RDF isn't coming to WotLK

They don’t want data. It’s the same people asking for proof the majority of players want RDF. You then point to polls totaling tens of thousands of votes that are all massively pro-rdf, and immediately they say that’s not real official data. Because…there is none!

They ask a question with criteria that they know can’t be answered.


Your evidence was “YOU CANT” run a single dungeon on Westfall as horde. You said it was impossible. Literally impossible. That was your evidence for RDF, remember?

They were running a pair of dungeons and then the goal posts moved to include lowbie dungeons because they matter all of the sudden when you get caught with your pants down.

Well, they were running 2 leveling dungeons, 2 80 dungeons and a 10 man raid. So according to your own words, they did the impossible. I guess because Blizz secretly installed RDF on their server? Couldn’t have been because they tried or talked to each other.

Sorry a 100+ man low pop server burst your RDF bubble and youre just too stubborn to admit you were wrong. Dont worry, Zaalg will kiss it better for you and you can forget it ever happened.

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Hey I was just popping in to see if the RDFs in the chat crowd got what they wanted yet

You misunderstood what “new” meant.

New as in people like me, NEW players to the leveling scene.

I am speaking facts, I am literally atleast 1 new player added to the pool of people leveling.

Even if you’re going to be intentionally stupid, I am still a new person that is added to the leveling pool because of rdf.

You don’t need blizzards data for this, you have me telling you what I am going to do.

No one is going to do ulduar on the 19th either, unless you give me blizzards data that shows people did.



Then you’ve supported my case. Your statements are not “100% facts” as you so casually stated. They are your opinions. Just as much as the other side state theirs as “facts” I challenge them as well.

You are free to tell me I have no common sense all you want, but I’m not the one running around stating that my (out of control emotional rampage) opinion is “100% fact” and everyone else’s is not (by dismissing them).

Ulduar is a fact because Blizzard stated when it was going to drop. They are the only ones who can provide those actual data facts, everyone else would have always been a guess (some may have hit the actual date, others may have not). Speaking of lack of common sense …

I dont care about grammar on these forums. Deal with it.

Sadly no. Blizzard is purposefully gatekeeping dungeons from low pop and solo players with amazing social skills to purposefully make RDF posters look bad so it looks like they dont know what theyre talking about.

Blizz staff is trying to suppress the truth so they can keep their jobs. If the truth came out they would all be fired and replaced by the qualified armchair developers in this thread.

Blizzard has it. And they chose no rdf.

It is fact that more people would level with rdf, that isn’t opinion.

My claim wasn’t that ulduar wouldn’t launch on the 19th my claim was that no one would do it and you can’t prove they would to me unless you had blizzards numbers to show me they did.

I’m asking for the same stupid idiotic stuff you are.

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Saying RDF would add players to the dungeon pool is a fact.

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Please reread to catch up.

No one claimed they did add it.

It must be difficult for your ego to be challenged when people tell you opinions are not facts. My suggestion to you is, seek some counseling or medications.

Supply data points that show this, otherwise it is opinion.

Supply data points to support your opinion.

It’s not an opinion. It’s a fact.

Not everything needs your word-of-the-day data points. There is such a thing as common sense.

If I slash my car’s tires, I won’t drive as fast. I don’t need to actually get a knife to prove it.


Imagine being you.


You should ask the private school for their participation award back

If you think this is a fact, show your datapoints. Pretty simple to be honest, so simple that you should be able to understand.

I don’t have to imagine. I am me and I love everything about being me, including leveling without any RDF.

How you coming with your RDF situation?

I had enough and threw him on my Ignore list with his other alts. Be a lot easier if the trolls would just pick 1 character to post on.