RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Where did I say I want Blizz to force people to interact with me? I dont need Blizz to find me groups. Neither does anyone else.

You’re the strawman king of this forum and you still can’t spot one when its right in front of your face.


Sounds like a you problem.

It’s basic business, actually.

Nope. That’s expecting an MMO to actually, you know, have players in it.

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A strawman is only a strawman when it supports your views right?

Rules for thee but not for me and all that.

No its your problem since you cant get RDF with stupidly obvious propaganda.

You can tell yourself that but that’s not why you didnt get RDF. Blizz gave you the reason why you arent getting RDF. You are free to believe whatever nonsense you can fathom but the actual reason was provided for you.

At 3am. Okay then. Good luck selling that lame narrative.

They said:

  • Social reasons

Then they said:

  • We don’t want you gearing up too quickly.

Seems they can’t even stick to one story.

So, it’s not an MMO then.

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It’s not some sort of fairy tale though.

Finding a group for a dungeon or putting together a group is difficult while leveling and its not worth the time investment when you could just quest, devoid all social interaction and play single player WoW to 70 (or 79 at this point). Nobody is saying its impossible and the game will die because they cant get a Uldaman group together.

This is where would RDF or Cross Realm LFG would actually relieve the difficulty of finding and or putting a group together and I would actually level a character 1 to 80.


Its almost as if they have more than one reason. They have stated a few of the reasons.

You on the other hand are putting words in their mouth that they never said.

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And its this logic that makes RDF necessary? You dont need to run lowbie dungeons to level because of how efficient questing is but we need RDF to run lowbie dungeons because they’re important (for some reason no one can explain)?

Okay. I think Blizz has a different metric for determining if grouping is extremely difficult proposition and it would probably have to affect a ton of people. Clearly thats not the case otherwise you would have RDF.

It is an mmo. It makes it feel even more like a world when people are not all logged in at once. Because then it gives the feeling of people being asleep in the world.

Ah yes another person who doesn’t know what a strawman argument is.

You being having a stupid argument and being called on it is not a strawman.


Blizz I cant find a group at 3am. Obviously something wrong with the game. I cant figure out why getting a group at 3am is difficult but I know RDF might help me with that.

Again, good luck with that.

Even for you this is laughable


It might help, yes.

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It would more than help. Youd be able to get a group at 3am with it. I know you already know that, but apparently he doesnt.


an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent’s real argument.

I bolded the bit you seem to be misunderstanding of what a strawman is.

Except its not my (or his) argument. Its an intentional misrepresenting of what we said because its essier to attack that false argument. Aka, a strawman.

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If you still are gonna sit here and be anti-rdf you need to get your head checked and get out of your little bubble.

I couldn’t even find a tank for a WoTLK dungeon for over 2 hours on Grobbulus yesterday evening at 11pm EST. I ended up just continuing questing and logging without doing the dungeon.


Do people sleep? Yes or no?

You have got to be an absolute mega nerd if people sleeping increases your immersion in the game. Like its hard to believe youd even come up with that.

Literally never logged on and thought

“Oh wow, everyones asleep, this game is so amazing”


They’ll say anything.

Its impossible for people to get groups. People get groups anyway.
Its impossible to run lowbie dungeons. People get groups anyway.
I cant find a dungeon at 3am. Massive game breaking issue thats killing Wrath Classic that totally supports the assertion RDF is 100% mandatory.

So now its “if you dont want rdf its a mental disability or illness”

You people are clowns.