RDF isn't coming to WotLK

no lies detected.

You should put that on your “trucking” resume.

two things can be true my dude. he dropped out of high school, and got a PHD. but i mean i guess this fact never ran through your pitiful brain.

Well he thinks that a piece of paper stating he attended for 12 years is some kind of accomplishment.

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You can’t compare educational systems of the times nor the countries…this part I am sure you don’t understand because it does not fit your parroting narrative.

the current education system is nothing more training to be a good obedient stooge for whatever company go to work for. why do you think they use bells to tell you when and where you are supposed to be.

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Its harder to fail out of high school than it is to pass it. They basically push you through it. Dude probably keeps his employee of the month award next to his diploma

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I’m sure for you it would be. It was only my steppingstone to where I am today. Finically sound for the rest of my life.

Absolutely. A lifetime supply of employee discounts at the local McD’s definitely helps save money

Want a high school diploma? move to Oregon you literally can fail everyone of your classes and still walk out with a high school diploma.

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That seems pretty obvious for 3 or 4 of you in this forum.

Most Smart Anti-RDFer.

I promise you we are all proud of you getting promoted from deep fryer to frontline cashier. You couldnt have done it without all those years in soclal studies and biology classes.

With some social lessons from Fahundo you will surely be the best at upsizing peoples combos.


Actually I think working the drive-through window really helps hone those social skills.


remember when McNasties used to ask if you wanted to Super size their meals? those were the real salesmen.


The real good ones talked you into buying apple fritters with the super size. One day our boy Radalpho will be that skilled at his job


I’m already at the place I’m going to retire so I don’t think I’m going to need to update my resume


You make a lot of deliveries then…

Yea, I deliver locally.

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So now i have to do w/e you clowns tell me? Lol

I am not responsible for giving you all the answers. All i am required to do to back my claim is point to where said answers are. Not the exact line, sentence, time stamp, exc. But hay, feel free to feel entitled for having your hand held.

Wasnt i told to do it a moment ago?

So hard to look at the transcript and search on page for relevant words! Oh wait, its not. I dont like giving all the answers to people who refuse to even try to find them. I will point them in the durection they need to look, and let them chose if it means enough to them to educate themselves. Clearly it didnt mean enough to them though.