RDF isn't coming to WotLK

at this point i see them nothing more as trolls. because thats the only thing i can see this being the fact they refuse to accept the fact an issue of active players engaging in an activity is a problem the fact they can’t or refuse to see this leands me to believe they are indeed trolling.

That’s not the issue here. What I’m saying is that if we rewound time to when he supported Anti-RDF crowds, he’d be in agreement with what they are currently saying. So, technically, he’d also have been a troll, and therefore, he’s actually calling himself a troll.

RDF killed WoW.

You are fake news.

Thats not an issue but go.

Not always available at your beck and call, you might have someone that is a higher level than you and the dungeon and they will tank your XP by existing in the group within the same instance, you might have a friend that does have work, healer not interested or your friends doing other things.

Same as above.

Again same as above.

Same as above.

Why would I want to do this?

Its not about attitude man.

I will keep saying this to you and please stop ignoring this.

With or Without RDF in Cataclysm classic, Cataclysm is still a bad expansion, you have no ground to stand on, please stop trying to die on this weird hill.


No need for the past tense. That hasn’t changed.

You don’t think your attitude impacts the amount of people that want to play with you? I think I found the reason behind your struggles to find groups.

Part of that was cuz RDF was in it which proceeded LFR. I dont need a guild or a single friend to do content. Kinda what Blizz and the world meant about turning the game into a single player experience but whatevs. You guys are impervious to logic.

Oh attitude surely does, which is why the anti RDF wants to force people to play with with them. Given the option of course no one would want to play with some of the weird control freaks who don’t want RDF.

i think attitude does have an impact around the people you play with. but i also don’t think it does a quick one and done if all you are doing is spamming lfg for 2-3 dps, a tank or healer. i don’t think there really is much attitude to be had if the interactions are kept brief and non-existent. now if you start exploding in raids yeah thats gonna create a negative impact on your ability to find play.

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Weird control freaks, trolls, etc.

No wonder you guys are losing the war!

Well that’s an impressive amount of mental gymnastics. You think anti-RDF “forces” people to play with them? How do they accomplish that? Why don’t those that are being “forced” go to the police?

Being closed off, anti-social, unapproachable, and quiet is an attitude in and of itself. You have to put yourself out there if you want others to play with you. Why would anyone want to play with someone who never says a word or someone that is incapable of having a conversation?

Losing? This is great this is the best raid log expansion I’ve ever played.

Log on Tuesday finish all the raids and then log off till Tuesday.

If rdf was in the game I might actually feel compelled to level so thank God for that


Apparently you didn’t read my prior post, so I’ll repeat it.

There’s a difference between being ignorant and being a troll. I was ignorant. I’ve admitted that. My stalker likes to link my old posts and I welcome that. Being open-minded and changing my opinion is something I’m proud of. Also, it brings me great satisfaction knowing a troll wastes hours of his life searching my old posts simply because he can’t grasp the concept some people are able to admit they were wrong and adjust their views.

My point is that you’re wasting your time. Redhead, Corpse and their alts aren’t ignorant. They’re deliberately trolling you. There was no RDF debate back when I was making those posts. It was speaking into a vacuum with no one challenging my views, because EVERYONE expected RDF to be in Wrath. It’s easy to hold a clueless viewpoint when you’re not forced to actually think about the situation logically. That no longer holds true after like 8 months of debate on the topic, particularly in posters who have made thousands of posts on the subject.

But by all means continue indulging in your fruitless endeavor. Play right into the trolls’ hands.


lets be clear i don’t want to know about your day. i don’t care about your day. i don’t care that you need 3 cups of wine to deal with your terrible job. i don’t care that your fluffy is the greatest cat in the world. i don’t care. i know that sounds awful but in 2023. i just want the dungeon done so i can move on. i have better things to accomplish than hearing about how your day was. or hearing how you got skunked in naxx 10 and 25 for gear. i couldn’t care less. and the majority of players don’t care either.

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What made you change your mind? People explaining that your viewpoint was based on incorrect information?

Remove RDF and LFR and you still have a bad expansion.


I don’t know what you mean dying on a hill.

My side won bro, you’re the one dying on a hill lmfaooooooo

Yup. But people are free to socialize all they want. But it can’t be forced. Social interaction is going to happen or it’s not and RDF isn’t the cause. It’s simply up to the players. RDF does create far, far more dungeon runs. Which means meeting and interacting with more players. More chances and opportunities to be social. So there’s that.

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And you decided to play an old school MMORPG that focuses on community? And you want to change that focus because you’d rather be anti-social and interact with others as little as possible? Even though there are several games out there that offer this experience including Retail?

Do you see why Blizzard has ignored your requests for RDF for a year now?

Nope, just sharing my experience.

I’ve not made this argument yet. Please, keep up.

Right, this is all making sense now. You don’t think your attitude affects your group prospects and this is how you speak to people you don’t even know? Again, I can see the reason you struggle to find groups. People are less likely to play with someone that treats others this way.

RDF doesn’t fix that. It will just make you more replaceable when you do eventually showcase that bad attitude in PUGs.