RDF isn't coming to WotLK

I have, multiple times throughout the RDF posts in this forum.

A year after RDF introduced, subs went up but after Cataclysm was released subs went down.

You can pinpoint on how RDF ruined Cataclysm all you but I also said this to Gosakii, You take out RDF from Cata classic, Cataclysm is still going to be a bad expansion with or without RDF.


He still is, his tactic merely changed from staunch RDF opposer to double-agent RDF supporter, with seemingly pro-RDF takes that hilariously only support the anti-RDF cause.

sorry the only R words in this chat are the ones that presented objective facts and refuse to accept it for what it is. oh one of which got caught manipulating data.

I mean you can do the whole denial ignorance is bliss thing to spare yourself the horror of being completely incorrect but the wording of the text thoroughly refutes you regardless of what you need to do for your mental health.

You can then project like nobodies business and call people pointing the stupidly obvious contradiction liars for whatever that does for you. I really dont care.

You guys are the living embodiment of why we dont have RDF and why you’re never going to get it. So carry on doing the lords work I say.

Godspeed Kell.

Yes, it would provide a better leveling experience.

Heroic + is just a catch up mechanic in terms of gear. If its going to be giving Naxx 10 gear, then thats 200ilvl (which dungeons already drop) and at max 213 ilvl at best. So if there is going to be a difficulty increase, it cant be by much if any so its just putting raid gear into regular heroics.

GW2 mounts have interactions with the game. Raptor jumps greater distances allowing you to jump across a broken bridge for instance, the Springer (giant rabbit) allows you to jump high, the Skimmer is fast on water, the Jackel teleports and can use certain portals, the Gryphon is better gliding, Roller Beetle is the fastest on land and the Skyscale is what Dragon Riding is almost 100% taken from. The dragon glyphs are just masteries, the animations are basically the same and a side by side comparison was put out when they announced it and its pretty egregious of what Blizzard did in my opinion.

Im not actually against RDF either. I am against lies that people have been trying to peddle. Thats why I asked where did anyone say “RDF increased sub numbers” like people are trying to claim others are saying and they cant provide a single receipt.

Subs went down after RDF therefore RDF is bad.

Pretty easy conclusion to make tbh


The point is, you were adamantly against RDF - heck, your posts keep getting linked in each thread you even comment in, and in those comments you say things like RDF ruined the social fabric of the game.

Now, you turn around and tell us the people that hold your previous viewpoint are just trolls. Therefore, you were a troll.


And you lost 99.99% of your brain cells.


Nice name, idiot.

Lmfao survivors of lordaeron.

Actual bot guild.

well if nothing else i can actually say for once out side of the usual suspect i had a productive conversation with someone in this thread. like i said i’ll ask my buddy about the dragon flying from GW2.

Take RDF out of Cata classic and you will be in for wild ride.

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but it didn’t and that is why you are wrong. but nice try.

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What sub graph? Blizzard hasn’t released numbers for its games since WoD. (unless you seriously trying to use numbers from 15 years ago to make commentary regarding a niche side game of a 20 year old MMO with 6 straight bad expansions to its name, im sure it was RDF that killed WoW sub numbers. Not a decade of poor game development)

Or are you one of those people who uses “raid clears” as a benchmark for how many people are playing the game?

Never have issues putting parties together.

Never have issues putting raids together.

Never have issues getting into BG or Arenas.

Never have issue finding people to do Open World stuff.

And I play on a locked server that is allegedly “dead”.

Maybe I am just lucky and my play time lines up with Sulfuras peak active time…or maybe the whole “dead game” is blown out of proportion and the instant gratification of Retail is back at the forefront because people spent the last 2 months playing around in DF and realize and realize well damn maybe having a dungeon finder/raid finder isn’t really that much of a detriment to the game after all.

All that being said…I don’t see why adding Group Finder into Classic will harm it at all. Except for maybe those handful of purists who elite PVP camping summoning stones, having less targets to “honourably” kill.

And nothing more? There is your issue.

You did step 1. Now for 2-7.

  1. Ask friends
  2. Ask guilds you have connections to (not just your guild)
  3. Post on guild discords
  4. Post on server discords
  5. Preplan the run
  6. Make more friends by having a better attitude overall and playing for more than just yourself.

You do 1 of 7 possible ways to speed up your ability to group. So of course your method is only 14% efficent.

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Dude, just shut up. My god.

okay, so what if he was. is it at all possible he might have changed his mind on this subject? are people not allowed to so? i think its quite narrow not allow to change their opinions. now if he is just being facetious we shouldn’t tolerate this nonsense. but if he’s being sincere then let it be. we don’t know whether he’s being sincere but for the past what 1800 odd posts i haven’t seen him say one anti-rdf thing.

Definitely - and I embrace that. However, given the fact that he calls everyone who is against RDF trolls, that means he’s nothing but a troll, too. THAT is the problem.

None of those are as effective as RDF if you just want to pug a dungeon.

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I put all the graphs here already.

Rdf increases subs.