RDF isn't coming to WotLK

uh huh. insults are the key to victory right? keep sipping on that delusion tea.

The only thing you win is a will smith slap to the nuts (with a sledge hammer).

How’s it feel to wake up and lose everyday, boys?

Then you didn’t play Cata and are confusing it with another expansion.

The changes to raid lockouts made pretty much every serious guild switch to 10 man and since the rest of the expansion was garbage…

don’t react out of anger. just mock the person. you’re lowkey insulting the person and making them look like the clown they are.

I ask you a question, what were trying to achieve here when you first replied to me? I’m not even talking you down.

You are making assumptions I did a nerd rage in a dungeon, called everyone in the dungeon bad when in reality this is not what I did.

You’re wrong. There’s no nice way to put it.

We have the benefit of hindsight here and before the first Classic was even announced it was universally accepted and empirically proven that things like RDF (and its raid equivalent) were not good decisions over the long term for obvious reasons.

If you could just let go of the bias you would see it.

To help you understand that your attitude will most certainly affect the amount of people willing to play with you. Moreover, this may be one of the reasons you struggle to find groups. There could be something undesirable about your attitude and the way others perceive you.

Never claimed you were, but using profanity at others is certainly not desirable. Do you think people want to be cursed at in their dungeon runs?

Based off the behavior you displayed while losing an internet argument which is fair assumption on my part to say the least.

I don’t know if I’d call it garbage. I liked the Molten Front, and loved the 80-85 questing. I disliked the old world revamp, but after leveling several characters in the original style…maybe it wasn’t as fun as I thought. That was definitely some rose-tinted goggles. But if I want that experience, Classic Era will always be there. With RDF maybe I’d enjoy the new leveling. And of course RDF is essential for max level dungeons.

Leveling dungeons are dead.




Clearly you have no idea what “empirically proven” means.

If you’re gonna use “big” words to try to sound smart or give your argument more weight you should really make sure you know what they mean first…

That’s why I don’t use big words, I’m hella stupid

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I’m not though.

And we have been playing this game without RDF for 3 years.

Social dynamic is completely different than what it was 16+ years ago and to say it the same now is heavy rose tinted goggle :poop:.

There is no realm identity, the only one here is grobbulas.

The only source of social interaction and community is your guild, outside of that, there is none.

To say RDF and LFR caused the game to be on decline and caused bad expansions is just delusional, especially when some people have played those expansions.


i mean two things can be true at the same time. Cataclysm was a terrible expansion and it have good aspects about the game its self. such as the leveling. the zones were gorgeous the quests were good. the molten front wasn’t trassh. had a lot of great hunter pets. Firelands was the best part of the expansion. but when you have only a handful of things that were fun about the expansion it leads to a poor experience. now the pvp community will coo about how great the pvp was. and thats fine, i’ve never had a fondness for the pvp aspect of wow. total engagement after the leveling was abysmal. it was at every turn Blizzard made categorically hung blunders with cataclysm. the time that expansion needed was another 6-8 months of development to get everything they had hoped to get into it. and it shows with how much of an eye sore the xpac was as a whole. again no expansion is with out its positives. but the expansion had more glaring issues than it had positives. long content droughts. poor communications. knee jerk reactions.


I could sit here and critique every positive and negative of the expansion. I particularly didn’t like how talent trees were neutered. But at the end of the day, all that matters is: is it worth my time to play? Would I get enjoyment out of it? I would…contingent on RDF being in the game. Also, if I look less fondly on an expansion I’m less let down when the Classic Team inevitably screws it up. Which they probably will.

This game is so bad I get to 100% raid log.

Jeynar, why do you feel the need to defend this so badly? It’s a game. I went through your post history, and you’ve posted over ~50 times in the past 24 hrs. :rofl: This game is not that important.

But when you log off, just think of the joy it brings to players knowing you’re not online, but instead asleep in your bed!!

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so i definitely we could sit here and critique the expansion. but there were things i liked that made about the talents like making things like Scourge and crusader strike be a little more accessible to gameplay. or making aimed shot a level up move for marks. there are a bunch of things that went wrong. and the wow team didn’t acknowledge and double downed in further expansions.