RDF isn't coming to WotLK

What a coincidence.

Hey I mean youve seen the way I act in here are you surprised?

You’re presenting a claim, that RDF “empirically ruined the social fabric of WOW” or whatever. So the onus is on you to prove that claim. You can’t make a wild claim and then demand that other people disprove it.

I was waiting for it.

“The earth is flat.”
“Ok… why do you believe that.”
“Hey there’s plenty of proof out there man.”
“Ok, well share that proof with me then.”
“Hey look man, I’m not gonna hold your hand here. dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh.”
What a freaking meme… :rofl:


When the suspension is done, feel free to comment to me to prove it.

Dude, I have played since Vanilla. Maybe I saw a decline in the Social dynamic after RDF was implemented but when Classic rolled around, the social dynamic between Vanilla and Classic is a night and day difference, to say that removing RDF has brought any semblance of this social dynamic back is Heavy rose tinted goggles :poop:.

I’m not surprised considering you dropped a couple of “R” words here.

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That is quite the long winded way of saying “would you like fries with that?”


I kinda already did brah.

I’m in the guild.

I have the same cringe e.

Someone told me I was bad at the game.

I’m better than 99.9% of the wow forum goers so I had to clap back.

Being in a guild doesn’t prove anything… brah.

Damn you jelly?


Am I jealous? Of what? You haven’t proven anything yet.

What else am I gonna do when Im having lunch and doing some stupid quests?

So when I reply in March 27 you’re gonna apologize and own up to calling me a liar yeah?

If you reply on March 27, and I get that notification, and you prove it, I won’t apologize, but I’ll accept it.

Lmaooo deal.

Not sure what’s so funny, but okie dokie.

I enjoy being right.

Yeah pretty much what I expected. Another nothing post with a self congratulatory pat on the back.

Its just a massive coincidence that the game got increasingly accessible and convenient and automated most every grouping option in the game complete with ezmode content and purchaseble game currency on behalf of the player and the game died.

Its a massive coincidence a dozen former devs said was a shift in philosophy ($$$) after a particular acquisition. Its a massive coincidence that industry insiders are on record as saying the games industry as a whole is about playing the players playing to exploit to make more money which Blizz openly did. Its a massive coincidence the former CEO said they made these moves to sell more boxes and subs and cash shop purchases and nothing else. Its a massive coincidence GC said he was relieved to be working on LoL so he didnt have to make a game for your grandmother. Its a massive coincidence every WoW clone failed. Its a massive coincidence that removing the human element from the human interaction makes it a phony recreation of the real interaction and people quit the game.

Yeah you got a handle on this one. When are you getting RDF again?

So than post your characters name?

We’ll see on March 27, won’t we?

Bophades with the cringe e, boys.