo, go overboard with the the gunfire and then cry foul when it gets dished back at you even the tiniest bit. All for the unforgivable crime of disagreeing with the guys who think they should be running Classic and agreeing with the guys that do.

You’re not prohibited from getting groups and having fun. Its just not a click a button gimme. Boo hoo for you.

Wait why would I pay to play video game in my leisure time for fun?

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Games were unironically a lot better with better communities before matchmaking took over the industry. This isn’t a WoW exclusive issue.

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How on earth have I cried foul even once.

Lay it on me lad, just be careful with them shoelaces.

You’re just missing the bigger picture.

What made WoW boring had nothing to do with RDF but the homogenization of classes and talents as well as lore that isn’t fit for a gas station rest room.

But go on, keep saying a system that barely sees any use is the reason WoW retail is in the state it’s in, not the massive system changes since WotLK :roll_eyes:

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The literal internet drove this change, not games.

Back in 2004 facebook was new an exciting. In 2009 not so much. In 2023?

Proof? Just look back at classic. If what you’re saying had any truth to it dungeons would be run for the fun of it throughout all of it.

What does Facebook have to do with video games?

Less than discord.

As an example as to how the internet changed since 2004.

Cause the internet changing is what drove this, not RDF.

What does that even mean? Matchmaking is abused to appeal to a wider audience.

Oh no, the absolute horror of having a wider audience of players playing the game you play.

Lord forbid you have more people to play with in an online game, I can see how this is dreadful for you.

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Is this the best you can do?

Prove to me you deserve better from having the stance of “NO I WANT MY GAME TO HAVE NO APPEAL TO ITS AUDIENCE”.

the truth is Blizzard left it out because the Dev’s are lazy and incompetent and are making excuses for their inability to actually develop anything, the Wrath RDF tool likely needed some work to function on the new engine, but the current Blizzard dev’s likely have no idea how to write code.


They said the same thing about flying in the old world.

Then Cata happened.

Blizzard will do what ever makes them the most money and MAUs. Heck, that’s why we have Classic, which they also repeatedly said they would not bring back the older expansions.

Yeah, this is obvious from the abomination of an LFG tool they actually put in :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, twisting “appeal to wider audience” into “not appeal to the core audience”.

I mean, yeah, that’s exactly what it is.

If you have a bunch of people who love the actual gameplay mechanics but can’t do anything they don’t stick around.

oh I doubt the current dev’s care one iota about money, these new woke devs would rather create forced socialization to the detriment of the players. It seems they’d rather do whatever makes Blizzard less money.

Oh god, you were doing so well too :frowning:

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They can’t even get the far simpler LFG Tool to work right…