RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Aw, thats a much better job than cross country lol. Usually not quite as much pay, but a much better QoL.

RIP corpseknifes keyboard. Dudes been replying for 45 mins.

Hopefully gamestop will give him some store credit to go towards a new one

Just an fyi: Kevin Jordan was a class designer, not overall game design. And by Wrath he was barely active at all. He also was dead set against the boost being added to Classic. So people need to stop pretending current Blizzard gives a damn what old devs or the players want. They don’t.

Last, look at the amount of artists who go back to ‘improve’ their old works and completely ruin them. Pretty much every ‘special edition’ made by George Lucas or Steven Spielberg, for starters. South Park did a great episode on that called Free Hat. Creators don’t know the value of their own creations.

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Release RFD, I am tired of there being no groups for cos normal on my low pop realm.


I’m almost at six figures.

But I’m also paid hourly and this is a union job


he’s gonna need need to get someone to ointment on those burns for him. but yeah he’s probably replying to me you zaalg drink and everyone else and there mother in one long downy brown post. that i’ll TDLR respond.

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I didn’t ask you what retail queues were.

I can’t put this all on you but as a group you guys have every answer for everything and are correct about it all. I would expect someone with this excess of knowledge, foresight and omnipotence to be able to answer a straight forward question with a straight answer and for some reason you didn’t do that.

This one example of Westfall’s situation is not an example or explanation of what RDF does over the long term to this one aspect of community based game. And frankly, Im done with Westfall as a talking point because the very real proof I provided to thoroughly refute someone’s “superior evidence for RDF” is now just more evidence for RDF conveniently enough. So even though they were flat out wrong I get accused for arguing in bad faith like I was the one that guaranteed one group there was “impossible”.

Where is that written? That’s merely your opinion. What did people do for the 2 and 2/3 of WoW before RDF? On the topic of guilds though, people form guilds to have access to a ready pool of like minded players for the expressed purpose of doing content or socializing or both. A guild isn’t even a requirement then with a tool like RDF. That’s what is meant by a single player game.

I cant speak to the social dynamic there only that FFXIV is considered another MMO-Lite like retail is because of those very same features and similar lowered barrier accessibility.

That falls into the subjective category and no one made the claim that LFD and LFR killed the game all by itself. It certainly didnt help. Increased accessibility features designed to bring in more people yet subs drop anyway is pretty telling.

So the damage is already done, its over, screw it? Id like to go on here but that was actually my personal reasoning for bringing in RDF when I was on that side.

No, its a pitiful amount really but it happens. Comparing them to other servers or their alliance isnt really a justification for RDF though. Maybe free transfers to them.

That’s life on a low pop realm and sooner or later, theyre gonna be 80 and have access to more people.

For what its worth Hwan, even though we dont see eye to eye, I really do appreciate you discussing this with me like a normal person.

Hwan drew the short straw this time

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See told you but it was just one person so i was wrong in that regards.

Grts, there is a lot of bad trucking jobs out there, looks like you found a gem, i am glad for you.

Heh. By the way, I have to admit $15/month is definitely worth the entertainment of toying with trolls. It’s more fun than playing WoW anyway.

“Kevin Jordan was a class designer, not overall game design. And by Wrath he was barely active at all. He also was dead set against the boost being added to Classic.”

Proof Blizz has good people working there.

That’s why I’m going to retire here, been here 8 years.


Boosts being in either retail or classic is bad. the fact Kevin jordan is right on this doesn’t mean he’s right about anything else. he’s a moron. but much like broken clock, its right twice a day. his opinion on RDF have categorically been disproven. we’ve shown the evidence on this. soon you’re gonna see people requiring X GS to get into dungeons. but muh social skills.

PS you’re still a liar.

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Again with these excuses man.

You are responsible to provide the timestamp of the video to back up your claim, 1 person asked the timestamp and you called them lazy, you withheld it, I did your work for you and put in a time stamp for those who dont want to watch 3 hours for one thing.

You’re still not getting RDF.

That’s the truth. :rofl:

Because he refused to even look for the video that was posted in this thread before i reposted it. He chose not to even try to search this thread for it whrn it had already been posted. With the excuse that because it wasnt directed at him he wont read it.

Careful, they may have an allergic reaction to that.

Symptoms include but are not limited to insults, laziness, and more not disclosed here.

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oh yeah you so sure on this? you realize blizzard has routinely and in copious amounts of time back tracked on what they said in the same xpac.

PS you’re still a liar.

Same, and I’ve making about 30k+ more than I was with my computer science and engineering degree, coupled with 24 years of industry experience.

It’s stupid.

Frightening part, is I kind of like the grunt work. Pays well, and I’m in better shape than when I was in the military.

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