RDF isn't coming to WotLK

I can’t prove it on the WoW forums.

But even you agree that it just is.

Wow forums need a laugh react

Yep they’ll get quite a few running 10 and 25 mans.

Are you laughing because I’m a degenerate or because you don’t believe me?

I’m laughing because I don’t believe you.

don’t take the bait, bro. not worth the headache. they’re doing everything in their power to stir the pot.

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Again, we have been Classic for three years without RDF, removing RDF didn’t change the social dynamic of Classic or brought any semblance of it 16+ years ago back.

Damn my feelings are hurt.

Did you really just switch characters to respond…?

I can absolutely prove to you that removing air from a tire makes it flat. What are you even talking about?

A “flat tire” is a colloquial term for a deflated tire. Deflated being defined as “emptied of air or gas.” Therefore… if I were to let air out of a tire… it would result in it becoming deflated or “flat.” I could even show you a video of air leaking from a tire, resulting in it going flat if… for some reason… you still refused to accept my verbal proof.

Your arguments are completely moronic. Try harder.

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Hell yeah I did.

Good to know.

Also, apparently Blizz should remove all pvp from the game.

But yeah my statement was true and accurate. Thanks for being a fan tho

Switching to a 66 DK doesn’t make anything you said true.

Not sure how that works, but okay.

Yeah but still, you choose such a weird hill to die on.

Why even respond if all your text just adds up to a big fat zero? You just told me no it doesn’t without explaining how that is. Do you even know how debate and discussion work? You act like you do but that’s not the same thing is it? You claim correctness but thats not the same thing is it?

If you really want answers go look at the work being done in the area of cell phones and social media and its effects on human relationships. If you really want answers ask yourself how WoW went from MMO godhood to not even reporting sub numbers anymore.

Here’s a quick hint for you though. When you remove the human element in the human interaction you get a facsimile of it to replace it but its not real. If its not real then well, you do the math dude.

Try getting it right for once.

Doesn’t change the fact that it got destroyed by it though does it?

Again, Blizz is fine if you dont want to socialize and just view people as means to an end. They weren’t gonna be the responsible party this time around which is why it was removed.

Said everyone who is hiding on a low level


It’s true =)

My Pala account is suspended for being a meany in the forums.

However, I swapped to show I’m in the guild with the best time.

I’m also the tank for the run.
