RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Because you were when people also logged into Westfall horde to see the “opportunity” you can get out of from Westfall and this is where I would say you are trolling and arguing in bad faith. I’m not saying its “impossible” but it would take a long time to the point I would suggest you to transfer Whitemane or Faerlina because you would have a so much easier time to find or form groups than on westfall horde, also I dislike the idea of working around people’s schedule to try to get one dungeon done because there is simply very little horde on the server.

Yes you need to socialize with people to join a guild, find ways to over come a raid or find ways to strategize in arena but why should I socialize to join a dungeon when they are just cake walks?

Yet some Anti’s think the reason of WoW’s decline because of RDF.

The sub drop during WoD is not because is RDF.

Blizzard said no to classic numerous times but here we are.

Excuses blah, whatever you still withheld the timestamp knowingly you did.

I still did your work and now just admit you did withheld it and take the L.

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That doesn’t mean RDF is one of those times.

Only if I had typed “Vizantius is a great addition to the forum” and somehow forgot about it.

you are a liar.

I provided him with the chance to find it himself. To do his own research and find the answer he wanted to find. So yes, i withheld it in hopes he would spend 2 minutes to find the answer himself. But that was asking to much i guess…

And saying Westfall horde cant run a single dungeon, ever, even at max level, at all, its literally impossible and then moving the goal posts on me THREE times is the pinnacle of good faith arguments amirite? What a stupidly biased take. You’re so worried about bad faith arguments but not when they come with people who agree with you.

100-160 people have opportunities to do content. They can do 25 man raids and everything. That doesn’t change because you have some warped idea of what opportunity is or personal preferences about scheduling. Is it a ton of opportunity? Is it on par with Westfall alliance? No and that’s not what I was suggesting anyway. They can do something which is a miles away from “they literally cant do one 5 man”.

I have a way better case with accusing you of making bad faith arguments in saying we need RDF because hardly anyone is doing vanilla dungeons on a low pop server 3 and half months into Wrath while theres a 50% xp buff. To expect people to still be flooding leveling zones in a classic expansion at this point is kind of unrealistic expectation.

Its not that you wont or dont feel like it its that you simply dont have to and thats the very thing the devs wanted to avoid with their somechanges approach to classic wrath even if people still opted to not socialize.

That’s why all the “lolz @ muh socializin” is just a huge pull off the copium tank. You’re not being forced to socialize but the game isnt going to be the reason youre not doing it, you’re gonna be the reason.

I cant be responsible for everything everyone has said about it but a real critical assessment of it would conclude that it was one of the many reasons. Again, RDF sticks out like a sore thumb because it was a big change at the time and when people looked back on the decline of WoW it came up in every conversation. People wrote their college thesis’s on it.

People begged for dual specs in TBC but here we are.

There’s examples that go both ways. Not actual hard proof of anything unless youre just looking for a tiny sliver of hope.

I actually think there’s a small chance we will see some watered down (no teleport/bonus rewards) with ICC but I wouldnt be surprised if it stayed out either.

Whatever I’m not going to waste a breath on this one.

Would’ve been easier if you did provide a timestamp instead of linking a video that starts from the beginning, rest of the entire video means nothing to what were talking about till 36:24 to 53:13.

Yet the rest of the video gives you inside into the devs views, it may not specifically be about rdf, but it helps you understand their point of view and mindset on what they view as good game design and bad.

It gives some insights on part of why classic wotlk is the way it is.

Make it happen next week.


I feel terrible and care very deeply for people on low pop realms or anyone who cant find a group for literal months. I need them to have RDF so I can show them my compassion by not socializing or speaking to them at all when we’re grouped.

Please help me save them Blizz :sob:

I’m not saying its impossible, I’m saying it difficult given the circumstance that horde is the minority faction on Westfall by 1% according to Ironforge pro and its not worth my time because very few dungeons are being ran on a server that is 99% alliance.

I have played since vanilla and maybe I did see a decline in social dynamic after RDF has been implemented but it didn’t stick out like a sore thumb to me. Years later and classic came out and longer classic has been out, I rarely see the social dynamic in this game as many would remember vanilla, TBC and Wrath pre RDF being, only what remains of it is still in guilds and thats it.

Is this in original TBC or TBC classic?

Because in TBC classic, Blizzard didn’t give in when TBC classic was current so I dont know what you are trying to achieve here where as Blizzard gave into the demands of Classic.


I wasn’t implying you said impossible but someone did :slight_smile:

Westfall horde have my sympathy for all thats worth to them which is nothing. I main Era, the numbers arent that far off from Westfall, 100-150 depending. Getting groups isnt a breeze by any stretch but we manage. While their situation is far from ideal, Id think they would do something about it (roll elsewhere, transfer) if it meant that much to them. Some people like playing on low pop servers.

I still don’t think thats enough of a reason to bring in RDF. Blizzard had other intentions here and server populations are a player created issue.

No argument from me. Definitely a different landscape.

Just because you ask, think its a good idea and would help people its not a guarantee.

Low pop servers aside it would appear as though everyone is doing fine in Wrath Classic to this point. Maybe that changes down the road but Ive never seen or heard anyone on my Wrath server say its impossible for them to find a group and there’s a zillion guilds recruiting so its not exactly hard to find people to play with.

Since when has 85% reduction in dungeon participation at level 80 a good thing. let alone the nonexistent dungeons level 68 and lower. I say 68 because you can enter Northrend at 68 thus you can enter dungeons at 68.

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Well, it looks like Heroic+ will give a single Conq badge once a day. So we are being forced to do Heroic+, at least for the first 3-4 weeks.

HOT DAMN TALK ABOUT EXTRA BADGES!!! WOOHOO!!! you f-ing serious? all this talk about extra badges and they’re talking 1 extra badge? eyerolls

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I can’t believe small groups are still making the “RDF reduces social opportunity” point. Utterly unfounded in common sense and reality. It just is not true.

Please put your egos aside and try to think critically.


I know, I know. I agree with you.

Issue is that 30 extra badges in a month is going to be a second tier piece… So gear up quicker is all.

Fire mages have to have the 4 set, so it’s critical for me. /sigh

How will you meet your wife of the future unless you don’t force people into socializing on wow? or what about your best man at your wedding? or you’re BFF for the rest of your life?


naw dawg, the way they said it they made it out to sound like we’d be getting badgeS when they say extra badgeS for doing a Mythic + i hear multiple. I knew this would have been a c*** tease at most.

Yea, I wise they’d figure out that 20%+ of the playerbase does a raid, sees everything die, then peace’s out.

There is so much emphasis put on slowing gearing down, it’s just confusing.

I got to appreciate the hustle on some people in those servers where their faction is 1% but for a person who values their time and would like form a group for a dungeon with relative ease because there is a larger pool to players to pick and play with compared to Westfall horde, Benediction horde (do they even exist?) or mankrik alliance or find a group within 10 ish minutes after listing him/herself.

Even if somebody came to the realization that they choose the wrong server for the faction they play, I honestly feel like “Just transfer off lol” (or “just faction change lol” since its coming but no confirmation as to when its coming) isn’t really a good solution to be honest.

I’m not saying that minority factions is the #1 reason why we need RDF or Cross realm LFG but there is other factors that over take minority factions i.e I’m hearing that dungeon participation is low but I don’t run that much dungeons because my Warlock sees no value in them.