RDF is coming monkaS

wrong those changes that gave a bag or gold where introduced in CAtaclysm, not in Wrath try again

nah im gonna check on my tank, are you anti or pro RDF, if you say your happy with no RDF you get no invite.

If you aren’t intelligent enough to tell the difference between the following, you should go back to school:

releasing content in phases


managing all the merge conflicts in the database of the different class balance iterations and items pre/post nerf and the implications of classes being grossly op or unviable until ICC

Why they release it on ICC class balance is clear for anyone who has more than two brain cells. Not only does it eliminate the need to manage thousands of merge conflicts, it allows people to play the class they want because it’s the most complete form of balance. It is in no way analogous to adding the RDF.

rdf is still just a tool to be used or not used. it is a CHOICE. removing RDF removes a choice. and who are any of us to be taking away other peoples choices. RDF provides a tool that is widely accepted by the less hardcore meta players, its a tool that helps smaller server communities survive, its a tool that helps smaller guilds prosper, its a tool that CAN lead to many friendships forged, guild membership increases, and alliances built between guilds based on the interaction within the dungeon. you can argue the same thing can be done with the current LFG tool and i could only half agree… RDF provides no gatekeeping options, LFG provides nothing but gatekeeping options. LFG chat is extremely toxic and racism, perversion, and political garbage clog up the channel.

And before you say … “you dont have to even have the channel open, dont use it” i would say you may want to examine that solution and ask yourself “if i tell him this, why cant i just not use RDF?” how hypocritical do you have to be to say that along with the old favorite of mine… “dont like it go play retail” well guess what… “dont like it, go back to classic servers. they are still there you know”

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It’s funny, you called me low IQ and this is the second time you used the wrong your/you’re

RDF was always coming later in the xpac. They’re going to use it as a marketing ploy to increase sub numbers once content starts getting stale later on… the same way they did in 2009…

no see you dont understand, i get it, your a low iq troll, i understand you never finished grade school


You might want to Google the Dunning Kruger effect.

RDF was an annouced feature for Wrath in 2007

So was dance studio


oh look a troll post, when he can’t win on merit he tries to disqualify on grammer because he has no valid argument, nice try little troll, better luck next time

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I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. But also… no


Bro you can’t even spell grammar either.

Clearly one should not insult someone’s intelligence when their english is worse than an elementary school student.

Sounds great to me.

yea this isn’t english class, and you don’t get to call me bro, that’s reserved for people i wouldn’t punch in the face.

It was on the box and everything.

You wouldn’t punch me in the face because you wouldn’t be able to fill out the legal paperwork correctly afterwards :joy:

what legal paperwork, I’ve punched many a people in the face, I don’t fill out paperwork, i just tell the officer you used offensive lanauge that i considered fighting words and took action. Thank god for Texas

Yea that’s definitely not how it works in Texas

Source: 30+ years in Texas…

Sure thing bud, and then everybody clapped and every bombshell in a 10 mile radius threw herself at you. /s

You called me low IQ, don’t get mad when I point out that your IQ is much lower than mine, and that’s not a high bar.