RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Not to mention talent changes (screw needing 41 points in a tree before diverging to another), class changes (blood as the only tank, holy power for paladins) and so on.

There was very very little good to come out of Cataclysm.

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The conversation with these trolls generally goes like:

Anti-rdf troll: “Subs dropped after RDF was added!”
Logical person: “No, actually they continued to rise for a year+.”
Anti-rdf troll: “You don’t know that was because of RDF. Stop making that claim!”

When, of course, no such claim was made. They invent arguments to refute.

By the way, we’re still talking about sub numbers and not RDF. So clearly this diversion tactic by the trolls works.


Or better yet, one I get thrown at me constantly here and on the EU forums.

“Such changes don’t have an immediate effect.”

Meanwhile, looking at Cataclysm subs it does seem that yes, it does indeed have an immediate effect.


Yeah, its either that or -

Anti rdf - It came towards the end of Wrath
Logical person - I mean it was in for 49% of the expansion, a day short of a year
Anti rdf - Length of time doesnt matter, in terms of patches it was towards the end
Logical person - I mean it was like 3 weeks away from being in Wrath longer than it was not in Wrath
Anti rdf - Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Or the always humorous -

Anti rdf - It came in during a content drought
Logical person - It was released the day before ICC was so it came in before the drought even started


I really hope they add RDF because grouping at this point is just tedious and annoying. I have a limited amount of time to play the game and I don’t want to spend it spamming LFG. I’d rather just sign up for a queue and go about my business until it pops like pvp. 99% of my socialization in this game comes from playing with my guild, joining pug raids, and crafting. RDF wouldn’t impact that at all.


Man, who knew that Stormstrike’s new icon would cause subs to plummet three years later. :thinking:


Nor has it ever, the folks against RDF just like the “power” they gain over being “the group leader”.


LFG might not instantly group you, teleport you to the dungeon and reward you for the convenience but its a perfectly fine tool to connect with others on your server for the purposes of running a dungeon if your normal social group isn’t available.

If running dungeons was an actual nightmare affair for the community at large and not some fairy tale conjured up by entitled convenience seekers then Blizz would have given you some kind of pared back version of RDF if not actual RDF at this point. RDF not being a part of the landscape here in Wrath Classic tells me the “arguments” in favor of RDF is just hyperbolic pearl clutching over a perceived problem which is actually no problem at all.

If its actually impossible for someone to find a group they’re probably the biggest contributor for that being the case.

Until, you know, it doesn’t.

Or, you know, it’s because Blizzard knows they’d sell less boosts with RDF in the game.

Yeah, you know, it can’t be that the server is dead, that no one is wanting to run a dungeon at 3am. It’s 100% the player’s fault, and not the fact that, you know, it’s supposed to be an MMO.


You’re the same guy who resorted to talking about max level dungeon grouping when everyone else was talking about levelling dungeon grouping because you had lost the argument and was desperate.

Nobody is going to take what you say seriously.


Running end game dungeons(well all) is a nightmare, just like running BG’s was a nightmare. And it’s almost like blizzard has a solution, CRBG’s and RDF.


Just because you dont get a group within 5 minutes of listing yourself doesn’t mean the tool doesnt work. Getting a group isn’t simply a matter of looking for one.

Is the tin foil hat squeezing your head a little too hard? Like Blizz needed to do something other to sell boosts than make them available on the cash shop. People almost drowned the forum in tears when they thought they werent getting them in TBC.

Expecting a group at 3am is just entitlement, not an actual cause for concern.

So clearly you haven’t actually been listening to people when they say they spend hours in LFG to no avail.

No, it’s common sense that RDF would negatively impact sales.

LOL - I should be able to find a group for content, regardless of time. Hence, “MMO”

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You not wanting RDF so people are forced to interact with you is entitlement, actually.


No it’s not when the systems to allow it to happen exist.


They didn’t start talking about leveling dungeons until their argument that no dungeons at all its impossible blew up in their faces. Now we desperately need RDF for Uldaman runs because that’s vitally important to no one.

Like I care what people who cant make real arguments to cover their entitlement think.

Blizz isnt taking you seriously and thats all that matters.

Im not asking for people to be forced to interact with me. Strawman harder.

Ah and he doesn’t know what a straw man is.

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Ive heard them, I dont believe them. There’s no reason too. There isnt a plague of thousands of groupless people waiting hours in LFD to back up their biased and paranoid perspective.

If it was a real problem Blizz would deal with it. Obviously its not a real problem.

That’s not common sense, that’s a pathetic theory.

And that’s not being entitled :rofl: