RDF isn't coming to WotLK

Where did Mr Data Points go?

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He will need a minute, hes watching Fahundos positive self affirmation youtube guide


It was a stronger version but no one is accuse you of having the processing power to determine that.

No, it actually doesn’t.

Your told to provide a timestamp, you called Kurathis lazy and withheld it, I did your homework for you.

Your told to repost the video because it would be saving time than scrolling, you again called him lazy and I did your homework for you again.

You are just making excuses because you don’t want to admit you withheld it.

Yeah because I’m mainly calling you out on it, you called someone lazy because they ask you the timestamp, listen man, no one is going to watch a 3 hour video with a chance they may not find it the video at all and having their time wasted. I value my time and I have better things to do with my time.

As for the portion of that interview however, I have stated this in this forum, having no RDF has not done anything to restore the social dynamic to as it was 15 years ago as the Anti’s hoping it would, the only thing that is restored however is now people care about their reputation and thats it, the only remains of this social dynamic that are present is through guilds and maybe your realm discord, anything outside of those two things are non existent.

Someone in the interview that said that their guild only source of getting recruits is running dungeons and when RDF came out and they can’t recruits and I’m like that sounds like a Guild Leadership problem and not the system.

Also another person in the interview is also talking about ninja looting and I’m like my god can we not have this “Ninja looting only happens in RDF” argument please? Ninja looting existed since the dawn of time on this game.

Dps dungeon queues in retail are 5-15 minutes.

you can see the response to Redheadchild above.

As for “RDF making the game more single player since they no longer require being social in an MMO” bro looking at the number of people online on Westfall horde and looking at its LFG and being only 1 person on there but given its a character that I stopped leveling so I can only see most of the vanilla dungeons, just makes Westfall horde a single player experience.

Also the require being social part, the only requirement is to join a guild, otherwise no its not a requirement.

If RDF and LFR is so bad for the Social dynamic of the game than why do games like FFXIV which has RDF and LFR that goes under Duty finder and still have a social dynamic?

I have said to Axe and Fahundo earlier in this thread, if you take RDF and LFR out of Cataclysm Classic, Cataclysm is still a bad expansion. You could also say the same to WoD, BFA and Shadowlands, they are still bad expansions even if you take out RDF and LFR from the equation.

This is happening in Classic right now, I have ran a lot of dungeons during Classic and there are rare cases where I see socialization happening.

Uhh I can list myself right now and get invited without even talking to anyone.

160 horde online is not a lot when you compare it to how many alliance is on server is online in prime time

which is spread in all levels btw, I broke that down and not all level ranges are going to share the same potential to run content except max level.

Thats cool that 5 people actually did the dungeon but still it doesn’t mean it is easy.

I would have a much more easier time on finding and forming a group on alliance Westfall than horde Westfall.

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Reading their nonsense doesn’t make it any easier to process.


Bless your little heart.

Lies detected. You are a liar.

Do you have data that my heart is “little”??

Cite your source.:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Yes, we need data points.

As soon has he/she stated they didn’t graduate high school, it all made perfect sense. I really feel bad. If I had only known, I would have never tried to engage someone below my educational standards. There is a saying for him, you can’t fix…

ah yes because completing high school is an indicator of intelligence. since when has this ever been the case. just because you get a PHD just means you spent the time to get a PHD doesn’t indicate your IQ is higher than everyone else. it does show you are willing to persist through to get the degree. and yes its possible to get a PHD with an IQ of 110. mean while there are people with IQs of much higher than 110 who did not get a college degree let alone graduate from high school or obtain their GED. so spare us the high school intelligence argument.

Einstein dropped out of High School.

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What happened to your ignore list that I was on? Thought I was on it with all of my “alts” (that I don’t have).

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the irony.

Ah the irony of you continuing to use the same parroting phrase over and over.

the irony is the more often i share the truth the sweeter it sounds when i read it.

And I have been smoking you on the forums all afternoon.


Remember when this thread was about RDF? This is what the anti-rdf trolls have been doing for months now: change the subject because they have no argument against RDF.


You should also do your homework.
Einstein graduated college and got a PhD. You can’t compare educational systems of the 1900’s with the educational systems of the 2020’s (other than I suspect the ones back then were not full of lazy students).