RDF isn't coming to WotLK

uh count me in there as one of them. so thats 2.


Well, there we go… a whole 2 people. So, let’s see…

Two new people who have alts want RDF. I’m sure Blizzard will get right on that, especially for you “two geniuses”.

So my “opinion” has been proven.

Thanks for playing

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I mean corpse knows that but hes the simone biles of mental gymnastics


LOL – great, one less emotionally challenged person I have to attempt to communicate with (though this is my only toon I post on) but if I get some alts I post on, I’ll let ya know.

You should realize that not everyone cares about perfect english on the wow forums.

Ah so you admit it was an opinion and not a fact …glad to see you finally figured it out. OPINION – look it up, understand it, write it down 100 times for the future.

Sorry you must have missed the quotes.

I was just quoting what you called it.

I’ll be on the forums for at least the next hour if you need me to keep educating you

Imagine getting this destroyed on the forums by a stupid truck driver like myself.

I’m a high school drop out btw.


You seem to care more about things that dont really matter though, like 26g and badges

No, you had it right the first time… you should be at the pharmacy for an hour (before you correct it) picking up meds.

Apparently tongue and cheek is also something (besides intelligence and emotional stability) that elude you.

You getting rekt is hilarious.


I must admit - this tells me everything I need to know and now totally understand why you are emotionally and intellectually challenged.

I must also admit I feel bad for you now that you somehow think you’ve destroyed anyone on a forum (if that is a thing which it is not) somehow matters in life.

I sure hope you get the help you need.

They might not matter to you, but that might just be because you are not looking at it from the sociological aspects that essentially force rdf to be the standard option used, nor at the long term effects it has.

Im fine with an automatic cross realm grouping system if thats all it does. But the moment you make it substantially more efficent, more rewarding, and less overall effort it becomes the standard.

If your goal was really to help all those people leveling get groups, you would care about that cross realm grouping aspect, and not care about the non group forming bonus rewards just for using the rdf tool being removed.

Yet you do. Which means you want rdf for more than just the group forming aspect.

I’m confused why anyone cares about the queue rewards. What possible reason would anyone not want to use RDF to queue for a dungeon?

It has nothing to do with the group forming process, so throw that out. So the difference is teleporting to a dungeon rather than being summoned there. Is that really a reason to remove RDF? That’s so absurd.

Ive told you the only thing I care about is the grouping, the teleport and no lockouts. Everything else they can get rid of for all i care

And no, the travelling to the dungeon is neither effort nor is it important.

If you care about gold you would not be doing dungeons at all, regardless of the 26g from RDF it’s a terrible way to farm gold.


It just makes me feel good knowing you wasted all that money on an education that couldn’t beat a high school dropout.


He wont, he is to busy using text to speach on these forums WHILE DRIVING. He admitted to doing this himself…

Add that with all the horrible safety practices the trucker industry fails to teach new drivers as a whole, im honestly worried for his life and those around him.



These are not related to grouping though. These are bonus rewards just for using the tool. I would be fine with the teleport being activated as long as 2 players are in the instance because then it acts as summoning stones, but teleport and no lockouts are not related to the grouping aspect.