RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Pot kettle



It really is, if you are still living in 14 years ago.

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I called in to work today because I didnt want to miss out on a badge run. Missing out on 15 badges just wasnt feasible. Mandatory even

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Partly yes because the state of leveling dungeons is avoid them because simply putting a group together is not worth your time which is funny because this is an MMO… right?

Also it might be me but there comes to time I just want to run a couple of dungeons to change the scenery for me after 45 minutes of pure questing.

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It makes it feel more like an actual world. And that slow period can be a blessing for open world farming. Rare spawn hunting, exc.

The game is called WORLD of warcraft for a reason. Its not just an mmo. Its an mmorpg. World building, immersion, exc are all part of the games design.

Im pretty sure theres some therapists that might be interested in talking to you


Never claimed they had some kind of mental illness. Just that they were only looking at short terms.

So we’re going to keep moving the goal posts I see.

We went from “its literally impossible for a lot of people to find groups” all the way too “its an MMO is it not?”

What part of MMO says Im entitled to groups whenever I want them and I also don’t want to do anything but click a UI button to get it?

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Think of the shard market crash of 2023


I meant more that you’re a clown


For knowing what the actual deisgn factors of what an mmorpg is?

Ill say it again and maybe you will understand it this time. Wow is not just an mmo. Its an mmoRPG. Learn the differences.

You can have that opinion, doesnt make it true. But you are free to have that opinion.

It’s not an opinion anymore.


Lol seek help

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He’s role playing as an under performing hunter who doesn’t consume and let’s his raid team carry him every week.


I think if we start a gofundme funded exclusively by retail rdf gold we could get the funds needed for his therapy within a week

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Your position has not been intentionally misconstrued. As such there is no strawman.

It has been mocked and satired but once again no strawman.


I’m not moving them but ok.

I’m not saying its impossible, its rather difficult and you are better off questing for time investment because spamming “LFM Deadmines” for 1 or 2 hours for a dungeon that takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete is not worth the time investment which is funny because this is an MMO and not a single player game that lasts to 70 (or 80) levels.


Also I’m not entitled to join groups.

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Its not about someone misunderstanding an argument that makes a strawman. Its intentional misrepresenting it that does.

Learn the difference.

I just look at it as free entertainment. These trolls are more amusing than any t.v. show.